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Grevena, Macedonia, 29th & 30th March 2003

Background: Within the framework of the Greek Presidency, considering the need for an effective co-operation between the border South East European countries with the European Union and the priority which must be given to multilateral cooperative matters for their quicker access, the General Secretariat for Youth organizes the Youth Conference of the South East European Countries, at Grevena, in March 2003. Aim: The conference aims to the motivation of young people of the area in order to actively participate in the citizenship, through the development of new forms of governance in the youth field, within the framework of the European Union. Main Theme: Governmental representatives of the member states and the South East European countries, representatives of the National Agencies of the YOUTH programme of the member states, young people of the above mentioned countries and representatives of the European Commission, are asked to elaborate and comment their position, independently and in common, concerning their active participation in the citizenship. The working groups will end up to conclusions, which will compose a final inference, in a declaration form, so it can be presented during the Council of Ministers for Education and Youth (Brussels, 5 & 6 May 2003).

Content: The participants will study and elaborate the topics of the conference, through their active participation in working groups and they will lead to conclusions, which will end up to a plenary session. Participants: There will be one governmental representative from each member state and each South East European country, three young people (aged 18-25) from the above-mentioned countries, one representative from each National Agency of the member states and representatives from the European Commission. Organisation: The Conference is organized by the General Secretariat for Youth and via the YOUTH Programme is co-financed by the European Commission.

For more information contact:
Hellenic National Agency of YOUTH Programme General Secretariat for Youth
417, Acharnon St., GR-111 43 Athens,
Tel.: +30 210 2599 364,
Fax: +30 210 2531 879,

Data: 21.03.2003 Sursa: Buletinul CONTACT Nr. 9

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