France Looks to Frying Pan to Fire Biofuel

"We need to study all existing possibilities if we want to reach the 10 percent target," said a spokesman for oilseed growers’ group FOP, which, with its financial arm Sofiproteol, owns over half of Diester Industrie, France’s main biodiesel producer.

France plans to raise biofuels’ share of the market to 5.75 percent by end-2008, seven percent by end-2010 and 10 percent by 2015, becoming Europe’s top producer in the next five years.

Industry players have welcomed the targets, but say the long-term goals may be a struggle.

To reach the seven percent target, the grain and oilseed area devoted to biofuel output will have to increase tenfold to three million hectares.

Biodiesel makers, which mainly use rapeseed, say one way to meet the targets would be to use small amounts of used cooking oil and animal fat but warn that France lags other countries in developing the necessary technology.

"Their development has already started in Germany, Austria, Italy or Spain," said Etienne Poitrat, an engineer at the French Agency for Environment and Energy Management (ADEME).

"They are cheap raw materials we mustn?t disregard, but it is important to refine them properly," the FOP spokesman added.

Diester Industrie joined forces earlier this month with US- based multinational Bunge to create Diester Industrie International, grouping the companies’ biofuel assets elsewhere in Europe.

Bunge’s Italian subsidiary Novaol has experience in new oil processing techniques and has been turning 50 percent of cooking oil used in McDonald’s restaurants in France into biodiesel since 2003.

The other 50 percent is bought by Vital, a German biodiesel manufacturer specialising in blending.


More biofuel projects involving such alternatives are starting to emerge in France.

"It’s a great time to get into that kind of business," said Jean Quentin, who has set up Gazoleo, a firm aiming to produce up to 100 million litres of a five percent ether derived from animal fat and 95 percent diesel mix, w?ich could keep 100,000 cars on the road for a year.

"Animal fats as well as animal by-products are wasted right now because they have been banned from animal feed since 1996 due to the mad cow crisis," he said.

"The second project is by French oil giant Total and has good chances of succeeding," Poitrat said, referring to the firm’s plans to build a 200,000-tonne biodiesel production unit using a mix of vegetable oils and animal fats.

"The unit should be built in France and should participate in the government’s aim to reach the 5.75 percent biofuel share in fuels by the end of 2008," he added.

Cladirile high-tech, ecologie si economie

Ferestre care capteaza energie solara, transformand-o in "combustibil" care incalzeste apa din locuinta; senzori care masoara nivelul dioxidului de carbon dintr-o incapere, iata cateva inovatii care fac parte din structura unor cladiri de peste ocean (se arata intr-un material USA Today).

VIZIONARI. Orasele viitorului nu mai par atat de indepartate
Ideea de la care s-a pornit pentru crearea unor tehnologii si materiale de constructie noi a fost aceea a "economisirii energiei". De la "criza energiei" din 2000, cand California a trecut printr-un adevarat soc, echipe de cercetare si companii au venit cu idei si produse. In acelasi an s-a lansat programul LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) prin care se monitorizeaza modul in care se realizeaza noile constructii din punct de vedere al impactului asupra mediului.

O NOUA VIZIUNE. Astfel, in prezent exista scoli in care aparatele de aer conditionat se opresc automat cand o fereastra este deschisa. La aeroportul Fort Worth din Dallas exista senzori care controleaza instalatiile de iluminat, astfel ca lumina electrica scade in intensitate cand afara este soare si invers atunci cand cerul este innorat. Noile tehnologii isi fac aparitia pe langa proiecte mai vechi, cum ar fi acela al "acoperisului verde". Este vorba de un strat de vegetatie pe acoperis, ajutand cladirile sa retina caldura iarna si sa fie mai racoroase vara.

Primul Forum National al Apelor.

