Belovezhskaya Pushcha Forest in danger!

Belovezhskaya Pushcha lies at the border of Poland and Belarus. It has been protected since 14th century. Its area now makes 87,000 hectares. The average age of its trees is over 100 years, going up to 250-350 years in some places. Pushcha also counts over a thousand of 300-600 year-old giant trees. The flora of the unique area is represented by over 2,000 species, the fauna ? by over 11,000 species. Living creatures that have disappeared in most of Europe find here their home. More than 150 rare species are listed in the Belarusian Red Data Book, including such valuable ones as the Bison, Lynx, Badger, White-tailed eagle, Shorttoed Eagle, Black stork, Grey crane, Great grey owl, Eagle owl, Three-toed Woodpecker, Aquatic Warbler, Silver fir, durmast, Lilium martagon, Astrantia major, etc. Belovezhskaya Pushcha provides a habitat for one of the largest b?son populations in the world (about 300 animals).

In 1994, the Property Management Department of the Belarusian President (PPMD) took control over the unique area. The new administration of the National Park had nothing to do with conservation work and wildlife science in the famous forest. It rather considered its economical value, unleashing an intensive commercialization there. The profit was gained by various means ? by raring cattle, enlarging farming fields, starting trade, putting up a production of birch juice, mushrooms, berries and herbs, and increasing a quota for commercial hunting. But the drastic step in the development of the National Park was made at the end of the 90s by building up sawmills. The biggest mill, which could process a much higher volume of wood than the forest of Belovezhskaya Pushcha could supply, appeared in the village of Kamenyuki, the administrative centre of the National Park. High-performance wood-processing equipment for it was purchased in Germany for over $1.5 million. Generations of local people took care to save the primeval forest of Belovezhskaya Pushcha that is valuable for abundance of ancient organisms. The organisms can be saved only if the felling of the forest is limited and the rules of forest conservation are observed. All this is a thing of the past now.

The National Park faced economical hardships to call in a credit for the costly wood-processing equipment, and, as a solution to all that, a new director of the National Park, an expert in wood-processing, was appointed in 2001. This led to a large-scale felling in the forest, with ecological problems such as bark beetle infestation often used as a cover-up for it. The felling rather deteriorated the problems than helped do away with them. The felling, timber processing and wood sale reached huge scales at present. Sawmill are equipped by new machines, additional benches for wood processing are purchased. Up to 250,000 cubic metres of wood a year (nearly 800 hectares of the forest of Belovezhskaya Pushcha) is harvested at present, which is an impressive figure comparing with 70,000 cubic metres of wood in the past. The scope of the harvesting tells that it is commercialized and the sanitary issue, even though Pushcha has recently seen Bark beetle infestations, is not what is behind it. The very build-up of pro sanitary felling that followed the erection of the sawmills seems to be telling that this is the case. The sanitary issue is just a convenient excuse for the massive commercial felling that the present administration of the National Park has virtually been using to make money out of the unique forest of Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

The felling as well as other commercial-driven activities, which often infringe national and international law and conventions ratified by Belarus, prove the indifference the present administration of the National Park has as regards the faith of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. To protect the unique forest and bring an end to the illegal and secret felling, an international campaign was launched in 2003. It helped stop a large scale felling of living forest.

However, all in all, the situation in Belovezhskaya Pushcha did not improve for the better. The massive ?sanitary? felling went on. The sawmill in the village of Kamenyuki works almost round the clock. Moreover, another disturbing development has been seen since 2003 ? that is man-made forest plantations. Every year the area of the plantations grows larger, which means that the area of the primeval primary forest dwindles correspondently. It means the wild reserved forest is replaced by man-made one which is less valuable. The administration does not listen to ecologists, ecological and conservation methods are ignored. As a result, the wilderness of Belovezhskaya Pushcha disappears.

Numerous violations of law and ecological science are still topical for the National Park. The public cannot monitor the economic activities there. Many violations are covered up by a higher authority. Workers of the Park are sa?ked if they protest against it. The National Park itself has become a place for recreation and entertainment of authorities? officials and their kin (the government residence is known to be there). As if the wool over people?s eyes, the residence of Santa Claus was built in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. It is the residence rather than the primeval forest and unique wildlife that is advertised for tourists today.

