Itchy, formless, paired with tie dye shirts – hemp isn't known for being comfortable or stylish. Durable and versatile, industrial hemp used to be the first choice for many productions from canvas (derived from the word cannabis) and carpet to paper and rope.
Though still illegal to grow in the United States, we are the purchaser of over 60% of the internationally available industrial hemp, mostly for grown in Europe and recently Canada. Based on a quiet island in British Columbia, Rawganique is one of the most diverse online stores featuring hemp products.
We are 100% committed to the environment. We believe that hemp clothes & footwear, and other hemp products, raw veganism, sunshine, pure air, pure water, positive thoughts, and ahimsa awareness can transform the world and make it a safer, happier, and better place for us and our children to live in. We aim to do all we can to help make hemp and raw veganism mainstream, so that the world's economy thrives on sustainability and renewal rather than terrorism, fear, and depletion. was created with love to make sure we're doing the best we can to stop disintegration and to build trust, peace, love, and health for all, one ever-widening circle at a time.