Endangered species, energy top House Resources Committee chairman’s agenda

"We have ambitious goals at the Resources Committee, so we will get to work right away and build on our great record of accomplishment during the last Congress," Pombo said. "I want to change the debate on the challenges that lie ahead of us. The discussions on updating the ESA and producing energy in ANWR have been so mired in inane hyperbole that facts and true analysis have completely escaped the debate. This has done federal policy and the American public a real disservice."

Pombo said he would continue the committee’s bipartisan efforts to strengthen and update the ESA, which has posted a less than 1% success rate for species recovery in the last thirty years. Last year the committee set a benchmark in its effort to achieve this goal and has already begun discussions with the Senate, the Bush Administration, and the Governors to shape legislation that will pass Congress in this session.

"Enacting a comprehensive energy plan that increases domestic production on public lands such as ANWR will top my agenda again," Pombo continued. "The House has passed comprehensive energy plans four times in the last four years, only to have its efforts strangled by obstructionists in the United States Senate. In that time, American consumers have endured huge increases in energy prices, suffered through electricty blackouts, and sent more than $600 billion overseas to import a product we can make more of here at home."


1. candidatul trebuie sa fie inscris la doctorat (ultima faza a redactarii tezei) sau sa aiba titlul de doctor;
2. se va acorda prioritate candidatilor sub 45 ani;
3. o foarte buna cunoastere a cel putin doua din limbile straine de circulatie internationala.
Prin profilul sau, NEC pune accentul asupra dezbaterilor inter- si trans-disciplinare. Se incurajeaza proiectele care permit aceasta deschidere, fara a pierde din rigoarea disciplinara.

Programul bursierilor presupune prezenta obligatorie in Bucuresti cel putin o data pe saptamana. In timpul bursei, bursierii vor beneficia de un stagiu de cercetare de o luna intr-unul din marile centre universitare/de cercetare din strainatate. Valoarea bursei este echivalentul in lei a 460 EURO pe durata a 9 luni, plus 2.560 EURO pentru stagiul de cercetare.

Formularul de participare la concurs poate fi ridicat de la sediul Colegiului in zilele de luni – vineri, orele 10-17, sau poate fi primit prin posta (in cazul candidatilor din provincie). De asemenea, formularul poate fi obtinut prin e-mail sau de la adresa web [url=http://www.nec.ro]www.nec.ro[/url]

Termenul limita de depunere a dosarului completat este 5 decembrie 2005 (inclusiv).

Fenomene paranormale in Bucegi

Nimeni nu poate explica de ce pe crestele Bucegilor se inregistreaza un nivel foarte mare al radiatiilor. Cercetarile sporadice de pana acum n-au dezlegat toate aceste mistere. Raman in "picioare" doar legendele care spun ca Bucegiul a fost un urias sanctuar dacic, piatra de temelie a poporului roman.

Stam de vorba cu "muntomanii" intalniti la refugiul salvamont de la Varful Omu. Oameni impatimiti de munte, asa au fost porecliti. Ei stiu toate traseele din Bucegi. Auzim de mai multe creste ale muntilor, precum Doamnele, Omu si Batrana. Ar exista niste energii deosebite. Turistii vorbesc despre vindecari miraculoase ale celor care au trecut pe acolo. Daca oamenii aveau o boala anume. Pentru niste bucuresteni ca noi, putin familiarizati cu zona, pare ceva greu de crezut. In fine, il cunoastem si pe specialistul de la statia meteorologica Varful Omu, Gheorghe Porancea. Alt impatimit al muntilor, pentru ca de 21 de ani munceste la statia meteo si este pe deasupra si salvamontist. "Eu am insotit cu ani in urma o echipa de cercetare in Bucegi. Au fost facute masuratori radestezice pe Varful Bucura. S-a constatat o intensitate extraordinara a radiatiilor. Cert e ca eu nu pot sa stau mult timp departe de munte. De cate ori urc aici, simt ca ma incarc de energie. E ceva deosebit aici", ne spune interlocutorul nostru.

"Triunghiul de aur" al Daciei
De aici intram pe teritoriul legendelor. Se spune ca Muntii Carpati ar fi strabatuti de tuneluri lungi de sute de kilometri. Nimeni nu poate spune daca au fost facute de mana omului sau de forta naturii. Asemenea caverne uriase ar exista si in Bucegi. Iar acele campuri de forta pot sa marcheze chiar linia subterana a tunelurilor. Se vorbeste si despre faptul ca pe Varful Omu ar fi fost un sanctuar dacic, asa cum au mai fost si pe alte creste ale muntilor, in Retezat si Ceahlau,
formandu-se astfel un urias triunghi carpatic intre cele trei puncte. Este asa-numitul "triunghi de aur" al Daciei. Istoricii nu s-au pus inca de acord asupra muntelui sacru al dacilor. Acesta ar fi fost Bucegiul sau Ceahlaul.

