Six sites finalists for nuclear power plants

A nuclear power plant hasn’t been built in the United States in two decades, but that could change in the next few years after a consortium announced locations in six states as possible sites for a nuclear renaissance.

Nuclear power consortium NuStart Energy on Thursday named the sites from which it will later pick two for which to apply for licenses to build and operate nuclear power plants.

Four of the six already house operating nuclear power plants. The sites, by location, are:

Scottsboro, Ala. The Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, an unfinished site owned by the U.S. government’s Tennessee Valley Authority.
Port Gibson, Miss. The Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, owned by Entergy.
St. Francisville, La. The River Bend Station, owned by Entergy.
Aiken, S.C. The Savannah River Site, a U.S. Department of Energy nuclear weapons lab.
Lusby, Md. The Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Plant, owned by Constellation Energy.
Oswego, N.Y. The Nine Mile Point plant, owned by Constellation Energy.
All six sites chosen by NuStart are owned either by a consortium member or by the Department of Energy.

The consortium, which hopes to work on two advanced plant designs, said it expects to name the two finalists by October

Global warming advantage
The last license to result in the construction and operation of a new nuclear plant in the United States was issued in 1973.

The U.S. nuclear industry has been virtually frozen since the accident at Three Mile Island in 1979, the worst nuclear accident in U.S. history. No company has followed through with plans to build a new nuclear plant since the accident.

However, President Bush has backed renewed construction of nuclear plants as part of his energy policy.

And, in an indication of a possible shift in public opinion, a few environmentalists have said they are willing to revisit nuclear power because, unlike fossil fuel, it doesn’t produce emissions tied to global warming.

In addition, designs for new generation plants include smaller reactors that create less radioactive waste.

75 factors to be weighed
NuStart President Marilyn Kray said the four sites with operating power plants have the ?most comprehensive licensing basis,? and the five sites housing power plants have the benefit of established transmission systems.

The consortium will evaluate the sites on 75 factors including seismic activity, availability of water and emergency preparedness issues.

It is also sending letters to state and local politicians and development leaders to determine what incentives they might offer to attract t?e plant.

Kray said Nustart is not particularly worried about protests from environmental activists at the local level, but does expect some resistance from environmentalists on the national level.

The NuStart consortium consists of nine utilities, including Exelon, Entergy, and Duke Energy, as well as nuclear reactor manufacturers GE Energy, a unit of General Electric, and Westinghouse Electric Co., a unit of BNFL Plc. (GE is a parent in the joint venture that owns MSNBC.)

Under the Department of Energy?s Nuclear 2010 program, half of the estimated $520 million cost of the project is being shouldered by the Energy Department and half will be paid by the consortium members.

The consortium expects to apply for licenses in 2008. Construction could then begin in 2010 with completion in 2014, NuStart said.

Marsul de Solidaritate cu Rosia Montana – editia a II-a

?O idee nu e mare decat daca poti sa iesi cu ea pe strada!¬ Constantin Noica

Participand la Marsul de Solidaritate cu Rosia Montana poti lua atitudine, poti spune ? NU ¬ unui proiect minier menit sa distruga nu doar Rosia Montana, ci intreaga zona a Apusenilor.

La Mars vor lua parte si celebritati din lumea muzicii, teatrului, televiziunii etc. si nu va lipsi acoperirea media din partea MTV Romania, Formula AS, Curierul National, Sapte Seri, Radio Orion Alba, CD Radio Cluj-Napoca, Radio Targu-Mures, s.a.

Marsul de Solidaritate este sansa fiecarui roman de a se face vizibil si auzit, de a intra in contact cu motii intr-un mod inedit si atat de simplu, despre care noi stim deja ca are succes : mergand pe jos.

Marsul se va desfasura pe acelasi traseu, Cluj-Napoca-Rosia Montana, pe Valea Ariesului si se va finaliza cu un Concert de Protest la Rosia Montana.

Marsul va avea urmatorul program:
23 August: Cluj-Napoca, Feleacu, Valcele, Martinesti, Tureni, Copaceni, Turda;
24 August: Turda, Mihai Viteazu, Cornesti, Buru;
25 August: Buru, Lungesti, Vidolm, Ocolis, Lunca Ariesului, Salciua;
26 August: Salciua, Brazesti, Sartas, Baia de Aries, Muncelu, Valea Lupsii, Lupsa;
27 August: Lupsa, Bistra, Campeni;
28 August: Campeni, Carpenis, Gura Rosiei, Rosia Montana.

