Ucraina a reluat sapaturile la Bastroe

Finantarea reluarii lucrarilor a fost asigurata prin interventia speciala a presedintelui Parlamentului de la Kiev, Vladimir Litvin. Ceea ce poate demonstra un joc abil al Kievului de a pasa responsabilitatea dintr-o curte-n alta disculpandu-se in fata instantelor internationale. Insa, in acest timp, lucrarile merg mai departe. Sa vedem ce reactie va avea de data aceasta MAE roman.

[b]Se reiau protestele internationale[/b]
Asociatia ecologista ucraineana Peceneg a initiat o scrisoare de protest fata de reluarea lucrarilor la canalul Bastroe, scrisoare adresata presedintelui ucrainean Viktor Iuscenko (foto), presedintelui Comisiei Europene, Jose Manuel Barroso, comisarului european pe probleme de mediu Stavros Dimas, comisarului european pentru extindere Olli Rehn si membrilor Parlamentului European. ZIUA si Civic Media reia campania alaturi de confratii ucraineni si subsemneaza la noua forma internationala de protest.

In scrisoarea amintita, ne exprimam "profunda ingrijorare fata de reluarea lucrarilor de dragare de catre nava ŤSkadovskť" si se reaminteste faptul ca "mai multe conventii internationale la care Ucraina este parte au criticat si s-au opus construirii canalului Bastroe prin rezervatia naturala a Deltei Dunarii. Conventia de la Aarhus a aratat ca Ucraina a violat prevederile acestei conventii prin demararea lucrarilor la canalul Bastroe".

Scrisoarea arata ca "expertul Conventiei Ramsar, Tobias Salate a prezentat un raport care afirma faptul ca mai multe studii executate pana in prezent de autoritatile ucrainene mentioneaza monitorizarea stricta a situatiei, insa fara sa dea nici un detaliu al acestei monitorizari, nu au fost facute publice rezultatele monitorizarii situatiei populatiei piscicole".

In protestul citata se mai explica un fapt: "Consiliul International al Programului UNESCO ŤOmul si biosferať si-a exprimat ingrijorarea fata de modul in care a fost modificat teritoriul rezervatiei Delta Dunarii. Conventia de la Berna a subliniat faptul ca este necesar sa se evite modificarea limitelor zonelor protejate pentru a duce la indeplinire proiecte economice. Comitetul Conventiei de la Berna a recomandat oprirea oricaror lucrari la canalul Bastroe pana in momentul in care va fi luata in considerare si opinia publica".

[b]Scrieti-i lui Iuscenko![/b]
Varianta in limba engleza a scrisorii amintite este publicata pe pagina electronica a ZIUA. Puteti sa-i trimiteti acest protest presedintelui Iuscenko la adresele de posta electronica viktor@ yuschenko.com.ua, sau la numerele de fax 0038 044 226 20 77. Membrii Comisiei Europene pot fi contactati la urmatoarele adrese: stavros.dimas @cec.eu.int, [email]sg-web-president@cec.eu.int[/email], [email]cab-rehn-web-feedback@cec.eu.int[/email] Mai multe informatii despre campania pentru salvarea Deltei Dunarii initiata de ZIUA si Asociatia Civic Media pot fi regasite la adresa [url=http://www]http://www[/url] ziua.ro/delta.html. (D.E.)

Ukraine Presidency
Fax 0038 044 226 20 77

In attention of H.E. Viktor Yuschenko, President of Ukraine

Your Excellency!

We express our deep concern upon recieving alarming news – on July 31 Ukrainian dredging vessel "Skadovsk" started dredging in mouth of Bystroe estuary. Several international conventions Ukraine is affiliated to have criticized and opposed the building of Bystroe canal – through the bilateral Danube biosphere reserve. The Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee found Ukraine in violation of its obligations under the Aarhus Convention during the construction of the Danube – Black Sea canal.(http://www.seu.ru/projects/eng/dunay/15.htm ) Ramsar convention secretariat expert Tobias Salate has prepared udate of the Bystroye estuary situation ). Also more information can be found at [url=http://www.ziua.ro/delta.html,]http://www.ziua.ro/delta.html,[/url] where Romanian Civic Media Association and ZIUA daily have posted data about the campaign for saving the Danube Delta.

Ramsar Convention expert Tobias Salate has presented report saying: "Several reports released so far mention strict monitoring on the situation, but they have provided no details about it. The exact results of monitoring on fish population have not been released." Salate has expressed concern about the information on the Danube Delta biodiversity lacking in Ukrainian experts’ reports. Salate has explained the influence of Bastroe canal on the Danube Delta environment should be analyzed by all those interested in it and the Ukrainian government should provide precise information about the stage of building operations, as well as an evaluation of the environmental impact.

International Council of UNESCO MAB program on October 25-29 expressed serious concern about separeately made decision on reserve zoning (and the way it was done) changes and asked for clarifications. Bern convention committee stated that it is neccessary to o avoid changes of borders of specially protected territories with the purpose of realization of the economic projects. The statement was done in connection to the Danube reserve situation. The Committe recommended to halt costruction before the comprehensive assement is done and publuc opinion is taken in account. We ask to immediately stop the canal dredging – as this way Ukraine continues violating international obligations and brings serious harm to world-value territory! We ask that presidential decrees signed by Leonid Kucima should be annulled, as they have allowed for operations on Bastroe canal and broken Ukrainian legislation and International conventions Ukraine signed.

Sincerely yours_____





Dear Sirs,

We express our deep concern upon recieving alarming news – on July 31 Ukrainian dredging vessel "Skadovsk" started dredging in mouth of Bystroe estuary. Several international conventions Ukraine is affiliated to have criticized and opposed the building of Bystroe canal – through the bilateral Danube biosphere reserve. The Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee found Ukraine in violation of its obligations under the Aarhus Convention during the construction of the Danube – Black Sea canal.(http://www.seu.ru/projects/eng/dunay/15.htm ) Ramsar convention secreatriat expert Tobias Salate has prepared udate of the Bystroye estuary situation ). Also more information can be found at [url=http://www.ziua.ro/delta.html,]http://www.ziua.ro/delta.html,[/url] where Romanian Civic Media Association and ZIUA daily have posted data about the campaign for saving the Danube Delta.

Ramsar Convention expert Tobias Salate has presented report saying: "Several reports released so far mention strict monitoring on the situation, but they have provided no details about it. The exact results of monitoring on fish population have not been released." Salate has expressed concern about the information on the Danube Delta biodiversity lacking in Ukrainian experts’ reports. Salate has explained the influence of Bastroe canal on the Danube Delta environment should be analyzed by all those interested in it and the Ukrainian government should provide precise information about the stage of building operations, as well as an evaluation of the environmental impact.

International council of UNESCO MAB program on October 25-29 expressed serious concern about separeately made decision on reserve zoning (and the way it was done) changes and asked for clarifications. Bern convention committee stated that it is neccessary to o avoid changes of borders of specially protected territories with the purpose of realization of the economic projects. The statement was done in connection to the Danube reserve situation. The Committe recommended to halt costruction before the comprehensive assement is done and publuc opinion is taken in account. We again ask the EU to put pressure on the Ukraine to abide by international conventions and law with regard to this project. As you know, the Ukraine is seeking closer ties with the EU, I believe the EU should make the termination of this project a pre-condition for any progress. We ask you to react to the canal dredging – as this way Ukraine continues violating international obligations and brings serious harm to world-value territory!

We ask that presidential decrees signed by Leonid Kucima should be annulled, as they have allowed for operations on Bastroe canal and broken Ukrainian legislation and International conventions Ukraine signed.

Sincerely yours_____