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CONCEPT Foundation announces open competition for the Capacity Building Program

The aims of the Capacity Building Program are: Capitalizing the previous activities (achievements) of the Arts and Culture Network Program after its phasing down by transmitting a substantial part of its role to capable institutions, organizations and resource centers in Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Caucasus and Mongolia, so that the selected organizations undertake the role of a "knowledge- transmitter", advocate core issues in public debates and assist the "new-comers" in developing strategic thinking and activities. This "delegation" of the network strategy to grass-root organizations and local/regional institutions, which are already capable to fulfill a key role in the region, is of crucial importance in regional capacity development in the cultural sphere and empowerment of local actors

? Strengthening the capacity of several regional institutions (by providing a substantial organizational grant) in the following fields: Art Management Training Center; Policy Research Center; Art for Social Change Center, Central Asia, Caucasus and Balkan Regional Centers. These institutions will be selected in the course of an international competition.

General Criteria For Selection
- Organization?s potential to stimulate regional cooperation, networking and communication
- Organization?s potential to implement regional cultural projects
- Organization?s ability to initiate innovative and interdisciplinary models of cultural and artistic actions on a multilateral basis
- Organization?s regional expertise in one of the following areas: cultural policy and research, arts management training, arts for social changes
- Evidences for strong cooperation with partners from the region
- Clear, concrete and realistic vision concerning the long and short term perspectives of the regional cultural and artistic cooperation and development
- Credibility and professionalism of the institution/the team, involved in the realization of the project.

The amount of the grant for each organization is up to $ 50 000.
The deadline for submitting applications is March 15, 2003, 17.00.

Applications submitted after deadline will not be considered.

All applications should be submitted in 3 copies and 1 electronic form, to CONCEPT Foundation

44 Regina Elisabeta Bv., Entrance A, 3rd floor, flat nr. 34, 5th district, zip code 706071, Bucharest;
phone: 01-313 24 08 / 01-311 12 52;

Data: 03.03.2003 Sursa: Concept

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