Fiecare participant la Marsul de Solidaritate cu Rosia Montana va semna un angajament prin care sa obliga ca pe durata Marsului sa nu recurga la acte de violenta sau sa aduca prejudicii bunelor moravuri si sa se comporte dupa principiul bunului simt.

Minorii vor putea participa la Mars doar daca sunt insotiti de persoane majore care vor raspunde pentru ei.

EEA celebrates international biodiversity day

On the occasion of International Biological Diversity Day, the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity launched a much improved database called EUNIS, European Nature Information System. This database focuses on key biodiversity elements such as species, habitat types, etc and will be ?mproved further during this year with major features such as spatial tools and enhanced data sets.

These on-line information systems will help to assess and understand biodiversity in a wider context. The EUNIS database development was initiated by the Agency in 1997, and the data was made available on the web within European Community clearing House Mechanism process in 2002.

Events were arranged worldwide to celebrate this day and improve awareness of biodiversity and its relevance to human well-being. A synthesis report of the biodiversity part of the UN-driven Millennium Ecosystem Assessment was launched in Montreal, London, Cambridge and Beijing as part of these celebrations.

Adevarul – Autostrada Brasov-Bors – un proiect de 10 ori mai scump decat cel Croat

Croatia, care se pregateste sa inceapa negocierile de aderare la Uniunea Europeana, a renuntat la un contract privind constructia de autostrazi, care fusese atribuit concernului american Bechtel. Uniunea Europeana ofera finantari substantiale pentru infrastructura croata
si guvernul are tot interesul sa se afle in gratiile Bruxelles-ului, potrivit BBC. Ca si in Romania, in Croatia s-a iscat un adevarat scandal fata de atribuirea, luna trecuta, fara licitatie, a unui contract in valoare de 300 milioane dolari companiei americane Bechtel.

Motivatia autoritatilor croate era ca ramasesera datoare de pe vremea precedentului executiv. Liderii opozitiei l-au acuzat pe premierul Ivo Sanader ca atribuie contracte in conditii dubioase, desi nu are nici o obligatie sa faca acest lucru. In urma presiunilor, acesta a decis sa organizeze o licitatie, desi legea i-ar fi permis sa ofere proiectul, in mod direct, unei companii cu traditie. Punand in balanta finantarile pe care le poate obtine de la Uniunea Europeana, guvernul croat a ales o alta solutie fata de guvernul roman pentru a iesi din acest conflict SUA-UE. Reamintim ca proiectul privind constructia autostrazii Brasov-Bors a fost atribuit de guvernul roman tot firmei Bechtel, fara licitatie, ceea ce a iscat nemultumirea oficialilor europeni care, la un moment dat, au anuntat chiar si posibilitatea inceperii unei anchete in acest caz. Miza proiectului romanesc era mult mai mare decat in cazul celui croat, avand in vedere ca autostrada Brasov-Bors este o lucrare de aproximativ 3 miliarde de dolari, de zece ori mai scumpa decat cei 37 de km ai autostrazii croate care va lega Zagrebul de Dubrovnik. In ciuda presiunilor oficialilor europeni, guvernul de la Bucuresti a ramas pe pozitie, lucrarile la autostrada Brasov-Bors fiind inaugurate oficial in luna iulie. Singura "concesie" facuta Bruxelles-ului a fost promisiunea ca se va incerca evitarea pe viitor a atribuirii unor proiecte de asemenea anvergura fara licitatie.

Campania Salvati Rosia Montana!

Daca proiectul va fi realizat, peste 2000 de oameni ar fi stramutati fortat, iar Rosia Montana, cea mai veche localitate miniera atestata documentar din Romania ar fi distrusa. Cercetari arheologice recente au adus la lumina adevarate comori precum galerii miniere dacice si romane, unice in lume. Ca alternativa la minerit si pentru a salva Rosia Montana, Alburnus Maior a lansat un proiect ce promoveaza dezvoltarea durabila si prezervarea mostenirii istorice si naturale.

