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Introduction to Organising International Youth Activities

A training course, "Introduction to Organising International Youth Activities", takes place on May 13-24, 2003, at the European Youth Centre, Strasbourg.
In general, candidates should:
be aged between 18 and 30 (exceptions may be made on the basis of justification);
be actively involved in a youth organisation,
preferably in the field of international co-operation or activities,
or be preparing to take on responsibilities at an international level;
be well informed about their organisation and prepared to explain its activities to the other participants;
be able to work in one of the two working languages of the course (English or Russian);
be committed to attend for the entire duration of the course and be supported by their youth organisation or service.

The application form can be downloaded at or

This form should be sent directly to the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg, together with a letter of recommendation from the sending organisation or service, by 6 January 2003.
Board and lodging are provided and paid for by the Directorate of Youth and Sport.
Travel expenses and visa fees (on presentation of the relevant receipts) are reimbursed according to Directorate of Youth and Sport rules, similar to those applied to study sessions.
An enrolment fee of 54 Euro per participant will be deducted from the amount to be reimbursed for travel expenses.


Data: 26.11.2002 Sursa: VOLUNTAR nr. 263, 25 noiembrie 2002

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