Romania Libera – Se impiedica programul de revitalizare a Deltei Dunarii

De cateva saptamani personaje dintre cele mai dubioase din Delta si din randul celor care au fost pusi la punct in ultimii ani de conducerea ARBDD pentru ca incalcau legea in Delta Dunarii agita spiritele. Cu o parte dintre acestia ARBDD s-a judecat pentru a le stopa ilegalitatile iar Justitia s-a pronuntat in favoarea intronarii legalitatii in aceasta zona pusa sub protectie ecologica. Alte personaje agreate de prefectul liberal sunt cercetate de PNA. Persoane incurajate de prefectul Lefter Chirica, dar si de alti lideri ai PNL Tulcea, care sunt implicati in afaceri dintre cele mai dubioase in Delta, vor acum capul guvernatorului Deltei ? Virgil Munteanu.
Intrucat nu s-a reusit impunerea pe functia de guvernator al ARBDD a obscurului Georgel Rosca, s-a pus la punct o strategie pentru demolarea autoritatii ARBDD.

Braconierii vor sa faca legea in Delta!

Pescarii-braconieri au fost pusi sa spuna ca ei nu mai au cu ce trai intrucat guvernatorul Virgil Munteanu le-a anulat permisele de pescuit pentru ca au braconat. Patronii firmelor de recoltat stuful, care nu au putut sa participe la licitatie intrucat firmele lor aveau datorii la bugetul de stat, au sustinut ca ARBDD le-a distrus afacerile si ca resursele Deltei ar trebui sa fie lasate, fara nici o restrictie, la discretia populatiei din Delta Dunarii. Directorul Agentiei de Protectia Mediului Tulcea, un apropiat al liberalilor si PSD-istilor tulceni, care a facilitat tot felul de afaceri necurate in legatura cu Delta, a declarat ca aceasta nu mai are nevoie de protectie ecologica. Singurele suprafete de teren din Delta care ar mai trebui sa fie protejate ar fi, in conceptia directorului Cadri Bectas, doar cele aflate sub protectie totala, care reprezinta mai putin de o treime din teritoriul actual al Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii.

Exista si pescari nemultumiti

Dupa ce in urma cu doi ani executivul de atunci a decis concesionarea fondului piscicol si stuficol, zone intregi din Delta au intrat sub controlul catorva firme. La ora actuala mai mult de jumatate din acest fond a fost concesionat. Exista disensiuni intre firmele concesionare, dar si intre pescari si acestea. Practic, pescuitul in Delta este dominat de cateva firme, ele obtinand dreptul sa pescuiasca cele mai mari cantitati de peste. Restul, au primit dreptul de a pescui cantitati mici, dar si asa asupra lor se fac mari presiuni. O parte dintre pescari, locuitori ai Deltei, sunt nemultumiti de aceasta situatie din Delta si ameninta cu miscari de protest. Toate aceste probleme au fost aduse la inceputul acestei saptamani la cunostinta noului prefect al judetului Tulcea si a membrilor Consiliului Judetean, care au promis ca vor interveni.


It’s worth mentioning that in the letter of ad interim Minister of international relations of Ukraine V. Yelchenko addressed to the Prime Minister of Ukraine V. Yanykovich he suggested: “with the aim to explain the justification of the position of Ukraine concerning the necessity of construction of navigation canal and to prevent the creation of negative image of our state at the international arena in this context we suggest: to authorize Ministry of environment, Ministry of transport, State committee on radio and TV to conduct necessary public awareness efforts among Mass Media”. Continue reading UKRAINE MISINFORMS OTHER COUNTRIES AND INTERNA?IONAL COMMUNITY CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF CANAL DANUBE-BLACK SEA

Lista a E-urilor

Prof. Gheorghe Mencinicopschi, directorul Institutului de Cercetari Alimentare, ne-a declarat ca in tarile Uniunii Europene este in plina desfasurare evaluarea unor substante care ar putea indeplini functia de aditiv alimentar. "In prezent, in UE se fac eforturi deosebite pentru rescrierea listelor de aditivi alimentari, scopul fiind siguranta alimentara a consumatorului", a adaugat prof. Mencinicopschi.

