Conferinte in domeniul Energiei Renovabila

PV Specialists Conference and Exhibition
Start date: Jan 3, 2005
End date: Jan 5, 2005
Cost: Unknown
This conference not only fulfills the need to understand the key technical issues, but also addresses the recent activities, problems and concerns of the PV community.

American Bar Assoc. Wind Seminar
Start date: Jan 19, 2005
End date: Jan 19, 2005
Cost: Free
The American Bar Association is having a seminar on wind power, called "Wind Project Permitting: The Major Challenges and Potential Resolutions."

SunWize Dealer Conference
Start date: Jan 20, 2005
End date: Jan 21, 2005
Cost: $100 registration
Tune your knowledge with SunWize in Florida January 20 -22

Harvesting Clean Energy
Start date: Jan 20, 2005
End date: Jan 21, 2005
Cost: $50/$95
People from Montana and the Pacific Northwest can make energy a profitable new crop by learning about using renewable sources like wind and solar at a conference in Great Falls, Mont., at the Heritage Inn.

Air Quality, Global Climate Change & Renewable Ene
Start date: Jan 24, 2005
End date: Jan 26, 2005
Cost: $595 USD
EUEC 2005 is one of the best recognized annual technical meeting in US, where 1000 business leaders, corporate executives, engineers and specialists network, present papers and discuss current policies and technological advances.

Clean Energy Power
Start date: Jan 26, 2005
End date: Jan 27, 2005
Cost: Unknown
This event showcases the field of renewable energy within IGW.

Permaculture Design Certificate course
Start date: Feb 1, 2005
End date: Mar 1, 2005
Cost: $890
Intensive training in applied principles of ecological/ sustainable design of human settlements & ecosystems

5th Wind Energy & Power Markets Conference
Start date: Feb 2, 2005
End date: Feb 3, 2005
Cost: $995 USD
This conference will address the benefits to using wind for power generation.

Wind Power Finance and Investment
Start date: Feb 8, 2005
End date: Feb 10, 2005
Cost: $1,495 USD
This event will bring together leading project developers, investors, lenders, attorneys, and others in the wind power finance and investment community to share their perspectives on what it takes to get deals successfully financed in 2005 and beyond.

Wind Generation in Power Systems
Start date: Feb 14, 2005
End date: Feb 16, 2005
Cost: $1200 USD
This course addresses issues related to interconnecting wind generation to electric utility power systems. Covered topics include wind turbine generator technology, modeling for power system analysis, and conducting planning and operating studies.

American Bar Assoc. Renewable Energy Seminar
Start date: Feb 16, 2005
End date: Feb 16, 2005
Cost: Free
The American Bar Association is holding a seminar and teleconference titled, "Getting to Market: Transmission Concerns in Renewable Energy."

Certificate in Earth Based Vocations
Start date: Feb 18, 2005
End date: May 5, 2005
Cost: $4250
A comprehensive 20-week certificate program in Renewable Energy, Sustainable Land & Garden, Permaculture, Land Arts and Green Architecture, hands-on and land-based

Marketing Green Power: Profit Opportunities Event
Start date: Feb 23, 2005
End date: Feb 24, 2005
Cost: $495 USD
EUCI’s 2nd Annual Marketing Green Power conference was designed for utilities seeking to shorten their learning curve on how to design and market their green power pricing programs.

Start date: Feb 23, 2005
End date: Feb 25, 2005
Cost: $180 USD
The most important event on renewable energy in Central America. Its objective is to stimulate and facilitate the development of projects and initiatives in the energy sector

Renewable Energies 2005
Start date: Feb 25, 2005
End date: Feb 27, 2005
Cost: Unknown
The international fair and congress informes with a wide range of topics from February 25th to 27th 2005 at the CCB in Boeblingen.

POWER-GEN Renewable Energy Conference
Start date: Mar 1, 2005
End date: Mar 3, 2005
Cost: $475 USD
POWER-GEN Renewable Energy combines the renewable fuels, renewable energy, and emerging energy technology sectors to discuss the key technical, regulatory, structural, economic and market issues impacting their commercial future.

Siting Wind Power Projects in the Eastern U.S.
Start date: Mar 8, 2005
End date: Mar 9, 2005
Cost: $400 but varies
Wind Project Siting Workshop dealing with emerging topics of wind project siting, such as technical and wildlife issues, and building local support for wind projects, with a focus on the Eastern US area.