The concerns are that the ancient and unique forest of Belovezhskaya Pushcha is gradually transformed into one of thousands of commonly found in Europe commercial forestries. The transformation is irreversible? Felled areas and man-made forest plantations will not be able to substitute the wilderness, uniqueness and originality of the protected wood. The Belovezhskaya Pushcha Forest becomes an ordinary ?forest? area. But the latest figures show that the volume of felling in 2005 is going to be two times higher?.

Over the course of several years, Belarusian public organizations and activists have been trying to convince the authorities to stop the destruction and environmental degradation of the Europe?s last primeval forest. The Park?s administration reacted to this by virtually making its activity secret. Public activists and independent ecologists can hardly access the area of the National Park. The Ministry of Natural Resources and the PPMD shut their eyes on it and do not react positively to allow the public control. The only way to find out information on the state of affairs in the Park is through reconnaissance. Watchdogs on conservation that arrive to Belovezhskaya Pushcha look all like ?orchestrated?. They seem to overlook the facts of ecological problems. Even the last year?s enlargement of the strictly reserved zone of the forest was rather prompted by the work of the UNESCO, and was more for diverting the public?s attention from problems of the National Park rather than a noble act to conserve the wilderness area.

Alongside this, there is also pressure on reporters, scientists and nature protection activists who try to be independent in their coverage of the situation in the National Park. State-run newspapers tend to present only one side of the story, which focuses on ideologically-weighed (dis)information on real and surreal achievements of the administration of the Park, while the publishing true-fact articles are impossible. Belarus has become an outpost of political systems with strong presidential power. President Alexander Lukashenko exercises virtually a sole control over the government, and first of all, over the work of the PPMD. He must be aware of the real situation in the National Park, as over the last three years there have been lots of materials about it in the press, letters both to him and high government officials and scandals around an illegal activity of the Park?s administration. Moreover, he has the power and administrative resources to know everything first hand, if he wants. President has repeatedly called himself a fighter against corruption and crime. The last year was called a year of ?getting things put in order?. Thanks to it, the ex-head of the PPMD Galina Zhuravkova was arrested and condemned to prison. She was who appointed the present administration of the National Park ?Belovezhskaya Pushcha? that, being under her direct leading, started to provide a rough policy to destroy the protected forest and to fire a ftaff from the Park. After Mrs Zhuravkova?s arrest, president ordered ?to burn out all dirty from the PPMD, from top to bottom, in the most rigid ?red-hot iron? form. Although, the ecological situation in the National Park is getting worse and those responsible for it are not made to answer for it. All this makes the Belarusians grow doubtful that the president gets all-rounded information on the matter, or is misinformed by the administration of the Park. The people get also more assured that he is responsible the policy on destruction of the unique reserved forest of Belovezhskaya Pushcha, agrees and covers to provide the present ?black? busin?ss in this sacred wood provided by plotters from the administration of the National Park.

In this regard, we ought to launch an international campaign to protect the Belarusian part of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. We call on all good-will people to help our Belarusian colleagues protect this sacred wilderness area. The Belarusians succeeded in winning one campaign last year, a campaign to enlarge the strictly reserved zone and the World Heritage Site. Experts of the UNESCO helped them with it. Also, two years ago, thanks to an international ?fax? campaign organized by our coalition and supported by international ecologists, there could stop massive and illegal felling of living protected forest. We believe we can win this time. This is the true cause and God helps us about it. The forest of Belovezhskaya Pushcha belongs to the world and not to a number of high-ranked officials. Belovezhskaya Pushcha belongs to all people, and we will protect it.


It will be wished if you can also send a copy of your letter to the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Protection, Khoruzhyk Leonty.


If you can, please let know mass media and your colleagues about this information. Also, please we do ask you to forward e-copies of your letters to the ecological group ?Pechenegi? at [email][/email] .

You can find out more about the campaign to protect the forest of Belovezhskaya Pushcha at the Web site of the International Socio-Ecological Union at [url=,],[/url] or by writing to the initiators of the campaign. Detailed information on the situation in the National Park ?Belovezhskaya Pushcha? can be found at the Web site ?Belovezhskaya Pushcha ? 21st Century? at [url=][/url]

We hope that, if we stand together, we can protect and save the forest of Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Ukrainian coalition ?For Wildlife?, the International Socio-Ecological Union:
Sergey Shaparenko, the Ecological group ?Pechenegi? ? [email][/email]
Vladimir Boreyko, the Kiev ecological and cultural centre ? [email][/email], [email][/email]
Olga Berlova, the International Socio-Ecological Union ? [email][/email]

Ziua Anti Tabac

Ziua de 31 mai este declarata Ziua Mondiala impotriva Fumatului. in aceasta zi toate organizatiile de protectie a sanatatii, organizatii ecologiste incearca sa convinga prin diverse metode fumatorii sa renunte la acest viciu. Se pare ca un grup de tineri au fost cei mai originali, au schimbat cu trecatorii fumatori din gradina Publica Ştefan cel Mare tigarile cu o ciocolata. Astfel in jur de 200 fumatori au consumat o ciocolata dar nu nicotina, macar pentru o perioada scurta de timp.