Eugen David, Presedintele Alburnus Maior: "Rosia Montana nu e de vanzare! Casele si vietile noastre nu sunt subiect de negociere si nu pot fi cuprinse in nici un studiu de impact. Destinul Rosiei Montane trebuie sa fie unul durabil."

Marsul de Solidaritate cu Rosia Montana ? editia a II-a

? O idee nu e mare decat daca poti sa iesi cu ea pe strada ! ¬ Constantin Noica

Asociatia Alburnus Maior anunta editia a II-a a Marsului de Solidaritate cu Rosia Montana ce va avea loc in perioda 23-28 august 2004. Marsul este organizat in parteneriat cu Institutul Roman pentru Pace (PATRIR), Greenpeace CEE si Mindbomb.

Marsul de Solidaritate cu Rosia Montana este o incursiune in Tara Motilor parcurgand peste 130 km, in 6 zile, de la Cluj Napoca la Rosia Montana. Drumul urmeaza, in cea mai mare parte a sa Valea Ariesului, trecand prin peste 20 de comunitati.

Fiecare pas din acest mars simbolizeaza refuzul de a accepta incalcarea drepturilor omului, injustitia sociala si lipsa unei practici a democratiei. Mai mult de atat, acest eveniment este o celebrare a vietii, traditiilor, naturii si a puterii oamenilor de a se impotrivi proiectului minier planificat la Rosia Montana. De mai bine de 5 ani, institutii si forumuri prestigioase din tara si strainatate sprijina lupta oamenilor din Rosia Montana, insa autoritatile romane raman tacute. Astfel, motii, pentru a-si face cunoscuta cauza au nevoie de prieteni curajosi, sensibili si hotarati.

Marsul de Solidaritate este sansa fiecarui roman de a se face vizibil si auzit, de a intra in contact cu motii intr-un mod inedit si atat de simplu, despre care noi stim deja ca are succes : mergand pe jos.

Marsul se va finaliza cu un Concert de Protest la Rosia Montana. Va asteptam in oricare din zilele marsului, dupa urmatorul program:
23 August: Cluj-Napoca, Feleacu, Valcele, Martinesti, Tureni, Copaceni, Turda;
24 August: Turda, Mihai Viteazu, Cornesti, Buru;
25 August: Buru, Lungesti, Vidolm, Ocolis, Lunca Ariesului, Salciua;
26 August: Salciua, Brazesti, Sartas, Baia de Aries, Muncelu, Valea Lupsii, Lupsa;
27 August: Lupsa, Bistra, Campeni;
28 August: Campeni, Carpenis, Gura Rosiei, Rosia Montana.

Arctic leaders urge further action on climate change

He thanked Denmark and the other EU countries for taking a strong lead on climate change. "We know there is some tough sledding ahead to make the rest of the cuts in greenhouse gases that will be needed. We came to let people know that climate change is already having an effect in the Arctic, and it will soon be affecting Europe too. It’s really important that Europeans commit to more reductions once the Kyoto commitments are complemented."

A recent report from the Copenhagen-based European Environment Agency confirms that changes in climate and impacts on nature and ecosystems are already underway in various parts of Europe, including the Arctic. Prof. Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency:

‘These findings provide even more evidence that climate change is really happening. Our report supports policy makers in their efforts to not only reduce emissions of greenhouse gases but also prepare ways to adapt to the changes that will inevitably come. Europe has a particular responsibility because of its leadership in the Kyoto process but also because its geography – from the Arctic to the arid regions of the Mediterranean – means that all Europeans will be affected.’


Colegiul Invizibil Moldova (CIM) – organizatie neguvernamentala educationala are drept scop promovarea instruirii de calitate a studentilor talentati in domeniile stiintelor sociale si umanistice. Colegiul acorda sprijin studentilor in obtinerea cunostintelor teoretice si deprinderilor practice in baza programelor extracurriculare ce completeaza si extind cunostintele obtinute in cadrul programelor universitare. La concurs sunt invitati sa participe
studentii care isi fac studiile in domeniile stiintelor sociale si umanistice la universitatile din Moldova si care corespund urmatoarelor criterii: ¬ studenti in anul II, III (cu bacalaureat) si
III, IV (dupa scoala medie); ¬ media academica la ultimile doua sesiuni – mai mare de 8.5.

