Nobel Winner Links Ecology, Peace ; African Drums Beat for Laureate

"Today, we are faced with a challenge that calls for a shift in our thinking, so that humanity stops threatening its life-support system," said the first African woman and first environmental activist to win the peace prize.

Maathai, 64, warned that the world remained under attack from disease, deforestation and war.

"We are called to assist the earth to heal her wounds, and in the process heal our own – indeed, to embrace the whole creation in all its diversity, beauty and wonder," she told the crowd of dignitaries, including the Norwegian royal family and talk-show host Oprah Winfrey.
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"This will happen if we see the need to revive our sense of belonging to a larger family of life, with which we have shared our evolutionary process," said Maathai, who founded the Green Belt Movement. She received a gold medal and diploma along with the $1.5 million prize.

Before she took the stage, the usually stodgy ceremony lit up with color and sound as three African dancers and accompanying drummers pounded out a brief piece of African music that echoed off the walls of the large auditorium. Maathai herself wore a brilliant orange traditional dress.

In neighboring Sweden, the other Nobel prizes – for medicine, physics, chemistry, literature and economics – were awarded.

Bengt Samuelsson, chairman of the board of the Nobel Foundation, addressed the frequently heard criticism that too few women have received the Nobel Prize over the years.

Although only 31 of the 705 Nobel Prizes handed out since 1901 have gone to women, Samuelsson pointed out that there were three this year.

Afterward, more than 1,300 guests, including the laureates’ relatives, Sweden’s royal family, government officials, ambassadors, scientists and business leaders, attended the Nobel banquet.

Absent from Stockholm was the literature prize winner, Elfriede Jelinek of Austria, who cited a social phobia. Although she sent a prerecorded video lecture, she did not send any prepared remarks.

Presenting her award, Horace Engdahl, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, said she has "given new currency to a heretical feminine tradition and … expanded the art of literature."

Etichetele produselor alimentare ii vor avertiza pe alergici

Potrivit legii, pe etichete va trebui sa se specifice daca alimentele contin ingrediente potential alergenice. Astfel, cumparatorii vor fi avertizati ca produsele contin cereale cu gluten, crustacee, oua, peste, alune, soia, lapte si produse lactate, nuci, telina, mustar, seminte de susan care pot provoca o alergie. Reprezentantul Autoritatii Nationale pentru Protectia Consumatorilor, Alexandru Pais, a precizat ca toate mentiunile de pe etichete trebuie redactate in limba romana, lizibil si inteligibil. Nu sunt excluse formularile intr-o alta limba, cu conditia ca pe eticheta sa fie si cele in limba romana.

Romania ar putea accepta Canalul Bistroe

Concluziile s-au desprins in urma intalnirii care a avut loc marti la Kiev intre ministrul Mediului, Sulfina Barbu, si omologul sau ucrainean, Pablo Ignatenko. "Am sesizat o schimbare consistenta in abordarea relatiilor bilaterale. Partea ucraineana m-a asigurat ca lucrarile la Canalul Bistroe au fost oprite. Nu stim la aceasta data cand si in ce stadiu au fost oprite", a declarat ieri Sulfina Barbu.
Trebuie reamintit ca autoritatile romane au cerut Guvernului ucrainean la 19 aprilie sa plateasca taxa pentru infiintarea comisiei de ancheta in cadrul Conventiei de la Espoo privind impactul pe care constructia Canalului Bistroe il are asupra Deltei Dunarii.
Sulfina a precizat ca Ucraina "face eforturi" pentru a-si plati contributia pentru buna functionare a comisiei, ai carei membri s-au intalnit deja in mai multe runde de discutii. "Asa cum s-a stabilit la intalnirea dintre cei doi presedinti, roman si ucrainean, subiectul Canalului Bistroe va fi analizat in cadrul comisiei pentru ecologie si probleme economice, de fapt o subcomisie in cadrul Comisiei Iuscenko-Basescu", a mai spus Sulfina Barbu. Ministrul a precizat ca sunt sanse de 50/50 la suta ca lucrarile la canal sa fie ori reluate, ori oprite definitiv.
Pe de alta parte, oficialul roman a mai aratat ca la Kiev s-a stabilit semnarea pana la sfarsitul lui octombrie a unui acord bilateral de colaborare pe probleme de protectie a mediului intre Romania si Ucraina.