Int’l Conference On Energy and Environment
Start date: Mar 13, 2005
End date: Mar 17, 2005
Cost: $650 USD
The conference will address issues connected with the interaction between energy and the environment.

American Bar Assoc. Green Finance Seminar
Start date: Mar 16, 2005
End date: Mar 16, 2005
Cost: Free
The American Bar Association is holding a seminar titled, "Meeting the Green Finance Challenge."

ENEX- New Energy 2005
Start date: Mar 16, 2005
End date: Mar 18, 2005
Cost: Unknown
Due to the central location of the fairground, the three-day exhibition is to develop into the leading trade fair for new EU-markets like Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovenia and will function as emitter for other countries.

GeoExchange 2005 Int’l Conference
Start date: Mar 17, 2005
End date: Mar 18, 2005
Cost: $395 Can.
GeoExchange 2005 will be a leading event for the geoexchange (more commonly recognized as earth-coupled heat pumps) industry in Canada.

ENEX – New Energy
Start date: Mar 21, 2005
End date: Mar 23, 2005
Cost: Unknown
Due to the central location of the fairground, the three-day exhibition is to develop into the leading trade fair for new EU-markets like Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovenia and will function as emitter for other countries.

NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference 2005
Start date: Mar 29, 2005
End date: Apr 1, 2005
Cost: $450- $875
Partnering for the Global Hydrogen Future NHA’s 16th Annual Hydrogen Conference and Expo

Wind Energy Delivery & Reliability
Start date: Mar 30, 2005
End date: Mar 31, 2005
Cost: $350 but varies
Transmission Workshop with a focus on wind integration and utility questions from economics and engineering perspectives for answers on reliability concerns, costs, hydro synergies and grid codes.

5th Int’l Workshop on Integration of Wind Power
Start date: Apr 7, 2005
End date: Apr 8, 2005
Cost: 420 Euros
This event is about the large-scale integration of wind power and transmission networks for offshore wind farms.

Intl Exhibition on Efficiency and R.E. Sources
Start date: Apr 13, 2005
End date: Apr 15, 2005
Cost: Unknown
This event will aim to network high level international speakers with local speakers to discuss their experiences in the business society.

Solar Trend 2005 Conference and Expo
Start date: Apr 22, 2005
End date: Apr 23, 2005
Cost: $180 USD
Solar Trend 2005 Expo is designed to showcase the most advanced technologies available in renewable energy applications for Institutions, businesses, government agencies, stakeholders as well as individuals from around the world.

World Geothermal Congress 2005
Start date: Apr 24, 2005
End date: Apr 29, 2005
Cost: $450 USD
The Congress aims to emulate the successful congresses held in Italy (1995) and in Japan (2000).

EnergyOcean 2005
Start date: Apr 26, 2005
End date: Apr 28, 2005
Cost: $495
This event will focus on the activities offshore to develop sustainable energy sources for the future of our civilization.

Salon des Energies Renouvelables 2005
Start date: Apr 27, 2005
End date: Apr 29, 2005

Permaculture Design Certification Course
Start date: May 1, 2005
End date: Jun 1, 2005
Cost: $890
Two-week intensive training in applied system of ecological/sustainable design methodology

Windpower 2005 Conference & Exhibition
Start date: May 15, 2005
End date: May 18, 2005
Cost: Not yet available.
The exhibition at WINDPOWER 2005 promises to be an impressive display from the leading wind energy companies working in all facets of the U.S. wind energy industry.

World Renewable Energy Conference 2005
Start date: May 22, 2005
End date: May 27, 2005
Cost: 605 Euros
WREC2005 will provide an explicit link between renewable energy, the environment and sustainability.

Greening the Heartland 2005
Start date: Jun 1, 2005
End date: Jun 3, 2005
Cost: $385 USD
The City of Chicago and the U. S. Green Building Council’s are proud to be this year’s hosts of the Greening the Heartland Conference.

European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
Start date: Jun 6, 2005
End date: Jun 10, 2005
Cost: Unknown
The ‘who is who’ of the PV solar branch will meet at Barcelona to discuss the latest developments in industry and science.

International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo
Start date: Jun 28, 2005
End date: Jul 1, 2005
Cost: Unknown
The International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo (FEW) is the largest fuel ethanol industry event in the world.