"Zona nemuririi"
Aflam si despre primele cercetari facute in Bucegi, inca din 1927, mai precis in partea estica a masivului, pe Valea Ialomitei, intr-o zona cunoscuta sub numele de "sapte izvoare". Misterele muntelui se impletesc cu anumite certitudini. Se spune ca aici venea Zamolxe, zeul dacilor, sa bea apa. Dacii i-au spus "zona nemuririi". Simbolul celor sapte izvoare era incrustat nu numai pe scuturile dacilor, dar se gaseste si pe Columna lui Traian. Chiar in acest loc din Bucegi exista un izvor a carui apa este cea mai pura din lume. ??n perioada 1927-1935, aici s-au facut studii atat de catre cercetatorii romani, cat si de cei francezi. Oamenii de stiinta au aratat ca incarcatura de bacterii din apa acestui izvor este zero, un fapt unic in lume. Alte cercetari au fost realizate in anii 80. Specialistii au constatat ca izvorul se "alimenteaza" dintr-un lac subteran imens. Asta ne aduce aminte de legenda culoarelor subterane din munti! Cert e ca debitul izvorului este de 4.000 de litri pe secunda. Toate aceste informatii au fost secretizate de autoritatile comuniste.

Cutremur de o luna
De neclintit par a fi Muntii Bucegi, cand ii privesti de departe. Dar acest masiv s-a cutremurat timp de o luna, in 1993. Doar pe parcursul lui august. Au fost cateva sute de cutremure atunci. Erau si cate zece miscari telurice intr-o zi. De intensitate mica. Cel mult cinci grade pe scara Richter. Prima oara am aflat despre acel femomen tot de la tehnicianul statiei meteo de la Varful Omu. "Devenisera deja obisnuinta. Zilnic se cutremurau Bucegii. Aici, la 2.505 metri altitudine, la statia meteo, simteam mai tare cutremurele decat la baza muntelui. Au fost doar niste crapaturi in peretii refugiului salvamont de la Omu. Atat. Apoi cutremurele au incetat brusc. De atunci n-au mai fost", am aflat de la Gheorghe Porancea. Statia meteo de la Omu n-a avut de suferit. E o cladire solida, cu peretii de un metru grosime, bine infipta in stanca
muntelui. Cabanele din Bucegi au ramas in picioare. Nici caderi de bolovani n-au fost. Nu au fost pagube materiale nici la baza muntelui, in Busteni.

Bubuituri din pamant
Cunoscatorii ne-au spus ca ar fi bine sa stam de vorba cu un inginer geolog, Traian Trufin, care are o teorie despre aceste cutremure din Bucegi. Omul locuieste in Busteni din 1991. A lucrat in domeniul sau timp de 25 de ani. A lucrat si in mina ani buni. Acum ne-a spus ce crede el despre acel fenomen, pe care nu numai ca l-a trait, dar l-a si "prelucrat" ca specialist. "Cutremurele au fost ciudate. Si asta pentru ca Muntii Bucegi au in structura lor calcare si conglomerate. Este
o zona stabila din punct de vedere geologic. De aceea e anormal sa avem aici cutremure", ne-a spus omul nostru. Chiar si modul in care se produceau cutremurele a starnit curiozitatea specialistului. "Se auzea mai intai o bubuitura sub pamant, apoi simteai cutremurul. Parca s-ar fi surpat ceva in adancuri. Am lucrat in mina si acolo se auzeau asemenea bubuituri, aceeasi miscare haotica a pamantului, care nu are nici o legatura cu o miscare seismica", auzim noi.
Dar au fost si alte ciudatenii in perioada cutremurelor. Fenomene intamplate la poalele muntelui, in orasul Busteni. "Eu cunosc vreo 50 de oameni care au avut insomnii atunci. ??n aer se simtea un miros ciudat, parca era gaz. E posibil ca acea emanatie de gaze sa fi provocat insomnia. Eu locuiam in acea perioada pe Strada Telecabinei si stiu ca multa lume de acolo
se plangea de insomnie", ne povesteste geologul.

