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The Open Society- Media, Democracy and Multiculturalism

AEGEE Novi Sad invites the representatives of your organization to attend the Academic Training Course "The Open Society- Media, Democracy and Multiculturalism", Youth for South-East Europe project, which will take place in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, between 7-14 December 2002.

The Training course aims at helping young activists of nongovernmental organizations from transition countries in the SEE region gain a deeper insight and understanding of the complex matters which influence their activities and daily life and to offer the participants a much needed possibility to improve the knowledge, skills and contacts relevant to their youth work. This would be achieved through the series of team-building activities: plenary sessions, case study sessions and tutorials. The participants will be students and young professionals who hold key positions in South-East European non-governmental organizations.

Number of participants: 40.
Age range: 18-28.

The participants will be selected according to the following criteria:
Current and future activities;
Participation in international networks and/or cross-border initiatives;
Personal motivation.

There are two types of participation fees:
For citizens of non EU countries - 50 Euros;
For citizens of EU countries - 60 Euros.

In the fee are included: lodging in hotel, 3 meals per day, documents and training material. Organizers will provide reimbursement of 50% of travel costs for citizens of SEE countries.

Additional information and applications: available on: and y4seens@eunet.yu
Deadline for submitting applications: 15.11.2002.

Data: 06.11.2002 Sursa: VOLUNTAR nr. 26

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