International Hydrogen Energy Meeting
Start date: Jul 13, 2005
End date: Jul 14, 2005
Cost: $225 USD
The Conference objective is to bring together both research and industry organizations which are related to the Hydrogen Energy Sector, to facilitate communication and to promote the use of Hydrogen as a fuel.

ISES Solar World Congress 2005
Start date: Aug 8, 2005
End date: Aug 12, 2005
Cost: TBA in January ’05.
The World Congress will highlight advances in all solar sciences over the last 50 years, including technological developments, applications and installations, and policy issues.

Energy 2005 — The Solutions Network
Start date: Aug 14, 2005
End date: Aug 17, 2005

Permaculture Design Certification Course
Start date: Aug 27, 2005
End date: Sep 1, 2005
Cost: $890
Two-week intensive training in applied design methodologies for sustainability

Wind Turbine Noise 2005
Start date: Oct 17, 2005
End date: Oct 18, 2005
Cost: 425 euro
International Conference on noise and vibration from wind turbines. Berlin 17/18 October 2005

Canalul Bistroe, interes strategic si militar

Pe scurt, directorul general a mentionat 3 consecinte ale lucrarilor la Canalul Bistroe. Va urma o scurgere mai rapida a Dunarii, cu efecte secundare asupra bratului Chilia, echilibrul ecologic va fi afectat si vor fi cauzate pierderi economice pentru partea romana, dar si ucraineana. Prin interventiile internationale a fost stopata faza a doua a lucrarilor la Canalul Bistroe. Acum, institutul roman da replica Ucrainei cu ajutorul MMGA, prin propunerea unui proiect. Planul urmeaza sa fie pus in practica pe etape, in urmatorii 10 ani, si va costa 31 de milioane de euro. ?O parte din bani vor veni de la bugetul Romaniei, iar alta va fi atrasa de pe plan national si international?, ne-a declarat directorul Ştiuca.

Planul strategic de reconstructie ecologica a Deltei Dunarii urmareste sa restabileasca, sa refaca si sa mentina starea initiala specifica zonelor umede: hidrologica, biogeochimica si ecologica. La conferinta de ieri s-a mai subliniat ca Ucraina a incalcat 6 conventii internationale, doua acorduri cu Romania si un tratat bilateral. Mai mult, s-a criticat aprobarea lucrarilor de catre Cabinetul ucrainean de Ministri, care nu a prezentat studiul de impact asupra mediului. in finalul expunerii, directorul general ne-a declarat: ?Este curios ca Ucraina vrea cu orice pret acest canal, cu toate ca, din punct de vedere economic, nu se justifica, asa cum au declarat ei. Doar 4% dintre navele ucrainene trec pe la noi, ceea ce inseamna ca ne platesc anual aproximativ 80.000 de euro. Acum insa investesc milioane pentru a face economie la citeva zeci de mii?. Guvernatorul Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii, Virgil Munteanu, sustine ca adevaratul motiv reiese chiar din prezentarea facuta de specialistii ucraineni prezenti la Palatul Natiunilor din Geneva: Canalul Bistroe reprezinta un obiectiv strategic si militar pentru Ucraina.

Ucraina sfideaza, continuand lucrarile la Canalul Bastroe

Participantii din statele dunarene si-au exprimat preocuparea fata de urmarile pe care le are construirea acestui canal asupra mediului inconjurator.

Comisia Internationala pentru Protectia Fluviului Dunarea a adoptat o rezolutie prin care a solicitat inca o data Ucrainei sa furnizeze tuturor statelor dunarene informatiile necesare despre proiectul Bastroe, pentru ca ICPDR sa poata evalua potentialele implicatii ale acestuia asupra prevederilor Conventiei de la Sofia din 1994 privind protectia si utilizarea durabila a fluviului Dunarea.

Monitorizare permanenta

Comisia Internationala pentru Protectia Fluviului Dunarea l-a imputernicit pe secretarul sau executiv sa continue dialogul cu autoritatile ucrainene, sa monitorizeze modul de indeplinire de catre Ucraina a angajamentelor asumate si sa prezinte un raport despre rezultatele acestei monitorizari la urmatoarea reuniune anuala a ICPDR.