E-uri cancerigene:
E-123, E-131, E-142, E-210, E-211, E-212, E-213, E-214, E-215, E-216, E-217, E-330

E-uri periculoase:
E-102, E-120, E-124, E-153, E-220, E-221, E-222, E-223, E-224, E-226, E-230, E-232, E-233, E-250, E-251, E-252, E-311, E-312, E-407, E-450
E-102 – tartrazina, colorant, galben artificial, poate provoca alergii, periculos. Se gaseste intr-o gama larga de alimente, de la produse de patiserie pina la bauturi racoritoare si spirtoase.
E-120 – acidul carminic, colorant rosu natural de origine animala (se obtine dintr-o specie de insecta), periculos. Se gaseste mai ales in bauturi spirtoase
E-123 – amarant – colorant rosu artificial – foarte cancerigen. Se gaseste in bauturi spirtoase. In SUA a fost interzis.
E-124 – colorant artificial – rosu ponceau, periculos, poate provoca alergii. Se foloseste in bauturi.
E-131 – colorant artificial – albastru, foarte cancerigen. Se foloseste in bauturile spirtoase si in prajituri.
E-142 – colorant artificial – verde – foarte cancerigen. Se foloseste la bauturi
E-153 – carbunele vegetal, poate provoca tulburari gastrice.
E-210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217 – conservanti cancerigeni. Se gasesc intr-o gama extrem de larga de alimente, de la conserve, muraturi, dulceturi, pina la biscuiti.
E-220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226 – conservanti artificiali, periculosi. Se gasesc in toate produsele, in vinurile albe si chiar in fructele uscate.
E-230 – conservant artificial. Cu acest conservant sint tratate fructele. Recent au fost trecute in UE de la aditivi la pesticide si interzise.
E-233 – conservant artificial, interzis in UE.
E – 239 – conservant artificial, cancerigen, este folosit in unele cosmetice.

Echipa ?Salvati Rosia Montana? pleaca de la PATRIR

Institutul Roman pentru Actiune, Instruire si Cercetare in Domeniul Pacii (PATRIR) este o organizatie non-guvernamentala infiintata in martie 2001. Foloseste metode democratice si participatorii pentru transformarea pasnica a conflictelor si a incalcarilor drepturilor omului. Promoveaza de asemenea dezvoltarea durabila, diversitatea si protectia mediului.

Gabriel Resources (TSX: GBU) este o companie miniera canadiana junior care, prin intermediul RMGC, intentioneaza sa realizeze la Rosia Montana cea mai mare exploatare de aur la suprafata din Europa. Proiectul implica, printre altele, stramutarea involuntara a peste 2000 de oameni, precum si distrugerea unor situri arheologice si naturale unice. Inca de la inceputul sau, propunerea de proiect a fost asaltata de scandaluri, probleme operationale si opozitie locala, nationala si internationala vehementa. Miscarea pentru salvarea Rosiei Montane a dat nastere celei mai mari coalitii a societatii civile din Romania, reunind numeroase ONG-uri, universitati, institutii academice, personalitati si lideri de opinie.

Incercand disperat sa isi obtina acordul de mediu, RMGC are nevoie sa incerce sa linisteasca opinia societatii civile ceea ce implica de asemenea asa-numitele ?dialoguri constructive? cu lideri ai societatii civile. Contributia PATRIR la campania Salvati Rosia Montana a constat in munca unei echipe de voluntari care, de peste doi ani, au stat regulat in Rosia Montana si sunt implicati activ in toate aspectele acestei miscari. O politica foarte importanta impartasita de toti cei implicati este aceea de a nu vorbi cu societatea miniera decat in cadrul intalnirilor oficiale si legal constituite cum ar fi consultarile publice. Separarea echipei ?Salvati Rosia Montana? se datoreaza faptului ca membrii ai staff-ului superior al PATRIR au avut intalniri private cu reprezentanti ai Rosia Montana Gold Corporation (RMGC) si ai Gabriel Resources.

