The Week in Sustainable Mobility (6/3/07)

Article PhotoAn additional 10 years of continued business-as-usual rapid growth of CO2 emissions and infrastructure may make avoiding dangerous climate change “impractical, if not impossible”, according to a recently published study in the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. More… The US rejected the European Union’s two-degree target for climate change, whereby global temperatures would not be allowed to increase more than 2° C this century. Instead, President Bush proposed convening a series of meetings of the US and the other nations that produce the most greenhouse gases—including India and China—to develop by the end of 2008 a long-term “aspirational” global goal for greenhouse gas reduction. More… Sweden is targeting at least a 30% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, beating the European Union goal of a 20% reduction, according to Environment Minister Andreas Carlgren. More… California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Memoranda of Understanding with British Columbia (more…)and Ontario (more…) on tackling climate change. Both provinces will implement California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard. Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty signed The Next Generation Energy Act (SF538) into law on 25 May, thereby setting the goal of cutting the state’s energy consumption by 25% by 2025. The law also sets the state’s greenhouse gas… (more)

(Posted by Mike Millikin in Transportation at 12:12 PM)