Sulfina Barbu nu a obtinut decat promisiuni in cazul Bastroe

Legat de canalul Bastroe, dupa cum a declarat ministrul Barbu, "noi nu am spus ca ne opunem
unei investitii, ci vrem sa fim parte la luarea deciziilor privind construirea canalului". Ministrul Mediului nu a primit asigurari din partea vecinilor nostri ca acest canal nu se va construi in continuare. "Nu a fost un angajament ferm ca nu vor mai construi", a mai spus ministrul. Totusi, omologul sau ucrainean a facut o concesie si a asigurat-o pe Sulfina Barbu ca, in acest moment, nu se desfasoara lucrari la canal. Nici despre stadiul lucrarilor, ministrul Barbu nu are mai multe detalii. "Stim ca prima faza de constructie este gata si am inteles ca exista si o a doua faza, dar nu pot sa va spun cat s-a facut pana acum", a declarat ministrul Mediului. Nici macar in problema comisiei de experti intrunite pe baza conventiei ESPOO, Sulfina Barbu nu a obtinut decat promisiunea ca partea ucraineana va plati banii pentru pentru constituirea acesteia, dar abia dupa rectificarea bugetara facuta de guvernul de la Kiev. Pana atunci, lucrarile comisiei care trebuie sa evalueze impactul Canalului Bastroe stagneaza.


BiH has ratified the Convention as the last of the 13 participating states.

The meeting of ministers and other senior officials of the Danube basin countries, responsible for managing the water resources and protection of environment in the basin of river Danube, was organized ten years after the adoption of the Convention on Cooperation in Protection and Sustainable Usage of River Danube.

Further, the participants of the Ministerial Conference have adopted a declaration titled ?The Danube Basin in the Hearth of Europe?.

The countries that share the basin of river Danube have expressed their commitment to further strengthening of cross-border cooperation on sustainable managing of water resources within the Danube region.

The Declaration also sets priorities, goals and the main actions for the next ten years.

The Vienna meeting has also marked the Action Programme for sustainable protection from floods in the Danube basin.

The meeting in Vienna was attended by ministers and senior political representatives responsible for managing water resources from Austria, BiH, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldavia, Romania, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and the European Commission.

Ucraina moare cu Bastroe de gat

Pentru ca aceasta comisie sa-si desfasoare activitatea, cele doua state, Romania si Ucraina, trebuiau sa achite cate 64.500 euro. Tara noastra si-a indeplinit obligatiile, ministrul Mediului din Ucraina afirmand, la intalnirea de la Kiev cu Sulfina Barbu, ca asteapta rectificarea bugetara ce urmeaza sa fie operata de Guvernul ucrainean. "Este o situatie fara precedent, ca o tara sa nu achite o astfel de contributie. Activitatea comisiei va incepe atunci cand Ucraina va plati partea sa", a precizat ministrul Mediului. Sulfina Barbu a spus ca partea ucraineana "nu a dat asigurari ca nu va mai construi" pana la finalizarea analizei comisiei mixte. La ora actuala, nu se lucreaza, inca, la Canalul Bastroe.

Pe de alta parte, Romania a primit o oferta din partea Bancii Nordice de Investitii pentru un credit de 32 milioane de euro, prin care sa se asigure derularea unor proiecte ce vizeaza managementul si recostructia ecologica in Delta Dunarii. "Pentru aceasta este necesar un plan, care este in curs de evaluare. Ministerul a alocat sumele necesare pentru plan, care se preconizeaza sa fie gata la jumatatea lunii iulie", a adaugat Sulfina Barbu. Anul trecut, Ucraina a demarat si incheiat lucrarile la prima parte a Canalului Bastroe, care a fost realizat in Delta Dunarii ucrainene. Partea romana a reclamat lipsa de consultare, potrivit conventiilor internationale la care cele doua state sunt parti, si impactul negativ asupra ecosistemului Deltei, in general, si a Deltei romanesti, in special. "Nu ne opunem investitiei, dar vrem sa participam la evaluare", a completat ministrul roman al Mediului, Sulfina Barbu. (L.M.)