"Companiile miniere folosesc asemenea tactici peste tot in lume pentru a da o imagine ?verde? proiectelor lor murdare si pentru a-i descrie pe cei care refuza sa se angajeze in dialoguri ?constructive? ca si ?fundamentalisti.? Adevarul este ca a te intalni cu RMGC consta numai in a le asculta monologul," a declarat Bogdan Bindea de la Greenpeace ECE.

"RMGC nu are nici un fel de licenta sociala, nici in Rosia Montana si nici in Romania. Singura modalitate de a iesi din aceasta situatie este pentru ei aceea de a imita dialogul si responsabilitatea sociala," spune Eugen David, presedintele Alburnus Maior.

"Aceasta miscare este o actiune creativa si plina de culoare, cladita pe valori ca si integritatea si responsabilitatea. Este evident ca vom ii vom sprijini in continuare pe cei care apara asemenea valori," comenteaza Luminitia Dejeu de la grupul de lucru ?Salvati Rosia Montana? al Mindbomb.

"Decizia noastra de a pleca ne va face mai puternici. Asa cum este si cazul luptei pentru salvarea Rosiei Montane: daca lupti cu adevarat pentru lucrurile in care crezi, vei castiga," concluzioneaza Tudor Bradatan din cadrul echipei ?Salvati Rosia Montana?.


(MEWM) to develop a modernization plan for the Government of Romania?s network of environmental laboratories. As Romania edges closer to European Union (EU) membership in 2007, the country is introducing and enforcing a large body of new environmental law. The USTDA grant awarded today represents a continuation of the agency?s commitment to assist Romania in its effort to provide a cleaner, safer environment for all of its citizens. Continue reading USTDA GRANT SUPPORTS ROMANIAN ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES MODERNIZATION PLAN

Zona costiera Sulina – amenintata de lotizari

Salutam initiativa societatii civile in demersurile de protejare a acestei zone, care, sprijinind campania impotriva emiterii acordului de mediu pentru lotizari in apropierea plajei de la Sulina (derulata in ultimele 2 saptamani) a determinat luarea urmatoarelor decizii de catre Administratia Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii (ARBDD): se vor reface studiile de impact referitoare la cele doua suprafete din zona dunelor costiere, iar emiterea acordului de mediu va fi discutata la sedinta Consiliului Stiintific al ARBDD. In ce priveste restul suprafetelor propuse spre lotizare (zona terenului de fotbal, zona Ferma Marea Neagra si zona unitatii militare Radiolocatii), emiterea acordului de mediu se va decide de comisia tehnica de avizare a ARBDD.

Societatea Ornitologica Romana, prezenta la dezbaterea publica privind studiul de impact realizat in vederea obtinerii acordului de mediu pentru aceste lotizari, isi exprima speranta ca urmatoarele studii de impact sa fie realizate conform normelor impuse, iar ARBDD sa ia decizii cat mai avantajoase pentru mentinerea nealterata a acestui sit unic.

Proiectul minier de la Rosia Montana reprezinta un risc semnificativ asupra mediului inconjurator din intreaga regiune

Parlamentul European a adoptat o rezolutie privind progresul Romaniei inspre aderarea in UE. Potrivit Art. 41, parlamentul isi exprima ingrijorarea profunda privind perioadele lungi de tranzitie convenite in capitolul de mediu, si in special in privinta proiectului minier de la Rosia Montana care reprezinta un risc semnificativ asupra mediului inconjurator din intreaga regiune."