In concluzie, Traian Trufin sustine ca legenda potrivit careia Muntii Bucegi ar fi strabatuti de uriase culoare subterane nu trebuie exclusa. "Fenomenele ciudate din Muntii Bucegi si legendele locului nu sunt doar povesti. Exista ceva care ne este absolut necunoscut. Eu propun organizarea unei expeditii stiintifice in Bucegi. O echipa multidisciplinara formata din chimisti, biologi, fizicieni, chiar si para-psihologi, care sa studieze in amanunt ceea ce se intampla aici. Din pacate, pana acum nimeni nu a facut asemenea cercetari care sa acopere intregul masiv", ne-a spus gazda noastra.

Ce spun specialistii
Despre seria de cutremure din Bucegi am discutat si cu directorul stiintific al Institutului National pentru Fizica Pamantului, Mircea Radulian. Acesta a admis faptul ca "secventa" cutremurelor din Bucegi a fost surprinzator de mare chiar si pentru specialistii din domeniu. Dar este sustinuta ideea unor miscari seismice, nu de alta natura. Au fost cutremure crustale. Asta inseamna de mica adancime, de pana la 15 kilometri. Se admite si faptul ca in Bucegi au fost cateva sute de
cutremure in 1993. "Este posibil ca aceste cutremure sa fi aparut tocmai din cauza faptului ca Muntii Bucegi se afla in apropierea Vrancei, o cunoscuta zona seismica. Dar este greu de explicat de ce in ultimii zece ani in Bucegi nu a mai fost nici o miscare seismica. Secventa aceasta de cutremure din Bucegi, din 1993, este unica pe teritoriul Romaniei", ne-a spus
seismologul. Important este ca s-au facut studii in Bucegi, dupa acea lunga serie de cutremure, dar ramane inca un mister in privinta cauzelor pentru care un intreg masiv muntos s-a clatinat timp de o luna. "Se incearca o interpretare a studiilor facute in zona. Dar problemele nu sunt inca elucidate", a admis omul de stiinta.


In the very beginning of hearings the organizers mentioned that hearings should have been conducted then, "before passing the state budget"… This statement is extremely interesting in comparison with last statements of Minister of transport G. Kyrpa that the budget funds would not be expended for construction of the canal.

As was found out, the sizeable part of promised amount was not paid to the main executor of bottom-deeping works German firm Mebius. On November 9-10 the Mebius platform was stranded on Ptichya split because of the storm. This platform, covered with sand, continue lo lie there till now. It is interesting, by what means is the Ministry of Transport going to pay Germans their damages?

Director of state owned enterprise Delta-Pilot, the customer of this project, V. Bezdolny has noted that the resolution of public hearings is important for making the complex examination of the second turn of the project (deeping the canal up to 8 meters). Environmental impact assessment, the component of complex examination, is providing now by the collaborators of Kharkiv National University under the leadership by V. E. Nekos.

Public hearings always presuppose the acquaintance of public with the object and the main points of discussed question in the widest way. The organizers of Izmail hearings have coped with this in accordance to their goals. Three days before starting of hearings, on December 14, nobody outside Izmail knew about the trans-ukrainian problem discussion besides the devoted. The representatives of about 180 organizations, mostly the transport branch workers (that is to say, which are in the long run subordinated to Delta-Pilot administration – Minister of Trasport G. Kyrpa) and scientists, the activity of which is being financed now by Delta-Pilot,
were present at hearings. "Unwanted" were not called…

The organizers have applied the great forces to make the participants of hearings neither to investigate the problem, nor to deep into it at all. For example, the representatives of Ministry of Environment, the Ukrainian Association for Birds Protection, National Ecocenter of Ukraine, and Ukr?inian Hydrobiological Association were taken to hearings by Delta-Pilot’s minibus. At first they were get to Vilkovo and directed to Delta-Pilot office. All canal’s "miracles" were brightly described to them there. Then they were fed and sent to sleep, for to bring them at hearings the next day. On finishing the hearings they were sent to Kiev immidiately.

The project of resolution was handed out to participants just before the end of hearings.

We are very grateful to colleagues who had been spreading information about public hearings: David Conlin (c/o Proact International, Germany, <http://www.proact-campaigns.net/ >) and Victor Roncea (Foreign Policy Chief Department ZIUA/The Day – Romanian National Daily, < [url=http://www.ziua.net/]http://www.ziua.net/[/url] >).

