New grant program available to reduce lead paint poisoning in high-risk communities

This new grant program supports the federal goal to eliminate lead poisoning in children by 2010. State and local governments, Federally-recognized Indian Tribes and Tribal consortia, territories, institutions of higher learning and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply.

Grant applicants must represent communities with historical and likely incidences of elevated blood lead levels. Proposals should include ways to address unique and challenging issues in lead-poisoning prevention, particularly ones that could be replicated i? other high- risk areas.

Applicants should submit written applications on plain paper to regional lead contacts. Decisions will be made on the basis of this informal application; successful applicants will then be required to submit the full application.

The EPA intends to award individual grants ranging from $25,000 to $100,000. The grantees will be announced in April 2005.