Ucraina: "Nu plecam de pe Dunare"

"Va fi decizia optima, indiferent de cat ne va costa ea. Deocamdata nu avem alternative: banii au fost deja cheltuiti," a argumentat ministrul ucrainean al Transporturilor, Evgheni Cervonenko, pozitia autoritatilor de la Kiev. Totodata, oficialul ucrainean s-a declarat deschis posibilitatii ca Ministerul Transporturilor sa analizeze unele variante "mai ieftine si mai putin periculoase" de construire a canalului Bastroe, acestea urmand a fi supuse la vot in cadrul Consiliului de Securitate si Aparare al Ucrainei. "Noi nu plecam de pe Dunare. Este dreptul nostru," a mai adaugat Cervonenko, refuzand sa detalieze eventualele alternative ale proiectului Bastroe. Declaratiile ministrului ucrainean al Transporturilor intervin in contextul in care presedintele Ucrainei, Viktor Iuscenko, si omologul sau roman, Traian Basescu, au convenit asupra solutionarii diferendelor romano-ucraine prin infiintarea unei comisii care sa gestioneze situatia creata de construirea canalului Bastroe, reglementarea conflictului transnistrean, precum si problema minoritatilor din Romania si Ucraina. Cu ocazia vizitei sale la Bucuresti, presedintele Iuscenko a admis faptul ca problemele ridicate de proiectul Bastroe si Insula Serpilor sunt complicate, insistand asupra importantei constituirii rapide a unui comitet care sa solutioneze aceste diferende, alcatuit din ministrii Transporturilor ai celor doua tari, adjunctii ministrilor de Externe si alti specialisti. La acest moment, autoritatile ucrainene au finalizat primul tronson al canalului navigabil de mare adancime Dunare-Marea Neagra, costurile lucrarilor fiind de aproximativ 13 milioane de dolari, potrivit Agentiei Rusia la Zi. (D.E.)

Uncharted waters for the Climate?

The wooden Greenpeace ‘Climate Ark’ held symbolic climate refugees. Their message is simple: without action against global warming, the future looks bleak for most of the planet’s population. Global warming will bring more storms, floods and heat waves that will hit the poorest and most vulnerable first.

Among the crowds at the Ark were 4000 online activists from Argentina who turned up in person to demand action – not words – from the politicians gathering in their city.

It took the world 10 years to finally agree the only global response to climate change – the Kyoto Protocol – which limits greenhouse gases. The world cannot afford another 10 years before taking significant action to tackle the problem. Without action, the melting of glaciers, break-up of ice sheets, and sea-level rise will only accelerate.

While the world’s poor feel the impact first, responsibility for tackling the problem lies with the world’s biggest polluters – the rich countries. The US administration is currently ‘climate enemy number one’ as the biggest polluter and most vocal opponent of?action on global warming.

Not only is the US not putting its own house in order, it will be actively lobbying other countries at the talks not to take any action. But US inaction should not be an excuse for stalemate at the talks, or for other countries to put off action.

The question is, are we prepared to act to prevent even worse impacts of climate change and at the same time provide help for the most vulnerable to adapt or will we consign millions to their fates in an uncertain and unstable world?

Keeping the global average temperature increase below 2-C should be the goal of climate policy. That will still be dangerous to millions of people but it is now probably the best we can do.

By staying below 2-C we can limit damage to coral reefs; limit the risk of the Greenland ice sheet collapsing; and limit the rate and extent of sea level rise. Hunger, water scarcity and disease risk seem to accelerate with higher temperature. It isn’t too late to pull the world back from the brink but it soon may be.

There is no choice. Governments must act now to save the planet from a dangerous and uncertain future or all the arks in the world won’t be enough to save the climate refugees.