Cea de-a 7-a Reuniune Anuala Ordinara a ICPDR a adoptat "Raportul Secretarului Executiv al acestei organizatii pe problema proiectului Bastroe in partea ucraineana a Deltei Dunarii?. Documentul mentioneaza implicatiile negative ale proiectului Bastroe asupra calitatii apelor din Delta Dunarii, in special in cazul inceperii de catre Ucraina a activitatilor planificate pentru realizarea celei de-a doua etape a proiectului.

Kievul nu-si tine promisiunile

Secretarul Executiv al ICPDR aminteste in continutul raportului sau promisiunea autoritatilor ucrainene ca, inainte de a trece la realizarea celei de-a doua faze a proiectului Bastroe, sa sprijine elaborarea de catre expertii internationali de mediu, cu participarea ICPDR, a unui studiu international privind impactul proiectului ucrainean asupra mediului inconjurator si implicatiile sale in plan transfrontalier. Totodata, in cadrul conferintei ministeriale a ICPDR, reprezentantii a 20 de organizatii neguvernamentale de mediu din bazinul dunarean au solicitat viitorului guvern ucrainean si Comisiei Europene sa faca tot posibilul pentru a preveni continuarea lucrarilor la Canalul Bastroe si sa repare prejudiciile deja produse mediului inconjurator prin realizarea primei faze a proiectului. (C.M.)

Ice-capped roof of world turns to desert

They added that the vast environmental changes brought about by the process will increase droughts and sandstorms over the rest of the country, and devastate many of the world’s greatest rivers, in what experts warn will be an "ecological catastrophe".

The plateau, says the academy, has a staggering 46,298 glaciers, covering almost 60,000 square miles. At an average height of 13,000 feet above sea level, they make up the largest area of ice outside the polar regions, nearly a sixth of the world’s total.

The glaciers have been receding over the past four decades, as the world has gradually warmed up, but the process has now accelerated alarmi?gly. Average temperatures in Tibet have risen by 2 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 20 years, causing the glaciers to shrink by 7 per cent a year, which means that they will halve every 10 years.

Prof Dong Guangrong, speaking for the academy – after a study analysing data from 680 weather stations scattered across the country – said that the rising temperatures would thaw out the tundra of the plateau, turning it into desert.

He added: "The melting glaciers will ultimately trigger more droughts, expand desertification and increase sand storms." The water running off the plateau is increasing soil erosion and so allowing the deserts to spread.

Sandstorms, blowing in from the degraded land, are already plaguing the country. So far this year, 13 of them have hit northern China, including Beijing. Three weeks ago one storm swept across an eighth of the vast country and even reached Korea and Japan. On the way, it dumped a mind-boggling 336,000 tons of dust on the capital, causing dangerous air pollution.

The rising temperatures are also endangering the newly built world’s highest railway, which is due to go into operation this summer. They threaten to melt the permafrost under the tracks of the £1.7bn Tibetan railway, constructed to link the area with China’s northwestern Qinghai province.

Perhaps worst of all, the melting threatens to disrupt water supplies over much of Asia. Many of the continent’s greatest rivers – including the Yangtze, the Indus, the Ganges, the Brahmaputra, the Mekong and the Yellow River – rise on the plateau.

In China alone, 300 million people depend on water from the glaciers for their survival. Yet the plateau is drying up, threatening to escalate an already dire situation across the country. Already 400 cities are short of water; in 100 of them – including Beijing – the shortages are becoming critical.

Even hopes that the melting glaciers might provide a temporary respite, by increasing the amount of water flowing off the plateau – have been dashed. For most of the water is evaporating before it reaches the people that need it – again because of the rising temperatures brought by global warning.

Yao Tandong, head of the academy’s Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Research Institute, summed it up. "The full-scale glacier shrinkage in the plateau regions will eventually lead to an ecological catastrophe," he said.

Re-lansarea portalului finantarilor PONT

Rubrica DOCUMENTE: vom culege si pune la dispozitie documente vitale (de marimi mari) legate de programe de finantare, integrarea europeana, economie, lumea civila, etc. Asteptam de asemenea sugestii din partea citiroirlor PONT.
Baza de date a ONG-urilor (ONGBit): Informatiile din acesta pot fi acum accesate prin intermediul site-ului, prin colaborarea cu Romanian Gateway Association si Fundatia pentru Dezvoltarea Societatii Civile din Romania.
Serviciul de e-mail de acum toti citirorii vor primi un singur e-mail, in care vor aparea toate informatiile cerute prin web, respectiv oportunitatile numai in categoriile cerute, respectiv stirile si licitatiile publice.
Design nou: prin intermediul firmei Powerdesign echipa noastra a reproiectat site-ul in intregime. Acest lucru permite o mai buna navigare in cadrul site-ului, o mai buna interconectibilitate intre diferitele rubrici.

