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Conference on Academic and Student Exchange in Europe May 22-25, 2003, Zagreb, Croatia

OBJECTIVES of the conference
' To enhance cooperation of the SE Europe with the European Unionand with partners internationally;
' To provide opportunity for the academic staff, universityadministrations, professionals internationally in higher education, and students to meet, exchange information about, and engage in each others' academic and scientific projects;
' To consider possibilities and interests for international student and professor exchange;
' To consider possibilities for standardization of university curricula within specific disciplines;
' To consider existing legislature, and various local, regional, European and international initiatives devised to promote international academic exchange and cooperation;
' To share views and experiences with regard to academic and scientific development and development strategies, modern trends in science and higher education, and opportunities and paths to overcome obstacles in international cooperation and exchange;
' To build bridges for progress, and continuous and enhanced academic cooperation in Europe.

Individuals and organizations in the fields of computer science, mathematics, sciences (biology, ecology, chemistry, physics, geology, geophysics), International Relations, International Law, Sociology, independent administrative representatives and higher education professionals:
' Academic staff & Scientists (professors and teachingassistants);
' Independent administration representatives;
' Undergraduate and graduate students;
' Professionals internationally for higher education issues;
' Representatives of commercial companies, foundations, and institutes;
' National and International Agencies and Organizations involved with Higher Education (ministries, agencies, institutes,foundations, etc.);
' National and international student organizations and student councils;
' Other (individuals and organizations).

1. Legal Framework and Infrastructure for Academic and Student Exchange and Cooperation: Analysis, Opportunities, Perspective
2. Inter-University Academic Staff/ Student Cooperation and Professor/Student Exchange in Europe and with South East Europe
3. Academic and Student Standards, Students' and Professors Rights, Students' Participation in Academic Governing, and Professor-Student Cooperation
4. Cooperation of Economy and Academic Sector in South East and Central Europe


More information:
fax: ++ 385 1 - 3077 250

Data: 11.04.2003 Sursa: Centrul European de Resurse si Consultanta

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