Tabere Ecologice in diverse tari

Belgium – VIA BelgiumBegin: July 10, 2005, End: July 23, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:BE-VIA-6-1DE WASSENDE MAAN – Deinze near GentDe ?Wassende Maan? is a bio- dynamic co-operative farm, which grows vegetables according to the season and employs about 6 people on a permanent basis. Their aim is to keep the distance between farmer and consumer as small as possible. Work: working in the farm (harvesting, weeding, and planting), little jobs in the farm, small reconstruction work, cooking for the people Accommodation: Accommodation in tents that you have to bring yourself, not accessible for wheelchairs Extra: Vegetarian food, a strong interest in the life on a farm and a good conditionNumber of Volunteers: 7

. Belgium – SCI BelgiumBegin:July 17, 2005, End: July 30, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:BE-SCI-6-2Centre de Nature – BorzeeThe nature centre of Borzee is a social tourism centre in a small hamlet of the Ardennes. The centre hosts all year long pupils for their school camp, families on holidays, individuals or associations for trainings and seminars. In the activity program the centre mainly organises nature awareness activities (walks, treasure hunts, observation activities, farm activities, ?) as well as sport and expression activities. Around 40 people work daily in the centre and among them 10 nature guides. The encounter is a priority of the centre throughout all its activities. Work: Volunteers will help with at the construction of an adventure circuit for small children, made out of natural material (adjusting some spaces, conception of skill, balance, awareness and awakening games) Study: How to make the adventure circuit friendly to the environment and respect an environmental balance Accommodation: Group accommodation in the building of the centre Language: English but some basic knowledge will be an asset if you want to communicate with the staff Qualification: To like physical outdoor work Terminal/Region: Borzee is located 2 km away from La Roche-en-Ardennes in the middle of a small valley of the Belgian Ardennes Extra: Not accessible to wheelchairsNumber of Volunteers: 10

. Belgium – VIA BelgiumBegin: July 29, 2005, End: August 12, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:BE-VIA-6-2NATUURPUNT BEGIJNENDIJK – Begijnendijk near LeuvenIn the Valley of the Demer, young eco-volunteers are working on a new natural reserve project. An abandoned agricultural zone is being transferred into a more bio diverse zone. Work: cutting foreign dominant trees, mowing the grasslands, opening walking trails and taking care of the sheep. Heavy, dirty, but satisfying work! The camp place is a tent close to an alternative community house of some local volunteers where nature and music are integrated in the everyday life. Basic living conditions!!! (no shower but natural pool, …) There will be also 10 Flemish volunteers on the workcamp. Not accessible for wheelchairs.Number of Volunteers: 15

. Belgium – VIA BelgiumBegin:August 21, 2005, End: September 3, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:BE-VIA-6-5NATUURPUNT MOERVAART – Wachtebeke near GentNatuurpunt, the new and very important organisation who stands for the nature in Flandres (Flemish part of Belgium) is founded out of the fusion of vzw Nature Reserves en vzw Wielewaal. They work for nature protection and managing nature, the promotion of nature experience through education, the inventarisation and study of plants and animal, giving advice and doing policy on national and international level. Work: cutting down trees, chopping willows, removing eagles fern and rubbish from the reserve Accommodation: hard work, basic living conditions in tents, interest in nature and the voluntary concept of NatuurpuntNumber of Volunteers: 15

. Belgium – VIA BelgiumBegin:September 4, 2005, End: September 17, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:BE-VIA-6-3DE ZONNEGLOED – Oostvleteren near IeperDe Zonnegloed is a educative farm, they organize trainings about nature and human being for children and youngsters. The founders want to promote a more human world with respect for people, fauna and flora Work: painting works in- and outside the farm, work in the farm according to the season, weeding, cooking Accommodation: Not accessible for wheelchairs Qualification: Interest in a more conscious and spiritual way of living, prepared to work hard, a bike can be useful because the farm is quite isolated, a music instrument is welcome.Number of Volunteers: 8