O.T. Chisinau a M.E.M. cu sustinerea Ministerului Ecologiei si Resurselor Naturale si a Ambasadei Regatului Olanda desfasoara la 9 noiembrie 2004 primul Forum National al Apelor.
Menirea Forumului este sa contribuie la cresterea gradului de informare a populatiei in problemele utilizarii si protectiei resurselor de apa, implicarea mai activa in solutionarea acestei probleme a institutiilor de stat, reprezentantilor societatii civile si a business-ului, imbunatatirea parteneriatului dintre toate partile interesate .
Forumul va constitui o sedinta de o zi a persoanelor din Republica Moldova direct interesate in solutionarea problemelor alimentarii cu apa potabila (reprezentantii ministerelor si departamentelor de resort, institutiilor stiintifice, organizatiilor neguvernamentale, companiilor private, donatorilor etc.).
La Forum se va discuta intreg spectrul de probleme ecologice, economice si sociale legate de protectia si utilizarea apei, inclusiv pentru scopuri potabile, de irigare, folosire in industrie etc. Vor fi elaborate recomandari si propuneri de imbunatatire a situatiei in acest sector, la nivel de tara, bazin hidrografic, localitati aparte. Se va lua decizia privind crearea Consiliului Apelor al Republicii Moldova, altele.
Daca aveti interesul de a participa la Forum, rugam sa prezentati pe adresa electronica [email][/email], pana la 1 noiembrie 2004 cererea respectiva. Organizatiile selectate vor primi invitatii in decurs de 3 zile.

Germany to Stay as Committed to Renewable Energy

"We will pursue ambitious targets for the further expansion of renewable energy," it said in a draft deal between the country’s two main parties obtained by Reuters on Friday.

That means Germany will stick to its target of ensuring renewable sources make up at least 20 percent of the country’s overall energy requirement by 2020, a goal outlined by the previous Social Democrat (SPD)-Greens government.

Germany’s two largest parties — the SPD, the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) and their sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU) — are hoping to reach a power-sharing accord by Nov. 12 after a hung parliament in last month’s election.

However, under a draft coalition deal, changes to the promotion of wind, hydro or solar power co?ld only take effect from 2008. The idea of limiting the promotion of renewables has also been ruled out.

"Germany will continue to take a leading role in national and international climate protection," the draft document said.

The conservatives had been cool towards tight environmental targets, but the SPD is set to be in charge of the environment ministry under a "grand coalition" of the two parties.

The parties envisage increasing the level of support provided to make buildings more environmentally friendly to 1.5 billion euros ($1.82 billion) from 360 million euros per year.

The draft also outlines the likely next government’s hope of preventing German companies making windfall profits from trading carbon dioxide emission certificates from 2008.

Firms received pollution rights from the government for free this year. The rights, in the form of certificates, can be traded.

The draft says Germany will support the European Commission into its investigation of how air transport can be incorporated into emissions trading.

It also says the future German government will consider making it necessary for auto fuels to contain some more environmentally friendly ingredients, such as ethanol, and that the agriculture sector’s use of such fuel could be promoted.

German Parties Wage War Over Nuclear Power

The conservatives of chancellor-in-waiting Angela Merkel and the Social Democrats (SPD) are in talks to forge a power-sharing alliance that should be in place by the end of November.

The former election rivals have made steady progress on a series of issues, from budgetary policy to renewable energy, but the future of atomic power seems set to be a key battlefield in the coming weeks.

"The lifetime of nuclear power stations cannot be extended," SPD chairman Franz Muentefering told Bild am Sonntag newspaper in an interview to be published on Sunday.

The SPD and their former government partners, the Greens, pushed through a law in 2000 to phase out Germany’s 17 atomic energy plants by 2020.

However, the conservatives are keen to provide Germany, a large importer of oil and gas, greater energy security and allow industry to earn more by extending the life of their plants.

The conservative premier of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Guenther Oettinger, said in a guest commentary in Bild am Sonntag that energy firms would then have more time to boost renewables.

"At least in the next four years, no secure and economic nuclear power station should be taken off the network," he said, while acknowledging that nuclear-free energy was something to wish for.

SPD environment expert Hermann Scheer told Handelsblatt his party could not vote for any extension, arguing energy firms would simply seek further extensions later.

Working group talks are to resume next week.

Nuclear power, which became extremely unpopular in Europe after the 1986 Chernobyl accident, has been making a comeback. The first new nuclear plant on the continent in years is being built in Finland.

One of the reasons for its return to favour is the fact that nuclear reactors emit virtually no greenhouse gases.