European Parliament resolution on Romania’s progress towards accession (COM(2004)0657 ? C6-0151/2004 ? 2004/2184(INI))

The European Parliament ,

? having regard to the Commission’s 2004 Regular Report on Romania’s progress towards accession and to the Commission Strategy Paper on progress in the enlargement process (COM(2004) 0657 ? C6-0151/2004),

? having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the Copenhagen European Council of 12 and 13 December 2002 and the Brussels European Council of 12 and 13 December 2003,

? having regard to all its resolutions since the start of the accession process,

? having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,

? having regard to the report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the opinion of the Committee on Budgets (A6-0061/2004),

A. whereas Romania has made significant efforts to move towards accession,

B. whereas the assessment of Romania is based on strict observance of the Copenhagen criteria and the Presidency Conclusions of the Helsinki European Council of 10 and 11 December 1999, as well as on the principle of a differentiated approach,

C. whereas further efforts are needed, especially in the sphere of justice and home affairs as regards combating corruption and organised crime and as regards border checks, and in the area of competition as regards state aid, and also in the field of the environment as regards the implementation of legislation in all sectors and the alignment of horizontal legislation,

Political situation and criteria

1. Acknowledges that, as the Commission’s report concluded, Romania is satisfying the Copenhagen political criteria and has strengthened the stability of its institutions, thereby guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and respect for, and protection of, minorities, those of the Hungarians no less than those of the Roma, although the need remains for further reforms in the spheres of justice and public administration and greater efforts to combat corruption;

2. Congratulates Romania on the progress achieved as regards administrative and judicial reforms and on the launch of the strategy to reform public administration, essential for decentralisation and devolved organisation of the civil service and for policy coordination; is confident that Romania recognises the importance of continuing to pursue administrative and judicial reforms as a priority and that considerable efforts will continue to be devoted to implementing these reforms across the board;

3. Urges Romania to press swiftly ahead with Civil Service reform as a priority, as it has to do in order to integrate smoothly into the Union; recommends that particular attention be paid to implementing the provisions of the public administration reform strategy of May 2004, with specific emphasis on adequate remuneration for civil servants, promotion on the basis of merit and open competition, and improved management and training; welcomes the adoption of the Code of Ethics for Civil Servants in February 2004;

4. Welcomes the efforts that Romania has made in the area of decentralisation and local government, and in particular the strategy of May 2004; is concerned, however, that Romania has yet to address the problems identified by the Commission’s 2003 report in this area; emphasises the importance of strengthening administrative capacity and financial management at the local level, while ensuring that local government has sufficient revenues and human and material resources;

5. Acknowledges that, in keeping with its request, emergency ordinances have been used only in the "exceptional circumstances" provided for in the Romanian Constitution, but regrets that, in reality, reliance on this type of practice has not decreased; repeats its call for the Romanian Government to refrain from resorting to emergency ordinances and to employ ordinary legislative procedures; calls for a clearer and more explicit definition of what is meant by "exceptional circumstances" in the context of emergency ordinances;

6. Congratulates Romania on the October 2003 revision of its Constitution, which has helped to rationalise parliamentary procedures in that the two houses have each been given primary responsibility for different types of legislation; is of the opinion that efforts need to continue with a view to improving policy-making and law-making;

7. Calls on Romania, and in particular the judicial authorities, to give full effect to the laws on freedom of information; calls on the Romanian Government and Parliament to bring greater openness to law-making so that the media can scrutinise their work more easily;

8. Believes that, as far as freedom of expression is concerned, the legal position for journalists has improved, but is alarmed at the growing number of serious physical assaults on investigative journalists and calls for efforts to be made to shed light on these cases; is concerned also at the fact that many organisations active in the media field remain in a precarious economic situation, enabling the authorities to exert pressure; considers that further efforts are needed to guarantee the independence of the media more effectively; therefore encourages further steps to guarantee the complete assertion of freedom of expression;

9. Calls on Romania to intensify the strategy and action plan adopted by the Government with a view to completing the reform of the judicial system, focusing on practical enforcement of the laws adopted; to that end, calls on Romania swiftly to provide the human and financial resources needed to make the reform effective;

