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Second European Training Session within the Project "NATIONAL HISTORIES IN SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPE


We are pleased to announce the Second European Training Session, within our project "National Histories in South-Eastern Europe and History of a United Europe", to be organised in Timisoara in the period 20-23 of March 2003, by the YOUTH & STUDENT DEPARTMENT of the EUROLINK - House of Europe, Bucharest-Romania - Member of the International Federation of Europe Houses (FIME), the SOCIETY of HISTORICAL STUDIES "ERASMUS" - Member of the International Students' in History Association (ISHA) -, in co-operation with the YOUTH PROGRAMME OF PEOPLE'S PARLIAMENT (Yugoslavia) and YOUTH COUNCIL IN PRILEP (Macedonia), and kindly supported by the Higher Education Support Program of the Open Society Institute, and also the City Hall of Timisoara and Focus Vest Press Group.

The partner-organisations aim to influence the consolidation of a new educational mentality and tools, concerning the studies and understanding of national History within the socio-humanistic faculties, especially stressing the role of national minorities, in accordance to the new European needs, standards, development trends and updated scientific/intercultural perspectives to be implemented within the academic environment, in view of the general process of the EU and Euro-Atlantic accession.

The target-group of the training session is composed by: post-graduate students in History and European/International Studies from all countries Members of the Stability Pact in SEE; recent Alumni in the same disciplines able to maintain a close contact with their younger professors and colleagues in the period of preparation for their first teaching or research degree/examination tests.

The event is honored by leading European professors and experts: Prof. Florian Bieber (Central European University), Prof. Vito D'Armento (University of Lecce, Italy), Assistant Prof. Corneliu Berari (CEP/Faculty of Political Sciences-Western Uiversity, Timisoara), Mr. Joaquim Pinto-Da-Silva (Expert, European Commission, Brussels) and Mrs. Ildiko Pataki (Associated Consultant - Center Educatia 2000+). The outcome of this event is to formulate proposals and recommendations to curricula national boards in the field of History in SEEC, to be recollected within a final White Paper.

At the end of this event, a Public Debate, focused on the Timisoara study-case of its multi-cultural diversity and inter-ethnic/confessional integration, proposed as a model for SEEC, in view of a United Europe. At this Debate, to be held on Monday, March 24th, at the City Hall of Timisoara, under the high patronage of the Mayor of Timisoara - Dr. Eng. Gheorghe Ciuhandu, and the distinguished guests from the Consulates of Germany, Austria, and Dutch Kingdom, and of the Representative Office of the Friulli-Veneto region of Italy in Timisoara.

Select post-graduate students, teachers, professors in socio-humanistic fields, as well as opinion leaders are invited to attend. For more details on registration to this Public Debate, please contact the organisers at: (no later than 12 March 2003).

International Federation of Europe Houses (FIME) Consultative Status to the Council of Europe Officially sponsored by the European Commission
EUROLINK - House of Europe Bucharest - ROMANIA
Sos. Colentina 2A, Bloc 3 ap. 45, sector 2
Tel./fax: (4021) 242.86.37

Youth and Student Department of EUROLINK-House of Europe

Recomandam "Euroconferinte" este un proiect realizat de pagina web Integrarea Europeana a Moldovei si Casa Europei din Moldova

Data: 03.03.2003 Sursa: EuroConferinte

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