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Tranzitarea Deseurilor Radioactive
Government of Republic of Moldova
Parliament of Republic of Moldova
Presidency of Republic of Moldova

Through the present declaration we express our disagreement concerning the eventual ratification of the four part agreement among Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine and Russia regarding the transaction of the hazardous wastes from the Atomo-electrical Central from Kozlodui through the Republic of Moldova to The Russian Federation.

We consider that this decision comes into contradiction with the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova that stipulates the right to a healthy and natural environment and protection of human rights:

1. Access to ecological information;
2. The right to an ecologically safe environment regarding the life and health of an individual;
3. R. Moldova is not a nuclear country, it does not have atomic centrals and its citizens purchase energy at the international prices. Being a non- nuclear country, Moldova has the right to protect its territory from hazardous wastes of the neighbourhood countries;
4. The technical state of Moldova?s railway system is deplorable, the fact that can cause grave consequence in case of an incident. There are also requirements concerning financing that would bring up the necessary conditions for safe transportation of the hazardous wastes, that Moldova is not able to support.
5. R. Moldova is obligated to ensure the safe transportation of the nuclear material and hazardous wastes through its entire territory, while 100km of railway situated in Trasnistria is not controlled by Chisinau. In the same time, the radio-active wastes can be used by transnistrean terrorist groups in order to blackmail Moldovan Government.
6. Bulgaria has at least four alternative variants to solve the problem of radio-active wastes without using Moldova?s territory.

These arguments are sufficient for stating in an open manner that the issue of transition of radioactive wastes from Kozlodui through Moldova represents a matter of interest for all its citizens and no state institution has the right to decide unilaterally the faith of this agreement. In order not to endanger the health of individuals and nature, start the mass protests of the population we address the President of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin, to intervene and stop the process of revising and abrogating the environmental legislation, violation of the Constitution of The Republic of Moldova.


Pentru detalii referitoare la acest protest va rugam sa contactati Organizatia Ecologica de Tineret "SalvaEco" la:

92 Sarmisegetuza street,
of. 305 "SalvaEco",
or. Chisinau, MD 2032,
Republic of Moldova


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