10. Welcomes measures taken thus far to disentangle the executive from the judiciary, such as removing the Minister of Justice’s power to make judicial appointments or promotions; expresses disquiet at the Commission’s finding referring to official surveys which confirm that the executive continues to influence the outcome of judicial proceedings; renews its call for the judicial system to be made more independent and professional; calls on Romania to create an environment more conducive to the exercise of judicial authority by recruiting more judges and offering them greater opportunities to follow in-service training, including through the use of best practice as tried and tested in the EU countries; calls on Romania to follow all the recommendations of the Commission’s regular report in this area in order to ensure the proper rule of law;

11. Urges Romania to make significant progress in the area of decentralisation and local self-government by awarding more and adequate financial as well as personnel resources to local authorities, by modernising working methods, by increasing salaries and by providing effective training;

12. Congratulates the Government on adopting a set of three laws concerning the Judicial Service Commission, organisation of the judicial system, and the status of judges; calls on the authorities to start enforcing these laws, which entered into force on 30 September 2004, with the aim of making the judicial system markedly more independent and effective;

13. Expresses disquiet that, despite the concern expressed by the Commission regarding the freedom of association legislation, the registration of alternative political organisations representing national minorities has encountered considerable administrative obstacles, preventing them from participating in elections;

14. Notes that corruption remains a source of serious concern; is alarmed, in this context, at the Commission’s assessment that the number of successful prosecutions for corruption in Romania remains low, especially for high-level corruption; calls on the Romanian Government to step up its efforts to fight corruption, focusing especially on high-level corruption; calls on Romania to make further efforts to confer greater responsibility on the Corruption Enforcement Office and to guarantee its independence and effectiveness; welcomes Romania’s positive response to the European Parliament’s call to increase the staffing levels of the National Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office and her positive participation thus far in the Council of Europe’s Group of States against corruption (GRECO), and urges her to make further moves in this direction;

15. Calls on Romania, given that it is a country of origin, transit, and destination for victims of people-trafficking, to take specific law enforcement measures in that area, such as closer cooperation between the Romanian authorities concerned (border police, national police, public prosecutor’s office, department of aliens, national refugee office, etc.) and their counterparts in neighbouring countries, and to submit accurate annual figures to enable the progress of those measures to be gauged;

16. Congratulates Romania on its July 2004 action plan on adoption of the Schengen criteria and calls on it to implement the plan rapidly and in full so as to speed up modernisation of its equipment, facilities and human resources and to improve policing and surveillance of its borders with Ukraine, Moldova, and the Black Sea;

17. Congratulates Romania on responding to international appeals and Parliament’s requests by introducing national child protection standards and strict rules to govern inter-country adoption; considers that, if properly enforced, this new legislative framework should serve to protect children’s rights even more effectively; points out that all families affected by the moritorium should continue to receive a reply and therefore supports the idea of creating an international commission to study certain cases in the near future;

18. Asks that special attention be given to children and young adults leaving institutional care who need to be adequately reintegrated and supported in the community and protected from abuse;

19. Congratulates Romania on aligning its legislation with the practice of the European Court of Human Rights regarding the prevention of ill-treatment at detention centres, but is alarmed by the continuing reports concerning cases of ill-treatment at police stations, prisons, and mental hospitals; calls on the Romanian authorities to investigate effectively all abuses and bring to justice those responsible for human rights violations;

20. Expresses its deep concern at the fact that people with mental disabilities are subjected to arbitrary detention in mental hospitals and at the inadequacy of conditions and lack of appropriate care in many mental hospitals and other residential institutions for people with mental disabilities; calls on Romania to address this situation as a matter of the utmost urgency and to ensure that hospitals and institutions have adequate resources for treatment and living conditions;

21. Considers that the Roma strategy, aimed expressly at combating discrimination, is admittedly being implemented, but voices its disquiet about the Commission’s view that violence and de facto discrimination against the Roma minority, even in official institutions, are still very widespread; urges the Romanian Government to continue to expand its action in this area and to prioritise education and capacity-building together with special measures to counteract discrimination; and welcomes the recent establishment of the National Agency for Roma Affairs;

