— Do WWF and Greenpeace members realize they are supporting industrial logging of the world’s last ancient rainforests? Until this changes, they should cancel their memberships.
By Rainforest Portal, a project of Ecological Internet, http://www.rainforestportal.org/
Contact: Dr. Glen Barry, glenbarry@ecologicalinternet.org
For years the World Bank, WWF and Greenpeace have put their faith in protecting the world’s remaining ancient primary forests by reforming criminal industrial logging practices. These ancient forest logging apologists’ policies of pursuing “sustainable forest management”, “forest certification” and “improved forest governance” has been pursued for nearly two decades. Yet, ancient forest logging remains out of control, severely damaging ecosystems and the climate, and providing few if any local benefits to rainforest dwellers. The climate crisis makes maintaining all intact rainforests even more important.
“The scientific literature and years of failed, ecologically and socially devastating tropical rainforest logging clearly show there is no such things as ‘sustainable certified’ ancient forest logging; and global ecological sustainability, successful climate change mitigation, maintaining fully intact rainforest ecosystems and species, and future survival of local rainforest dwellers and their eco-development options sadly depends upon confronting the global ancient forest logging apologist industry,” explains Ecological Internet’s Dr. Glen Barry.