The author of the project was professor Nikolay I. Kuznetsov, the well-known botanist and explorer of Caucasian flora and fauna. The researcher delivered a detailed report, describing Lagodekhi canyon as one of the most important representative sites of Caucasian flora. Therefore, it was necessary to transform this area into a reserve.
The Academy had received the proposal to make Lagodekhi canyon a reserve from Ludwig Mlokosewich (1831-1909) back at the beginning of the 20th century. After his death, his work was taken over by Nicolay Kuznetsov, whose efforts brought this thought into being.
In 1912 Lagodekhi and Shromiskhevi canyons were allotted the status of the reserve. Initially the reserve covered 3500 hectares. It was forbidden to use this area for grazing, hunting and to cut the trees.
The reserve was re-registered in 1929, in accordance with the decree #30 by the Council of People’s Commissars. The mentioned decree also provided for protection of the reserve by the Hunters’ Union of the district.
Situation of Lagodekhi reserve improved considerably when in 1934 the State Committee on Reserves under the leadership of Philip Makharadze was created at Central Executive Committee of Georgian SSR. Decree #92/1514 by the Committee declared Lagodekhi reserve an object of All-Union importance. Its territory extended over the forests of Caucasus range, from Georgian State border till Ninigory village. Area of the reserve totaled 17688 hectares. It
should be also noted that Lagodekhi reserve had been one of the firsts, created on the territory of former USSR.
In 1958 creative union of Georgian Television and Lagodekhi reserve made a two-part color documentary film titled “Lagodekhi Reserve”.
Unique nature of the reserve is reflected in the color documentary film “Alazani Valley”, produced by the Studio of Documentary Films of Georgia in 1959.
More detailed information about this reserve is available on the following address: [url=][/url]