Economic criteria

22. Congratulates Romania on the conclusions of the Commission’s report that Romania fulfils the criteria indicative of a functioning market economy and has been vigorously implementing a structural reform programme that should enable it to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union;

23. Calls on Romania to make the improvements required to bolster macroeconomic stability and consolidate the structural reforms; points out that, in order to continue reducing the public sector deficit, it is necessary to ensure financial discipline, continuously adjusting energy prices so as to enable costs to be covered and improving the financial performance of public enterprises;

24. Calls on the Government to bring privatisation to completion, settle the disputes which have arisen from that process, and rapidly dismantle enterprises which are not viable; considers that progress is needed as regards the operation of the judicial system and public administration so as to enable the law to be enforced consistently and predictably and to create a favourable environment for business and foreign investment;

25. Points out that poverty remains an extremely serious problem in Romania, even though the indicators measuring this scourge have fallen slightly within the last two years (2003 and 2004); applauds the work of the Romanian Government, which has set out to fight social exclusion and poverty as a matter of priority and has done a great deal to identify the main challenges, namely those posed by children leaving public institutions, young people who cannot enter the labour market, farming families, pensioners, the homeless and the Roma, and urges it to seek the most appropriate solutions; welcomes the fact that a legal framework has been laid down to govern welfare provision and that an attempt is being made to involve non-governmental organisations in the distribution of the welfare aid; calls on the Romanian authorities to continue to develop poverty statistics and to finalise the memorandum on social inclusion compiled jointly with the Commission;

26. Congratulates Romania on adopting a substantial body of social welfare legislation, increasing public spending in that area, and adopting a social programme for 2003 and 2004 aimed at fostering solidarity; at the same time stresses that Romania should take more rigorous measures than hitherto to create opportunities for new business start-ups in the country as a basis for future prosperity; and urges Romania to continue the reform of the social security and welfare system, particularly with regard to improving health services, including a comprehensive reform of mental health care and ensuring the social inclusion of people with disabilities;

Criteria related to the acquis

27. Considers that Romania has achieved a satisfactory degree of alignment in the vast majority of areas and that, if it continues to advance at the current rate and honours its undertakings, it will have every prospect of completing the requisite legislative transposition before the scheduled accession date;

28. Supports Romania’s efforts to boost its administrative capacities in most of the areas covered by the acquis; points out to Romania that improvements to legislation and the adoption of action plans are not enough, but that implementation and enforcement arrangements should be adopted in all areas; considers that specific steps should be taken to monitor the application of laws and that accurate annual figures should be supplied to enable the progress of these measures to be gauged;

29. Calls on Romania to address itself energetically to the measures which have still to be transposed in the areas of the free movement of goods, the free movement of capital, customs and financial control;

30. Calls on Romania to do much more to implement the legislation in all sectors related to the environment; calls on Romania to improve the alignment of horizontal environmental legislation, especially in the sectors of air quality, waste management, water quality and nature conservation, and in a number of other sectors;

31. Supports the ambitions of the Romanian Government to develop the Danube delta as a Natura 2000 area and calls on the Commission to accompany these activities by supporting them as a cross-border measure with Ukraine and also by mediating in the ongoing conflict of interests, which could otherwise present an obstacle to the full protection of this important European nature area;

32. Believes that, as far as state aid is concerned, there is still room for great improvement in the record of the Romanian authorities regarding enforcement of the legislation;

33. Urges Romania to ensure that consistently high standards of public procurement and tendering rules and procedures are adhered to, in accordance with the acquis;

34. Considers in general that the administrative and enforcement capacities of the agencies responsible for managing Community funds need to be boosted substantially; believes, as far as agriculture is concerned, that Romania must further strengthen the administrative and enforcement capacities of the SAPARD Agency;

35. Calls on Romania, as regards social policy and employment, to ensure that the Labour Inspectorate has sufficient resources to enable health and safety provisions to be enforced; calls on it, in addition, to focus its efforts with a view to improving the business climate;