Acest mesaj transmis fumatorilor s-a dovedit a fi mult mai usor de acceptat si inteles, chear mai putin plictisitor comparativ cu scrisul marunt de pe fiecare pachet de tigari [i]"Fumatul dauneaza grav sanatatii dumneavoastra"[/i]

Ministerul Mediului a trisat Comisia Europeana

Intarzierea survine in conditiile in care nu avem perioade de tranzitie la acest capitol si restantele trebuie recuperate in sase luni, spre deosebire de capitolul referitor la poluarea aerului sau a apei, unde au fost obtinute perioade de gratie pana in 2013.

Tot la "protejarea naturii" ar trebui sa intre si renaturarea Luncii Dunarii si a zonelor desecate din Delta, proces la care Romania s-a angajat inca din 2000. Asa cum demonstra ziarul Adevarul, administratia locala din Tulcea este ferm hotarata sa se opuna renaturarii, din interese economice, ca urmare nici nu se poate vorbi de respectarea angajamentelor luate pe plan european.

In 2005, Mediul a avut stegulet rosu, dar, anul acesta, Comisia a acordat steguletul galben, raportul european fiind "indulcit" pentru ca ministerul a raportat ca in Romania a fost infiintata Agentia Nationala pentru Zonele Protejate, cu scopul de a coordona in viitor managementul acestor zone. In realitate, agentia exista doar pe hartie, iar infiintarea ei se va face abia
dupa intrarea in vigoare a noii legi a mediului. "Speram ca Agentia Nationala pentru Arii Protejate si Conservarea Biodiversitatii sa fie prinsa in bugetul pe 2007. Inca nu se stie cati oameni vor lucra in cadrul acestei agentii, pentru ca acum se face studiul de prefezabilitate", ne-a declarat Adriana Baz, directorul Directiei de Biodiversitate din Ministerul Mediului.

Se pare insa ca europenii au fost dusi de nas, astfel ca in Raportul de monitorizare se vorbeste chiar ca acestei agentii sa-i fie alocate responsabilitati clare, incluzand coordonarea cu alte autoritati ale statului.

Danube ? Black sea canal: Ukraine Held Liable for Violation of Aarhus Convention

On May 5, 2004, Ecopravo-Lviv (EPL) submitted a communication to the Committee alleging non-compliance by Ukraine with its obligations under Aarhus Convention. The communication concerned a proposal to construct a navigation canal in the Danube Delta passing through an internationally recognized wetlands area.

On February 18, 2005, the Committee found that by failing to provide for public participation required by article 6 of the Aarhus Convention, Ukraine was not in compliance with article 6. The Committee also found that by failing to ensure that information was provided by the responsible public authorities upon request, Ukraine was not in compliance with article 4 of
the Convention.

In addition, the Committee found that lack of clarity with regard to public participation requirements in environmental impact assessment and environmental decision-making procedure on projects indicate the absence of a clear, transparent and consistent framework for implementation of the Convention and constitute non-compliance with general obligation provided by article 3 of the Convention.

The Committee adopted several recommendations. These recommendations request Ukraine to bring its legislation and practice into compliance with the provisions of the Convention. In addition, Ukraine is requested to submit a strategy (including time-schedule) for transposing the Convention?s provisions into the national law and developing practical mechanisms and implementing legislation that sets out clear procedures for implementation of various requirements under the Convention. The recommendations will be considered by the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention in Almaty (Kazakhstan) in May, 2005.