PONT este gestionat de Impuls XXI, un ONG format din tineri, care si-au propus dezvoltarea unor programe, servicii, sit-uri prin care pot contribui la o mai buna circulatie a informatiilor in Romania.

[b]Despre PONT[/b]

PONT.web este portalul finantarilor (, care pe parcursul a trei ani de istorie a reusit sa devina unul dintre cele mai frecventate sit-uri de acest gen. PONT.web ofera servicii gratuite pentru firme private, organizatii neguvernamentale, institutii publice si persoane fizice din Romania. Informatiile publicate pe site sunt urmatoarele:

* Noile oportunitati de finantare, burse, conferinte,
* Stiri prin urmatoarele rubrici: EU-RO, IT, Lumea ONG, Economic, Protectia mediului si Presa de azi
* Posibilitate de cautare in baza de date a oportunitatilor
* Baza de date a institutiilor, organizatiilor finantatoare

Carnivore si oameni

Initiativa se bucura de sprijinul financiar al Ambasadei Olandei in Romania si se deruleaza pe o perioada de sase luni. Activitatile se concentreaza pe trei specii: lup, urs si vidra – toate cele trei fiind specii periclitate si protejate pe plan global. Proiectul reprezinta primul pas in doua programe pe termen lung, unul pentru protectia carnivorelor mari – lup, urs si ras -, iar celalalt pentru protectia vidrelor.

in primele sase luni, scopul primordial este de a cerceta conflictele dintre carnivore (speciile susamintite) si oameni intamplate in ultimii trei ani pe teritoriul Transilvaniei. Prin conflicte intelegem pagubele produse in gospodarii (in cazul vidrei in elestee, pastravarii, lacuri de pescuit), turme de oi, atacuri asupra oamenilor, etc. Investigarea acestor incidente se face prin mai multe mijloace: analiza parerii si atitudinii persoanelor afectate de aceste cazuri (pagubiti, apropiati) si a organelor responsabile (directii silvice, asociatii de vanatori) prin utilizarea unor chestionare; efectuarea unor studii de caz despre posibilele cauze care au condus la aceste conflicte, despre marimea reala a pagubelor si despre eventualele mijloace de protectie care pot fi implementate pe plan local.

La sfarsitul proiectului rezultatele si datele colectate pe parcurs vor fi publicate. Scopul final este de a informa corect si obiectiv oamenii despre aceste trei specii (urs, lup, vidra) inconjurate de numeroase superstitii si temeri nefondate. in acelasi timp nu se poate neglija faptul ca uneori chiar produc pagube. De multe ori insa, aceste pagube, incidente pot fi evitate prin metode de preventie / protectie relativ simple si implementabile si pe plan local.

Prin aceasta cale am dori sa-i rugam pe toti cei care au cunostinte despre asemenea cazuri sa ne contacteze la sediul asociatiei (str. Crinului nr.22) in timpul programului (intre orele 9.00-14.00) sau la numarul de telefon 264-726.

Electronic smog

The evidence – which is being taken seriously by national and international bodies and authorities – suggests that almost everyone is being exposed to a new form of pollution with countless sources in daily use in every home.

Two official Department of Health reports on the smog are to be presented to ministers next month, and the Health Protection Agency (HPA) has recently held the first meeting of an expert group charged with developing advice to the public on the threat.

The UN’s World Health Organisation (WHO) calls the electronic smog "one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences" and stresses that it "takes seriously" concerns about the health effects. It adds that "everyone in the world" is exposed to it and that "levels will continue to increase as technology advances".

Wiring creates electrical fields, one component of the smog, even when nothing is turned on. And all electrical equipment – from TVs to toasters – give off another one, magnetic fields. The fields rapidly decrease with distance but appliances such as hair dryers and electric shavers, used close to the head, can give high exposures. Electric blankets and clock radios near to beds produce even higher doses because people are exposed to them for many hours while sleeping.

Radio frequency fields – yet another component – are emitted by microwave ovens, TV and radio transmitters, mobile phone masts and phones themselves, also used close to the head.