36. Urges the Romanian Government to improve the conditions for the implementation of the European Social Fund, and thereby also the absorption capacity for the funding of employment strategy measures;

37. Notes that the alignment of Romania’s legislation with the acquis communautaire is relatively satisfactory in the fields of energy, industry, research and telecommunications; nevertheless calls on the Government to bring the utmost attention to bear on the legislation related to industrial policy, given that the structural weaknesses in the sector limit the capacity for enforcement; considers that measures to ensure the security of energy supplies are also urgently needed, since decommissioning inefficient heating systems and dealing with unviable coal mines are still key challenges, which require social measures to be taken to relieve labour hardship, and that the liberalisation of the telecoms sector needs to be rethought;

38. Points out that for the year 2004 the total financial pre-accession assistance to Romania has amounted to around EUR 825 million, i.e. EUR 405.3 million for the PHARE National Programme, EUR 158.7 million from SAPARD and between EUR 289 and EUR 343 million from ISPA; thus, the total volume of assistance is equal to around 1.4% of the country’s GDP;

39. Calls on Romania to continue its efforts as regards regional policy and coordination of structural instruments so as to raise its administrative capacities to a level that would enable it to benefit to the full from the structural instruments;

40. Calls on Romania to bring the utmost attention to bear on implementation of legislation in the field of justice and home affairs and to strengthen the law enforcement agencies and institutions, which are still hampered by staff shortages and a lack of training capacities; and calls on it to speed up the restitution of property and to adopt legislation on the restitution of churches;

41. Expresses its deep concern about the long transitional periods agreed regarding the environment chapter, particularly as regards the Rosia Montana mine development, which poses a serious environmental threat to the whole region;


42. Hopes and believes that the negotiations can be brought to a swift and satisfactory conclusion by the end of 2004, if Romania, the Council and the Commission make the necessary efforts, so as to enable the accession treaty to be signed as early as possible in 2005 and to enter into force on 1 January 2007;

43. Points out that Romania will be subject to the same provisions as Bulgaria and the new Member States, and will therefore be made subject to specific safeguard clauses in the event of serious shortcomings (under Articles 37, 38, and 39 of the Athens Treaty);

44. Points out to Romania that, in addition, a specific safeguard measure could be invoked in relation to it – and, for that matter, in relation to Bulgaria – whereby the Commission, were it to consider that there existed a serious risk that Romania might not be able to fulfil the obligations deriving from accession, especially as regards implementation of the acquis and compliance with the Copenhagen political criteria, could recommend that the Council, acting unanimously, put back its accession by one year; the accession of Romania must be accomplished on merit and on the strength of its performance;

45. Will keep a close watch on developments during the time between the signing of the treaty and accession proper; in this connection, calls on the Commission to continue to keep Parliament regularly informed via its Committee on Foreign Affairs;

46. Urges Romania, therefore, to show singleness of purpose and perseverance in giving full effect to the commitments that it has entered into during the negotiations; will ensure that the Commission provides for close ongoing monitoring and assistance arrangements to help Romania on that path;

– –

47. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to Council, the Commission and the Government and Parliament of Romania.

Quality of drinkable water in district Chişinãu (commune Cocieri, village Malovata Nouã)

Drinkable water is harmless for health when it completely corresponds to the national standards or to the recommendations of the World Health Organization. It should be mentioned that 80-95% of the underground waters used for drinking in RM do not correspond to the sanitary and hygienic norms. The specter of natural and artificial polluters is very large: nitrogen compounds, pesticides, selenium, sulfates, fluorine, etc. Continue reading Quality of drinkable water in district Chişinãu (commune Cocieri, village Malovata Nouã)

Comunicat de presa Greenpeace: "Ungaria actioneaza pentru oprirea plantarii de Organisme modificate genetic (OMG)"

[img]"%%dir[1]%%tomate.jpg" border="0" alt="image" name="image" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="left" width="576" height="533" /[/img] Eric Gall de la Unitatea Greenpeace Europa a declarat: ?Guvernul Ungariei a luat o decizie responsabila hotarand sa impiedice cultivarea OMG-urilor in Ungaria. Este singura modalitate de a proteja fermierii fata de costurile economice ale contaminarii cu OMG si de a impiedica daunele asupra biodiversitatii. Celelalte tari ar trebui sa urmeze exemplul Ungariei, avand in vedere lipsa de responsabilitate a Comisiei Europene si sa opreasca viitoarele autorizatii de cultivare a OMG-urilor.?

In data de 8 septembrie 2004, Comisia Europeana a inregistrat 17 varietati de porumb MON 810 in Catalogul European al semintelor, facandu-le disponibile pentru vanzare oriunde in Europa. Decizia de astazi va impiedica vanzarea si utilizarea acestor varietati in Ungaria.

Pentru mai multe informatii contactati:

Eric Gall, Greenpeace European Unit, tel: +32 496 161 582

Noemi Nemes, Greenpeace Ungaria, tel: +36 204 696 909



Porumbul modificat genetic MON 810 a fost autorizat la nivelul Uniunii Europene in 1998, inainte ca statele membre sa fi promulgat un moratoriu asupra noii autorizari.

5 guverne au promulgat, de asemenea, interdictii temporare asupra anumitor OMG-uri autorizate. In noiembrie 2004, Comisia a esuat in incercarea sa de a forta statele membre sa ridice aceste interdictii, care vor fi supuse la vot de catre Ministrii de Mediu din Uniunea Europeana, daca Comisia nu-si va retrage propunerea.

Sunt in discutie in cadrul UE cateva cereri pentru cultivarea OMG-urilor , cele mai avansate fiind porumbul 1507 produs de Pioneer si porumbul Bt 11 produs de Syngenta. Datorita obiectiilor statelor membre, ambele cereri sunt in prezent analizate de catre Autoritatea Europeana de Protectie Alimentara (EFSA) care trebuie sa furnizeze o ?opinie stiintifica?. Greenpeace a criticat in mod repetat EPSA pentru esuarea in incercarea de a realiza o evaluare corecta a OMG-urilor.

Consultarea publicului in cadrul studiului de evaluare a impactului asupra mediului inconjurator

Studiul dat se va efectua in cadrul Proiectului Bancii Mondiale ?Grantul pentru Pregatirea Proiectului privind Managementul Durabil al Stocurilor POP? avand drept scop evaluarea impactului potential al activitatilor de gestionare a POP prevazute in proiect. in conformitate cu Legea Republicii Moldova cu privire la expertiza ecologica si evaluarea impactului asupra mediului inconjurator si politica operationala a Bancii Mondiale OP 4.01 studiile de evaluare a impactului asupra mediului inconjurator necesita consultarea publicului. Raportul privind evaluarea impactului asupra mediului inconjurator va fi prezentat pentru aprobare autoritatilor Republicii Moldova si Bancii Mondiale.
Ministerul Ecologiei si Resurselor Naturale de comun acord cu Unitatea de Implementare a Proiectului doresc sa consulte publicul si sa puna in discutie Caietul de sarcini si continutul studiului de evaluare a impactului din cadrul acestui proiect. Variantele preliminare ale acestor documente vor fi disponibile incepand de marti, 8 februarie 2005, la urmatoare adrese:
– Ministerul Ecologiei si Resurselor Naturale, Chisinau str. Cosmonautilor 9, bir. 614a
– REC Moldova, Chisinau str. Mitropolit B.-Bodoni 57/1, bir.107
Persoanele si organizatiile interesate sunt invitate sa prezinte propunerile si sugestiile lor si sa participe le discutiile cu privire la Caietul de sarcini si continutul studiului de evaluare a impactului in cadrul sedintei ce va avea loc la 18 februarie 2005 ora 10.00 in sediul Ministerului Ecologiei si Resurselor Naturale, Chisinau str. Cosmonautilor 9, bir. 614a.