Green Peace Action

And the world today is changed, but while we achieved the goal of stopping nuclear weapons testing, we are all still living under the threat of nuclear weapons. The urgent task for us now is to abolish them.

We’ve set up a website commemorating the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior and recalling her mission to work for peace and nuclear disarmament.

Visit the site here:

If you remember the bombing, you can post a recollection here:

If you were too young to remember the bombing or not born yet, tell us how a new younger breed of activist would carry on the work of abolishing nuclear weapons here:

(The winning submission will get a T-shirt and a grab-bag of Greenpeace goodies and possibly be featured in our media work. Don’t forget to register at the cybercentre — anonymous postings don’t count.)

Thanks for your help in keeping the Rainbow Warrior sailing, a living reminder to our adversaries that while you can send a boat to the bottom of the ocean, you can’t sink a rainbow.