The WHO says that the smog could interfere with the tiny natural electrical currents that help to drive the human body. Nerves relay signals by transmitting electric impulses, for example, while the use of electrocardiograms testify to the electrical activity of the heart.

Campaigners have long been worried about exposure to fields from lines carried by electric pylons but, until recently, their concerns were dismissed, even ridiculed, by the authorities.

But last year a study by the official National Radiological Protection Board concluded that children living close to the lines are more likely to get leukaemia, and ministers are considering whether to stop any more homes being built near them. The discovery is causing a large-scale reappraisal of the hazards of the smog.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer – part of the WHO and the leading international organisation on the disease – classes the smog as a "possible human carcinogen". And Professor David Carpenter, dean of the School of Public Health at the State University of New York, told The Independent on Sunday last week that it was likely t? cause up to 30 per cent of all childhood cancers. A report by the California Health Department concludes that it is also likely to cause adult leukaemia, brain cancers and possibly breast cancer and could be responsible for a 10th of all miscarriages.

Professor Denis Henshaw, professor of human radiation effects at Bristol University, says that "a huge and substantive body of evidence indicates a range of adverse health effects". He estimates that the smog causes some 9,000 cases of depression.

Perhaps strangest of all, there is increasing evidence that the smog causes some people to become allergic to electricity, leading to nausea, pain, dizziness, depression and difficulties in sleeping and concentrating when they use electrical appliances or go near mobile phone masts. Some are so badly affected that they have to change their lifestyles.

While not yet certain how it is caused, both the WHO and the HPA accept that the condition exists, and the UN body estimates that up to three in every 100 people are affected by it.

Case History: ‘I felt I was going into meltdown’

Until a year ago, Sarah Dacre reckoned she had a "blessed life". Running her own company, and living in an expensive north London home, the high-earning divorcee described herself as "fab, fit and 40s". Then suddenly the sight in her right eye failed: she first noticed it when she was unable to read an A-Z map. Soon she was getting pains and numbness in her joints. She could not sleep and spent nights "pacing about like a caged lion". Her short-term memory failed and if she took notes to remind her, she would forget she had made them.

The symptoms got worse whenever she was exposed to electricity. She could not use a computer for more than five minutes without becoming nauseous. Even using a telephone landline gave her a buzzing in the ear and made her feel she was "going into meltdown".

Invisible "smog", created by the electricity that powers our civilisation, is giving children cancer, causing miscarriages and suicides and making some people allergic to modern life, new scientific evidence reveals.

The evidence – which is being taken seriously by national and international bodies and authorities – suggests that almost everyone is being exposed to a new form of pollution with countless sources in daily use in every home.

Two official Department of Health reports on the smog are to be presented to ministers next month, and the Health Protection Agency (HPA) has recently held the first meeting of an expert group charged with developing advice to the public on the threat.

The UN’s World Health Organisation (WHO) calls the electronic smog "one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences" and stresses that it "takes seriously" concerns about the health effects. It adds that "everyone in the world" is exposed to it and that "levels will continue to increase as technology advances".

Wiring creates electrical fields, one component of the smog, even when nothing is turned on. And all electrical equipment – from TVs to toasters – give off another one, magnetic fields. The fields rapidly decrease with distance but appliances such as hair dryers and electric shavers, used close to the head, can give high exposures. Electric blankets and clock radios near to beds produce even higher doses because people are exposed to them for many hours while sleeping.

Radio frequency fields – yet another component – are emitted by microwave ovens, TV and radio transmitters, mobile phone masts and phones themselves, also used close to the head.

The WHO says that the smog could interfere with the tiny natural electrical currents that help to drive the human body. Nerves relay signals by transmitting electric impulses, for example, while the use of electrocardiograms testify to the electrical activity of the heart.

Campaigners have long been worried about exposure to fields from lines carried by electric pylons but, until recently, their concerns were dismissed,?even ridiculed, by the authorities.

But last year a study by the official National Radiological Protection Board concluded that children living close to the lines are more likely to get leukaemia, and ministers are considering whether to stop any more homes being built near them. The discovery is causing a large-scale reappraisal of the hazards of the smog.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer – part of the WHO and the leading international organisation on the disease – classes the smog as a "possible human carcinogen". And Professor David Carpenter, dean of the School of Public Health at the State University of New York, told The Independent on Sunday last week that it was likely to cause up to 30 per cent of all childhood cancers. A report by the California Health Department concludes that it is also likely to cause adult leukaemia, brain cancers and possibly breast cancer and could be responsible for a 10th of all miscarriages.