. Belgium – SCI BelgiumBegin:September 11, 2005, End: September 24, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:BE-SCI-6-3Le Fagotin, StoumontLe Fagotin is a didactic farmhouse located in the Belgian Ardennes. It has several objectives : to revive the link between people and nature through genuine contacts, to help children to get to know oneself through active farm activities, to train people to be friendly to the environment but also to help children to develop know-how and mannerliness. Beside ecosystem discoveries, the farm proposes thematic activities on birds, aquatic life, mushrooms, animal tracks, wild cooking, geology. Kids from 2 to 15 years old come all year long in groups with their schools or on vacation. Work: Volunteers will work in the farm, they will do fences repairing, shed building, wall painting, wood cutting and they will host and meet the children coming for the activities. Study: Role of a didactic farmhouse in today s society Accommodation: In the premises of the farm. No shower but sinks. Language: English but some basic knowledge of French would be very good to communicate with the partner and the children. Qualification: To like physical outdoor work, to like being in contact with children and animals. Terminal/Region: Stoumont, a small village in the Ardennes 45 km away from Liège. Extra: Not accessible for wheel chairs.Number of Volunteers: 6

. Belgium – VIA BelgiumBegin:September 15, 2005, End: September 25, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:BE-VIA-6-4JNM ZWART WERK – Koersel – Beringen near HasseltThe aim of JNM as a youth organization is to work around protecting nature and environment. This happens by organizing excursions, camps, workshops, and study sessions, environmental actions, working in nature reserves? There will be Flemish people (14) on the workcamp (volunteers from JNM) and 6 international volunteers. Work: hard work in nature, to mow grass without tools, nature management Accommodation: sleeping in a horse stable, primitive living, a bike can be useful, not accessible for wheelchairs, age till 30.Number of Volunteers: 20

. Bulgaria – CVS BulgariaBegin:July 10, 2005, End: July 30, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:BG-6-2Dryanovo, Central BulgariaLanguage: Dryanovo Municipality is situated in the central part of the Forebalkan Mountain, Central Bulgaria. P: The project is in cooperation with National scout organization of Bulgaria. It aims to build an youth open-air eco-centre and campsite for education, recreation and tourism. In the place of the centre seminars, trainings and youth summer camps will be held. W?rk: The work camp is for to build the open-air eco-centre and for constructing the ?survival track? attraction near the camp. Accommodation: In tents. Very simple sanitary conditions. The volunteers will cook themselves. Bring your sleeping bag and if you have a small tent bring it too – it will be great. Study: Presentation of the local bio-diversity and cultural heritage. Extra: interests in work with children and youth and environmental protection Language: EnglishNumber of Volunteers: 20

. Bulgaria – CVS BulgariaBegin:July 11, 2005, End: July 24, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:BG-6-3Eco-center Vlahi, Southwest BulgariaLanguage: The Vlahi village is situated in the Pirin Mountain very close to Pirin National Park, which part of the Natural Heritage Programme of UNESCO. P: The aim of the project is to build an eco-centre for education and organic agriculture. In the centre seminars and trainings will be held. The work camp is for restoration of the building of the eco-center. The project is part of bilateral project between CVS-BG and SCI-Switzerland, financed by Swiss Agency for development and Cooperation Work: To repair the building of the eco-centre ? which is in a former school. Some skill in building is necessary. Accommodation: Tents. Very simple sanitary conditions. The vols will cook themselves. Primary vegetarian food. Bring your sleeping bag and if you have a small tent bring it too – it will be great. Study: Presentation of the local bio-diversity and cultural heritage. Extra: Be prepared for hard physical work. Language: EnglishNumber of Volunteers: 10

. Bulgaria – CVS BulgariaBegin:August 1, 2005, End: August 14, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:BG-6-4Eco-center Vlahi, Southwest BulgariaLanguage: The Vlahi village is situated in the Pirin Mountain very close to Pirin National Park, which is part of the Natural Heritage Programme of UNESCO. P: The aim of the project is to build an eco-centre for education and organic agriculture. In the centre seminars and trainings will be held. The work camp is for restoration of the building of the eco-center. The project is part of bilateral project between CVS-BG and SCI-Switzerland, financed by Swiss Agency for development and Cooperation Work: To repair the building of the eco-centre ? which is in a former school. Some skill in building is necessary. Accommodation: Tents. Very simple sanitary conditions. The vols will cook themselves. Primary vegetarian food. Bring your sleeping bag and if you have a small tent bring it too – it will be great. Study: Presentation of the local bio-diversity and cultural heritage. Extra: Be prepared for hard physical work. Language: EnglishNumber of Volunteers: 10

. Bulgaria – CVS BulgariaBegin:August 18, 2005, End: August 31, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:BG-6-5Eco-center Vlahi, Southwest BulgariaLanguage: The Vlahi village is situated in the Pirin Mountain very close Pirin National Park, which is part of the Natural Heritage Programme of UNESCO. P: The aim of the project is to build an eco-centre for education and organic agriculture. In the centre seminars and trainings will be held. The work camp is for restoration of the building of the eco-center. The project is part of bilateral project between CVS-BG and SCI-Switzerland, financed by Swiss Agency for development and Cooperation Work: To repair the building of the eco-centre ? which is in a former school. Some skill in building is necessary. Accommodation: Tents in the yard of the eco-centre. Very simple sanitary conditions. The vols will cook themselves. Primary vegetarian food. Bring your sleeping bag and if you have a small tent bring it too – it will be great. Study: Presentation of the local bio-diversity and cultural heritage. Extra: Be prepared for hard physical work. Language: EnglishNumber of Volunteers: 10

. Bulgaria – CVS BulgariaBegin:September 5, 2005, End: September 18, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:BG-6-6Eco-center Vlahi, Southwest BulgariaLanguage: The Vlahi village is situated in the Pirin Mountain very close to Pirin National Park, which is part of the Natural Heritage Programme of UNESCO. P: The aim of the project is to build an eco-centre for education and organic agriculture. In the centre seminars and trainings will be held. The work camp is for restoration of the building of the eco-center. Work: To repair the building of the eco-centre ? which is in a former school. Some skill in building is necessary. Accommodation: Tents. Very simple sanitary conditions. The vols will cook themselves. Primary vegetarian food. Bring your sleeping bag and if you have a small tent bring it too – it will be great. Study: Presentation of the local bio-diversity and cultural heritage. Extra: Be prepared for hard physical work. Language: EnglishNumber of Volunteers: 10
. Croatia – Volunteers Centre ZagrebBegin:July 4, 2005, End: July 18, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:HR-6-8?MURA 2005? (St.Martin on the Mura, Medjimurje)Work: Volunteers will work on inventory jobs, arrangement of educational paths, and the reconstruction of the floating river mill and cleaning of wild garbage disposals. Study: history, heritage and natural beauties of Medjimurje region Accommodation: Fishermen?s house just by the river Mura. Sleeping bags necessary! Toilets and showers available! Language: English Terminal/Region: ZagrebNumber of Volunteers: 15

7. Croatia – Volunteers Centre ZagrebBegin:July 20, 2005, End: August 4, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:HR-6-9?GLOBETKA 2005? (Cakovec, small town in Medjimurje, near Zagreb)Work: Volunteers will work on the arrangement of eco-educational path at the verge of the town Cakovec in the area called Globetka which represents the lungs of the town. The job includes cleaning of the forest, putting of the benches and garbage baskets, the planting of friendship trees. The volunteers will also work in the local eco center and will be helping with the activities connected with the celebration of ?Cakovec Summer? Study: history, heritage and natural beauties of Medjimurje region Accommodation: local kindergarten or school dormitory. Sleeping bags preferable! Language: English Terminal/Region: ZagrebNumber of Volunteers: 12

9. Croatia – Volunteers Centre ZagrebBegin:September 26, 2005, End: October 7, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:HR-6-7"WATER IN PERMACULTURAL SYSTEM" (Recycling Estate in Vukomericke Gorice, near Zagreb)The ?Ecological housing¬ workcamp will take place at a permacultural farm (under construction), on the location of Vukomericke Gorice, 30 km south of Zagreb. The farm is located in a small village Vukomeriæ (cca 40 inhabitants), and has an unfinished wooden house and 0,5 hectare of agricultural land. Work: Vols will work on three project/workshop in connection with building and permacultural designing the lake. Gardening with permacultural principles; building the supportive wall for the lake with used tires and earth (earth ship method) Accommodation: In the wooden house and tents; sleeping bags are necessary, tents preferable! Language: English Terminal/Region: Zagreb Qualification: the workcamp is organized in a place that has very limited infrastructure (no running water, improvised sanitation), and demands hard work. If interested, please send your motivation letters together with application form. Extra: Rough life conditions, hard work. Participation fee 20EUR (because of the lack of the money there will be participation fee that will partially cover the cost of food)Number of Volunteers: 10
Greece – SCI HellasBegin:July 18, 2005, End: August 6, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:GR-6-1Volunteer initiative for recycling?Volunteer initiative for recycling? is a summer workcamp with a double aim: To keep a beautiful and popular beach clean from litter during the summertime, while at the same time the volunteers will inform the people of the local community about environmental friendly ways to dispose their garbage. Nea Makri is a municipality located 35 km out of Athens and a lot of Athenians are using it as a summer resort, since it’s next to the sea. W. Working hours will be Mo ? Fri 9:30 ? 13:30. The vols will be responsible to collect the litter from a specific beach in the area and put them into garbage cans, and also run an info campaign for the public. According to a rotation system, every day some of the volunteers will be responsible to prepare the food for all the others. Weekends will be free. S. The participants will have the chance to learn some environmental friendly ways to dispose garbage, in order to be able to pass their knowledge to the people of the local community. A. In a newly built school, where the volunteers will have mattresses on the floor. There will be a fully equipped kitchen inside the building and toilets. The volunteers can bring also their sleeping bags. Basketball court and facilities for table tennis are existing in the school. L. English. T. Closest airport is ?Eleftherios Venizelos? in Athens. From there the volunteers can take the orange bus to Rafina. Further instructions will be given to the selected volunteers before their arrival.Number of Volunteers: 12

2. Greece – SCI HellasBegin:September 4, 2005, End: September 19, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:GR-6-4PAKEFYKA 1PAKEFYKA is a center for the promotion of Natural or Do-Nothing Farming, an agricultural method based on the teachings of Masanobu Fukuoka. According to Fukuoka, a Japanese ex-plant pathologist, human knowledge is limited and imperfect, in contrast to mother Nature. Therefore, the goal of farming should be to serve and imitate Nature and to avoid human intervention, with chemical or ?biological? means. Proponents of this method claim that, through mixing and sowing a large variety of seeds and avoiding any extra intervention (plowing, weeding, fertilizing etc), one can cultivate or reforest large areas with minimum costs and effort. W. mainly helping in the preparation of seeds for sowing fields and reforestation areas and in sowing fields. Possibly collect seeds. Location: PAKEFYKA is situated on an abandoned camping ground about 10 km from Edessa, a picturesque small town in Northern Greece. A. In the buildings of the abandoned camping site. No warm water and rather basic conditions. S. Learn the techniques of Natural Farming. Discussion on mainstream and alternative farming methods. There will also be workshops on self-sufficiency (bread, jam making etc). An interest in the issues is necessary. Read about last year’s workcamp: [url=][/url] of Volunteers: 8

3. Greece – SCI HellasBegin:September 18, 2005, End: October 1, 2005 Topic: EnvironmentCampcode:GR-6-5PAKEFYKA 2PAKEFYKA is a center for the promotion of Natural or Do-Nothing Farming, an agricultural method based on the teachings of Masanobu Fukuoka. According to Fukuoka, a Japanese ex-plant pathologist, human knowledge is limited and imperfect, in contrast to mother Nature. Therefore, the goal of farming should be to serve and imitate Nature and to avoid human intervention, with chemical or "biological" means. Proponents of this method claim that, through mixing and sowing a large variety of seeds and avoiding any extra intervention (plowing, weeding, fertilizing etc), one can cultivate or reforest large areas with minimum costs and effort. W. mainly helping in the preparation of seeds for sowing fields and reforestation areas and in sowing fields. Possibly collect seeds. Location: PAKEFYKA is situated on an abandoned camping ground about 10 km from Edessa, a picturesque small town in Northern Greece. A. In the buildings of the abandoned camping site. No warm water and rather basic conditions. S. Learn the techniques of Natural Farming. Discussion on mainstream and alternative farming methods. There will also be workshops on self-sufficiency (bread, jam making etc). An interest in the issues is necessary. Read about last year’s workcamp: [url=][/url] of Volunteers: 8
Lithuania – AUSTEJA Lithuania
Begin:July 11, 2005, End: July 24, 2005
Topic: Environment
This workcamp is organised in Regional Park in Zagare. The purpose of the project is to involve youth into ecological activities and at the same time the volunteers will be involved into a life of friendly town community. Zagare is the oldest town in Lithuania with rich cultural and nature heritage. Zagare has 2500 inhabitants. The regional Park in Zagare was established in order to preserve the valley of the river Svete and the landscape of Zagare forest, natural ecosystem and cultural heritage. Simultaneously the volunteers will have a possibility to get to know the Zagare cultural and natural heritage and the life of community in little town. In the end of the camp there will be a great festival in Zagare.
Work: cleaning the nature of the regional park in Zagare. The main activity for the volunteers will be to clean the river and its valley, also – to help the ecologist in monitoring.
Terminal/Region: approximately 270km from Vilnius ? the capital; 70 km from Siauliai and 90 km from Ryga (Latvia)
Accommodation: in the house in the centre of the town. You will need sleeping bag. Food: Volunteers will prepare the food by themselves.
Number of Volunteers: 9


Proiectul "Youth Country Network" – 2005 este un proiect national implimentat timp de un an (01.2004 – 01.2005) de catre Centrul Tinerilor Antreprenori din Moldova – Steaua in colaborare cu ONG – Liga Studentilor Balteni si cu Facultatea de Stiinte Reale din cadrul Universitatii de Stat din Cahul, cu suportul si sustinerea Fundatiei Artemisia (SUA).

Pe parcursul intregului an au fost instruiti circa 400 de tineri din republica. Comunicabilitatea, sociabilitatea grupului si relatiile de la egal la egal a trainerilor a favorizat petrecerea orelor intr-o atmosfera foarte degajata. Toate activitatile efectuate au dus la realizarea unor rezultate vizibile: au stabilit impreuna ordinea pasilor ce trebuie intreprinsi pentru angajarea in campul muncii, si-au intocmit propriile CV-uri si scrisori de intentie, si-au format deprinderi de prezentare la un interviu si de management al banilor, au luat cunostinta si au analizat un plan de afaceri, au evaluat riscul la acordarea unui credit si au schitat planul propriei afaceri. In plus, toti participantii au primit un suport material/informational foarte important pentru dezvoltarea profesionala proprie.

La cursuri au fost invitati experti de la BIZPRO/Moldova, Moldoinconbank, Agroindbank cit si antreprenori din Moldova. La sfirsitul proiectului participantii au primit diplome de participare la curs semnate de CTAM – Steaua (Centrul Tinerilor Antreprenori din Moldova – Steaua) si de BIZPRO/Moldova.

Inceputul derularii proiectului in 2005 prevede desfasurarea a doua cursuri: "Orientarea Profesionala" si "Initierea propriei afaceri". La curs se pot inscrie toti doritorii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 18-30 ani. Orarul cursurilor este stabilit de participanti de comun acord.
Participantii la cursuri vor beneficia de un pachet integrat de servicii: suport material, sesiunea teoretica interactiva, sesiuni practice pentru dezvoltarea deprinderilor necesare pentru angajarea in campul muncii si/sau initiere a propriei afaceri, etc. Pe parcursul orelor vor fi invitati experti, antreprenori pentru a-si impartasi experienta de munca in domeniu. La sfarsitul cursurilor participantii vor fi decernati cu o diploma de participare cu posibilitatea unei eventuale conlucrari.

Costul unui singur curs este de 50 de lei. Daca o persoana va dori sa mearga la ambele cursuri atunci modalitatea de achitare va fi astfel: Orientare Profesionala = 50 de lei, Initierea unei Afaceri = 30 de lei, in plus aceste persoane vor primi cite un exemplar al Ghidului Tinarului Antreprenor".

Doritorii de a se inscrie la cursuri sunt rugati sa completeze formularul de aplicare pina la data de 30 mai 2005 si sa-l expedieze prin email, fax sau posta pe adresa indicata mai jos.

Data limita de depunere a formularului de aplicare pentru cursuri este : 30 mai 2005