The Aarhus Convention grants the public rights and imposes on Parties and public authorities obligations regarding access to information and public participation and access to justice. The subject of the Aarhus Convention goes to the heart of the relationship between people and governments. The Convention is not only an environmental agreement, it is also a Convention
about government accountability, transparency and responsiveness. See: [url=][/url]

More about Danube canal case: [url=][/url]
More about EPL: [url=][/url]

Salubrizarea-o actiune utila si placuta

Echipa formata din membrii si voluntarii ONG-lui, sub conducerea unui membru-ghid al organizatiei, Iulian Cordeleanu, a fost divizata in doua subgrupe. S-au dat unele instructii de securitate si de incurajare pentru persoanele care intrau pentru prima data in pestera. Timp de patru ore, fiecare subgrupa, pe rand, au reusit cu success sa treaca prin obstacolele pesterii, si anume prin ingusta ?Vizuina Iepurelui?, prin dificila diviziune ?Nasterea?. Au stat in randurile ?Cinematografului? si au patruns prin gratioasa ?Placerea femeii?. A doua zi a urmat o plimbare la raul Nistru si in teritoriul din apropiere.
Amintim ca astfel de actiuni, de salubrizare, SalvaEco desfasoara in fiecare an, si anume in anotimpurile mai mult sau mai putin calduroase ale anului. Doritorii de a oferi o mana de ajutor in asemenea actiuni, sunt bineveniti in randurile organizatiei SalvaEco.

The ?Save Rosia Montana’ team leaves PATRIR

The Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR) is a non-governmental organization founded in March 2001. It uses democratic and participatory processes in order to peacefully transform conflicts and human rights violations. It also promotes sustainable development, diversity and environmental protection.

Gabriel Resources (TSX: GBU) is a junior Canadian mining company which, via RMGC, intends to realize Europe’s largest open-cast mining development in Rosia Montana. The project entails, amongst other, the involuntary resettlement of over 2000 people as well as the destruction of unique archaeological and natural sites. From its onset the development has been beleaguered by scandals, operational problems and vehement local, national and international opposition. The movement to save Rosia Montana has given rise to Romania’s largest civil society coalition; comprising the support of numerous NGOs, universities, academic institutions, churches, personalities and opinion leaders.

As RMGC is desperately trying to obtain its’ environmental license it needs to try appeasing civil society opinion which also involves so-called ?constructive dialogues’ with civil society leaders. PATRIR’s contribution to the save Rosia Montana campaign consisted of a team of volunteers who, for over two years, regularly stayed in Rosia Montana and were actively involved in all of the movement’s aspects. An important policy amongst all involved partners has been to?only talk to the mining company during official and legally constituted meetings; such as public consultations. The ?Save Rosia Montana’ team’s separation is due to senior PATRIR staff holding private meetings with representatives of Rosia Montana Gold Corporation (RMGC) and Gabriel Resources.

?Mining companies all over the world are using these kind of tactics to green-wash their dirty projects and to portray those refusing to engage in ?constructive’ dialogue as ?fundamentalists.’ Truth is that meeting RMGC only consists of listening to their monologue,? says Bogdan Bindea of Greenpeace CEE.

?RMGC has no social license; neither in Rosia Montana or in Romania. Therefore the only way out is for them to fake dialogue and social responsibility,? says Eugen David, president of Alburnus Maior.

?The movement is a colorful and creative action built on values such as integrity and responsibility. It is obvious that we will continue to support and work with those who defend such values,? comments Luminitia Dejeu of Mindbomb’s ?Save Rosia Montana’ working group.

?Our decision to leave will only make us stronger. Just as is the case with the struggle to save Rosia Montana: if you stand up for what you believe in, you will win,? concludes Tudor Bradatan from the ?Save Rosia Montana’ team.

Deseurile – o problema comunitara

La intrebarea ?aveti prin apropiere containere de gunoi?, 97,7 % a raspuns afirmativ. Dintre cei 20,3 % care nu au containere prin apropierea domiciliului circa 57,7 % isi duc deseurile la gunoisti; 17 % – le ard; 13,5 % – le plaseaza intr-un loc special; 11,8 % – in gradina. in acelasi context, la intrebarea ?Daca containerele cu gunoi sunt regulat transportate?, 40,3 % dintre respondenti au raspuns afirmativ; 54,3 % au raspuns negativ la intrebarea respectiva, iar 5,4 % au declarat ca deseurile nu sunt transportate regulat.
De remarcat atitudinea persoanelor cu privire la implicarea statului in problemele ecologice din comunitate. Astfel, 34,7 % sunt de parere ca statul se implica activ in rezolvarea acestei probleme; 47,7 % considera ca statul nu joaca nici un rol; altii 9,3 % nu stiu despre actiunile intreprinse de stat, iar 8,3 % considera ca institutiile statale se implica partial in rezolvarea acestei probleme.
Necesitatea amplasarii containerelor pentru colectare separata a deseurilor a divizat opinia celor chestionati in 3 categorii: 82,3 % – da; 12 %- nu; 5,7 ? nu stiu, motivand prin: circa 22,3 % deseurile pot fi reciclate; 14,3 % – va fi ordine; 10% – nu va fi miros urat; 7,3 % economii financiare; 6,7 % – nu se va respecta pentru ca este dificil; 6% – poate servi ca materie prima; 11,7% – nu stiu; 21,7 % – altele ( va fi mai simplu de prelucrat, va fi mai convinabil, prelucrarea ieftina, ca in tarile civilizate, etc.).
La capitolul informarea populatiei cu privire la tipurile de deseuri care pot fi reciclate, de mentionat ca: 78 % au afirmat ca hartia poate fi reciclata; 29,7 % – plasticul; 42,7 % – sticla; 30,7 % – metalele; 8,3 % – altele ( lemnul, polietilena, cauciucul, hainele); 6,3 % – nu stiu; 0,7 % – nu este posibil.