Asociatia Obsteasca ?Viitorul Verde? desfasoara incepind cu 25.10.2004 actiunea de plantare

Actiunea va avea loc in or. Vatra unde vor fi colectat materialul saditor si apoi plantati in or. Chisinau in parcuri, scoaruri, institutii de invatamint si gradinite de copii, pe malurile riului Nistru.
Transportarea participantilor este gratis ? deplasarea de la str. Calea Iesilor oprirea troleibuselor 1,8,23,11, dupa cecr in directia Sculeanca prima oprire (Universitatea Pedagogica)

Bulina verde pentru Romania

Licenta a fost acordata organizatiei de Organizatia Europeana P.R.O. Europe. Prin acest sistem, agentii economici care au obligatii de valorificare si reciclare a deseurilor de ambalaje pot transfera, prin contract, responsabilitatea valorificarii si reciclarii deseurilor de ambalaje catre ERA, care incheie la randul sau parteneriate cu autoritatile locale, cu societatile de salubrizare si transport si cu firmele specializate in reciclare. Agentii economici care adera la sistem vor putea insera simbolul "Punctul Verde" pe ambalajele produselor lor. Astfel, cumparatorul va sti ca firma producatoare sau importatoare a produselor respective este o companie responsabila din punct de vedere social, intrucat s-a angajat ca ambalajele produselor sale, colectate de la populatie in containere separate, sa fie reciclate sau valorificate. ERA s-a constituit, la sfarsitul anului 2003, aceasta organizatie de recuperare a deseurilor de ambalaje similara celor din statele membre in Uniunea Europeana: Eco – Emballages (Franta), Fost Plus (Belgia), ARA (Austria), Duales System Deutchland (Germania). Ca si aceste organizatii, ERA nu este orientata catre obtinerea de profit, ci catre promovarea unei solutii eficiente si durabile pentru procesul de gestionare a ambalajelor. Fondatorii ei sunt companii romanesti si straine care activeaza in domeniul producerii de ambalaje, precum si in domeniul fabricarii si comercializarii de bunuri de consum ambalate in Romania.

Final Tests Show Greek Bird Free of Bird Flu-Agency

The agency said the Agriculture Ministry announced that as a result all poultry trade restrictions on the islands of Chios and Oinousses, where the suspected case appeared, were now lifted.

"It is self-evident, that, if and when similar cases appear in the future, the exact same measures will be taken," the agency quoted the Ministry as saying.

Greece had banned the export of all live birds and their products from the area of Chios earlier in the month, when preliminary tests had showed the turkey on the islet of Oinousses was positive to the H5 avian flu strain.

News of the suspected cas? caused concern among the public which reduced poultry consumption dramatically.

Greece is on the path of migratory birds making their way to warmer southern climates this time of the year.

Neighbouring Turkey and Romania, which have confirmed bird flu cases, have culled thousands of poultry in recent weeks.

Bastroe: Romania va face decolmatari si deschideri de canale

Ea considera ca masurile care vor fi luate se vor concretiza in lucrari de investitii: deschideri si decolmatari de canale sau deschideri de incinte pentru a aduce un aport suplimentar de apa.

Studiul este elaborat de un consortiu de institute, coordonat de Institutul de Cercetari Delta Dunarii, pentru finantarea sa fiind alocati un miliard de lei, prin Hotarare de Guvern.
Ministrul mediului si guvernatorul Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii, Virgil Munteanu, au prezentat membrilor Comisiei de Administratie o informare privind construirea, de catre Ucraina, a canalului de navigatie pe bratul Bastroe.

Din document rezulta ca posibilele consecinte ale constructiei canalului sunt:
declansarea unui proces de scurgere mai activa, cu consecinte asupra Deltei secundare-Chilia; afectarea echilibrului ecologic al zonei, inclusiv al rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii, canalul fiind locul de migatie a 95% din populatia de scrumbii din Dunare; pierderi economice cauzate pescarilor din zona.

Statutul rezervatiilor biosferei prevede ca teritoriul acestora sa fie delimitat in zone cu regim de protectie integrala, zone tampon si zone economice.
Proiectul canalului Bastroe ar include zona cu regim de protectie integrala, ceea ce ar genera un impact potential asupra regiunii. in cele 18 zone cu regim de protectie integrala din RBDD-Romania nu se desfasoara nici un fel de activitate economica, iar accesul publicului este interzis. Conducerea Camerei Deputatilor a respins, luni, solicitarea Comisiei de administratie referitoare la constituirea unei comisii de ancheta privind impactul construirii canalului Bastroe asupra Deltei Dunarii, recomandand ca acest subiect sa fie reluat mai tarziu.