Informatii suplimentare despre conditiile de participare la tel. 22 25 04. Adresa Colegiului Invizibil: Chisinau, str. Puskin, 16/1.

Academia Romana recomanda abandonarea proiectului referitor la Rosia Montana

Academia Romana reaminteste in context ca distrugerea comunitatii Rosia Montana, veche de peste 2000 de ani, prin stramutarea unei parti a populatiei, demolarea de cladiri, unele avind calitatea de monument istoric, mutarea de cimitire si alte actiuni similare este inacceptabila. Potrivit comunicatului Academiei Romane, exploatarea proiectata pentru o perioada de 17 ani nu reprezinta o solutie de dezvoltare durabila, pe termen lung, problemele sociale si economice ale zonei raminind nerezolvate sau agravindu-se dupa aceasta perioada. De altfel, si numarul locurilor de munca in perioada operationala a exploatarii, estimat la circa 300, este nesemnificativ in raport cu nevoile locale, care ar cere o solutie de durata bazata pe resurse regenerabile, mai sustine Academia Romana.


UK scientists clone human embryo

The aim of this kind of work – the subject of fierce debate – is to make cloned embryos from which stem cells can be used to treat diseases.

Meanwhile South Korean scientists say they have created stem cells to match individuals for the first time.

The resultant cells were a perfect match for the individual and could mean treatments for diseases like diabetes without problems of rejection.

Therapeutic cloning – believed to have huge potential to treat disease and disability – is allowed in Britain.

Reproductive cloning – the cloning of human embryos with the intention of creating a baby – was made illegal in 2001.

The UN recently voted in favour of a ban on all human cloning, but this was non-binding which means the UK can continue to do therapeutic cloning.

The use of embryonic stem cells is controversial, with opponents arguing that all embryos, whether created in the lab or not, have the potential to go on to become a fully fledged human. Others fear there are safety concerns.

Supporters of cloning say it could offer numerous benefits in the future, such as fighting disease, battling infertility or preserving endangered species.

Criticising the Newcastle research, Julia Millington from the ProLife Alliance said cloning for research purposes was profoundly unethical.

Josephine Quintavalle from CORE said: "No matter how it is created, a human embryo’s destiny should be to live and not to be turned into human stem cells."

Life said cloning was "unsafe and inefficient", and involved exposing women to dangerous fertility drugs in order to collect sufficient eggs.

In the Newcastle research, three of the resultant clones lived and grew in the laboratory for three days and one survived for five days.

The critical factor for success appeared to be how quickly the egg was collected and manipulated, Professor Alison Murdoch and colleagues found.

The clone that lasted for five days had been collected and manipulated within 15 minutes.

Other tissues

Stem cells have the ability to develop into virtually any tissue in the body and could, in theory, be used to replace damaged cells in conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and diabetes.

But Professor Murdoch said this was still a long way off.

"We are talk?ng about several years before we are talking about a cell-based therapy that can go back into the patient," she said.

Colleague Dr Miodrag Stojkovic said: "I’m really happy but I know that this is just the beginning of a long journey so we have to continue to try to derive stem cells that will definitely help us one day to cure diseases."

The UK research is published in Reproductive and BioMedicine Online.

Co-operation Partners in South / Eastern Europe

The ASA-programme is aiming to send young germans (or people who study and work in Germany)and people from estonia, latvia, lithuania, poland, slovak and czech republic in the above mentioned regions. Some of these work-study-stays are bilateral, meaning that the cooperation partners in southeastern europe, asia, afria, latinamerica come as well for an exchange to germany, a so called south-north-project.

For three months two women from india came to berlin where i accompanied them through i.e. the rehabilitation scene where i worked and then me and another student colleague went to calcutta to get to know the rehabilitation and psychiatric system there for three months.

The aim is to work on a common project/ subject for at least three month in various fields- may it be: health, ecology/sustainability, education, human rights, etc.

Those projects can generally take place in southeastern europe, asia, africa, latinamerica.
so, if you have a project idea or you know of interested cooperation partners there, please check the website: