Reading aloud to a child is perhaps the single most important activity parents can do to help their child's developing mind. The benefits of reading aloud are numerous. Time spent snuggling up with Mom or Dad while listening to a story, provide children with a feeling of warmth, love, and security. The coziness and intimacy of sharing a book with a loved adult delights children. Evidence from research says that reading and talking to your child may be the single most important thing in determining your child’s intellectual, economic and social success.
The benefits of reading aloud to children also extends to seaking meaning from the messages present in the literature. Storybook content and illustrations provide a catalyst for discussing the green values expressed by the author and/or illustrator and espoused by your family. There are many wonderful children's books that use the narrative form to express green values and ideas, especially conservation. The following environmental children's books are amongst my five favorites as a teacher and a parent.