CONCURS "impreuna despre natura"

[b]Conditii de participare:[/b]

* Sint invitati sa participe elevii de la scolile si liceele din intreaga republica.
* in lucrarile lor, participantii la concurs trebuie sa prezinte curiozitati cu referinta la sol, apa, aer, plante si animale. Nu se admit informatii cu caracter general (de ex. pamintul are o circumferinta de aproximativ 40 076 km, suprafata oceanului planetar este de aproximativ 362 mln. km patrati).
* Informatiile prezentate trebuie sa fie veridice cu indicarea neaparata a sursei. in caz contrar lucrarile vor fi respinse.
* Cu cit mai interesante si mai originale vor fi informatiile prezentate, cu atit mai mari sint sansele de a cistiga.
* Numarul curiozitatilor prezentate ar fi un avantaj.
* Termenul limita de prezentare a lucrarilor este de 5 iunie anul curent.

Nu uitati sa indicati numele Dvs., in ce clasa sinteti, la ce scoala/liceu va faceti studiile, telefonul si/sau adresa de contact.

* Premiul I ? 150 lei, diploma, carti;
* Premiul II ? 100 lei, diploma, carti;
* Premiul III ? 75 lei, diploma, carti

Pe baza celor mai bune lucrari va fi editata o culegere de curiozitati. Lucrarile pot fi expediate la adresa str. Banulescu Bodoni 57/1, oficiul 111, MD-2005 Chisinau, Republica Moldova sau prin e-mail [email][/email]

[b]Relatii la telefonul:[/b] (373 22) 23 86 85; (373 22) 23 30 17
[b]Persoana de contact: [/b]Anastasia Radu

Kyoto Protocol Takes Effect, Without U.S.

Bush administration officials have complained that the treaty is bad for American businesses, lets developing countries off the hook, and hardly makes a dent in global emissions. Indeed, according to UN estimates, the Kyoto treaty, if fully implemented, would reduce the projected temperature rise of 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius by only 0.1 degree over the next century.

"Kyoto is without doubt only the first step," says Klaus Toepfer of the UN Environment Programme, which oversees implementation of the treaty. "We will have to do more to fight this rapid increase in temperature on our wonderful blue planet Earth. It will be hard work."

Meanwhile, scientific evidence continues to mount in support of strong action to combat global warming through emissions reductions. At an international conference in England last week, scientists reported that melting glaciers, shrinking Arctic ice sheets, and global changes in rainfall patterns are all attributable to global warming, and the effects are likely to grow worse quickly.

Curtea de Apel a respins cererea Ministerului Justitiei de lichidare a ONSM

Desi, Ministerul Justitiei a solicitat amanarea sedintei de judecata, instanta a pus pe rol examinarea cauzei.

Ion Ungureanu, avocatul ONSM, a motivat ca nu sunt motive intemeiate pentru lichidarea organizatiei, deoarece cererea MJ de a prezenta rapoarte despre activitatea organizatiei a fost deja indeplinita.

?imi este jale de angajatii MJ, care au fost nevoiti sa indeplineasca indicatiile sefilor. Mi s-a creat impresia ca functionarul de la minister era chiar bucuros de decizia pronuntata de catre instanta?, a mentionat Iurie Emilian, comisar international ONSM.

in conformitate cu legislatia, hotararea instantei poate fi atacata timp de 15 zile prin apel in Curtea Suprema de Justitie.