Professor Denis Henshaw, professor of human radiation effects at Bristol University, says that "a huge and substantive body of evidence indicates a range of adverse health effects". He estimates that the smog causes some 9,000 cases of depression.

Perhaps strangest of all, there is increasing evidence that the smog causes some people to become allergic to electricity, leading to nausea, pain, dizziness, depression and difficulties in sleeping and concentrating when they use electrical appliances or go near mobile phone masts. Some are so badly affected that they have to change their lifestyles.

While not yet certain how it is caused, both the WHO and the HPA accept that the condition exists, and the UN body estimates that up to three in every 100 people are affected by it.

Case History: ‘I felt I was going into meltdown’

Until a year ago, Sarah Dacre reckoned she had a "blessed life". Running her own company, and living in an expensive north London home, the high-earning divorcee described herself as "fab, fit and 40s". Then suddenly the sight in her right eye failed: she first noticed it when she was unable to read an A-Z map. Soon she was getting pains and numbness in her joints. She could not sleep and spent nights "pacing about like a caged lion". Her short-term memory failed and if she took notes to remind her, she would forget she had made them.

The symptoms got worse whenever she was exposed to electricity. She could not use a computer for more than five minutes without becoming nauseous. Even using a telephone landline gave her a buzzing in the ear and made her feel she was "going into meltdown".

4. Etapa a patra – Implementare

4.1. Identificarea potentialelor institutii de implementare
4.2. Evaluarea posibilitatilor de lucru cu sectorul privat
4.3. Evaluarea posibilitatilor de lucru cu sectorul neguvernamental
4.5. Asigurarea implicarii institutiilor care asigura implementarea
4.4. Revizuirea structurilor organizationale existente
4.6. Pregatirea Planului de Implementare a Proiectului
4.7. Pregatirea bugetului pentru implementare si stabilirea procedurilor contabile
4.8. Asigurarea finantarii
4.9. Asigurarea integrarii eficiente a PAM in procesul de planificare statutar

4.1. Identificarea potentialelor institutii de implementare

¬ Municipalitatile: Municipalitatea va avea principala responsabilitate de a implementa majoritatea recomandarilor din plan. Ea este responsabila de managementul si supravegherea unei serii de probleme de mediu: managementul apelor reziduale, colectarea si depozitarea deseurilor solide, asigurarea unor rezerve de apa si mentinerea ariilor verzi. Consiliul municipal va avea un rol esential in stabilirea bugetelor, adoptarea si obtinerea fondurilor.
¬ Companiile utilitare: Acestea au un rol hotarator in implementarea proiectului. Utilitatile sunt direct responsabile de asigurarea unor servicii specifice cum sunt asigurarea apei potabile, managementul apei menajere, colectarea si depozitarea deseurilor solide.
¬ Autoritatile regionale (judetene, raionale): Acestea pot oferi potentiale fonduri pentru rezolvarea problemelor care se extind dincolo de jurisdictia unei municipalitati. De exemplu, autoritatile regionale aferente pot facilita un acord intre cateva municipalitati pentru managementul unui serviciu comun sau a unei probleme de mediu comune.
¬ Autoritatile nationale: Acestea stabilesc politicile de mediu care ofera cadrul legal pentru rezolvarea problemelor de mediu, in unele cazuri ofera asistenta tehnica si financiara.
¬ Sectorul privat: Municipalitatea poate angaja companii particulare sa indeplineasca servicii publice, ca de exemplu colectarea si managementul deseurilor solide.
¬ Organizatiile neguvernamentale: ONG-urile pot avea un rol important in implementarea unei game largi de activitati conexe protectiei mediului (conducerea programelor de educatie privind mediul, implementarea programelor de monitorizare a mediului care implica cetatenii, conducerea unor expertize de mediu instalarea si utilizarea echipamentelor de mediu, etc.)
¬ Industria: PAM va identifica cateva industrii ? atat private cat si de stat ? care vor avea responsabilitati specifice pentru reducerea nivelului poluarii.
Eforturile comunitatii de implementare vor implica o cooperare a acestor institutii. GI in colaborare cu municipalitatea poate avea un rol deosebit in identificarea institutiilor potrivite, agentiilor, organizatiilor si persoanelor care sa participe la faza de implementare.