This RFP is sponsored by the International Utility Efficiency Partnerships, Inc. (IUEP). The IUEP has been a leader among the industry groups that have supported voluntary initiatives to address global climate change. The IUEP maintains its leadership by supporting international GHG reduction projects under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the U.S. Initi?tive on Joint Implementation (USIJI), and by partnering with U.S. and international organizations. The goal of the IUEP program, consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) signed by President George H. W. Bush, and the International Power Partnerships (IPP) program, a joint venture recently announced between the IUEP and the U.S. Department of Energy, is to reduce emissions by identifying, coordinating, and providing funding for development of international environmentally-friendly energy development projects. The IUEP?s objectives and goals will be met through two important mechanisms:

(1) the sponsorship of projects that demonstrate potential to reduce emissions in the atmosphere, thereby facilitating the creation of actual ?tons of reductions on the table;? and

(2) the development of commercial partnerships between the developing world and U.S. manufacturers, developers, and electricity providers. Projects awarded under this year?s RFP will be those that demonstrate quantifiable emissions reductions and that can be immediately implemented in host countries.

This year’s RFP will place an emphasis on renewable energy technologies, including hydroelectric development, wind, PV, biomass and small distributed power applications that are ready for deployment and are shown to be replicable. Consistent with the overall program, deployment of combined cycle natural gas units and system efficiency improvements will also be eligible for consideration. Proposals must be judged to have excellent prospects for completion and sound, verifiable emissions reductions. The proposed projects will be required to have existing private funding component, high potential for attracting private financing, and not be dependent on the development of noncommercial technologies or operational systems to be successful. Also, applicants must demonstrate matching funds at a minimum level of 50% of the total cost of the project. As detailed in Section 3.6.3 of this RFP, cost share requirement can be met with other non-Federal grants, and/or in-kind contributions from the applicant or other partners in the project.