Also we are grateful to all who had applied to organizers of hearings with a request to take into account their opinion: Proact International; Tim Hodge (Kent), Nick and Sandra Carter (ENGLAND); Andrew Rowlands (United Kingdom); John J. Collins (USA); John Farrar (UK); Halvor Sorhuus (Norway); Stefan Henriksson (Sweden); Thomas Brandt; Pierre Leprince (President of the Belgian Ornithological Society AVES); Andy and Helen Pay (UK); Nanette Roland (Germany); Joerg Kaestner (Germany); Alberto Marcone (Italy); Ulrich Mahler (Germany); Simon F. Becker (Germany); Martin Rydberg Heden (Sweden); Mike Elliott (Chagnon, Aumagne); Volker Moritz (Germany); Cyril Schonbachler (Switzerland); Prof. Vera U.G. Scherr; Greg Lambe (UK); Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Finke (Germany); Jo Seegers (Netherlands); Hanns-Jorg Rohwedder (Germany);
Brian Moorhead; Peter Bringolf and Rene Ehrler; Calle Ljungberg (Sweden); Danny Heptinstall (UK); Per Ole Syvertsen (Norway); Peter Sogaard Jorgensen, Rasmus Huan Olsen, Mads Lou Bendtsen, Kirsten Bendix Olsen, Michael Sogaard Jorgensen & Anne Marie Boesen (Denmark); Klaus-Henry Tauchert (Germany); Claudio Allegrino (Italy); David Camilleri (USA); Kerry Lane (United Kingdom); Dipl. Ing. Jano Topercer (Slovak Republic); Simon Hinrichs (German); Dragan Simic; Jimmy O’ Byrne (Ireland); P.F. van Zwol (Netherlands); Sante Cericola (Italy); Keith Regan (United Kingdom); Bomba Antonietta (Italy) and Luciano Allegrino (Italy).

To say the truth, your opinion has not been taken into account, it has not been even mentioned at hearings. (The many speakers felt sorry for USSR times had gone, when it was possible not to take into consideration the foreign position).

In a whole, the general mood of the speakers was naturally "for" the project. The interesting position was taken by the representative of Ministry of Environment, who stated that "Ministry of Environment, as the component of Government of Ukraine, supports the decision on construction of the water-way…". Nobody hides, that Ministry of Environment does not have its own opinion, but just carries out orders of Cabinet of Ministers and President of Ukraine.

In contrast to general line, speaches of present at hearings NGOs were various. Thus, O. Osadcha (the Ukrainian Association for Birds Protection) has offered:

To publish all the materials about second turn of the project to make the public be familiar with;

To estimate damage which was done and which is going to be done and to provide appropriate indemnities;

To provide scientific conferences on this problem with participation of public;

To propose Delta-Pilot establish a mini-grant fund to make able the public participation in solving of this problem.

The last proposal was supported by the listeners and was included into the resolution.

The chief of Izmail Nature Protection Society supported construction of Bystre canal and admitted that NGOs, which declared against the canal, had founded "for the grants". He said that "these NGO are being managed by some center abroad, and they had received the command to protest as soon as the question about construction of the canal arose". Obviously, that is done to weak Ukraine.

Chernomorskoe Kozatstvo colone?-general was exasperated with the fact, that ecologically directed public (Danube biosphere reserve in particular) had not protested when Moldova started to construct a petroleum terminal near place of the Prut’s falling into the Danube. Also he pointed that Tashlyk hydro-power plant is under the treat of earthquakes of Romanian Karaorman (evidently Romanians must turn out their earthquakes).

Public hearings have indicated the enemy of the Danube workers. Of course, Danube biosphere reserve was found to be one. Exactly it "is hampering the navigation recommencement". Director of Detla-Pilot V. Bezdolny blamed the reserve for commercial activity (not specifying his points), for burning reed and for granting licenses for it’s stocking up. Major of Vilkovo I. Timoshenko blamed DBR for grantiong licenses for visiting the reserve and for capturing 1000 cows from native inhabitants (?). These charges are totally faked.

V. Bezdolny also informed, that Scientific Reserch Institute on environmental problems (Kharkiv), which is the main provider of environmental monitoring of this project, would adress the monitoring results to all interested. Ukrainian Scientific Reserch Institute on Environmental Problems 6 Bakulina Str., Kharkiv 61166, tel/fax (057) 702-15-92, e-mail: [email]gricenko@uscpw.concom.kharkov.ua[/email]

No wonder that in prevalent situation participants almost unanimously voted for further construction of the canal. Only Ukrainian Association for Birds Protection voted against.


16. 12. 2004.
To the chairman of working group on public hearings realization Mr. S.P. Repnikov.

It is not clear, why the information about the hearings declared still of 15 November, 2004, has been dispatched to us for 25 days later, just on 9 December, 2004. Taking into account, that on Mondays mail of the Vilkovo city does not work (day off), the given letter has come to us only on December, 14, that is just two days prior to public hearings. In result the overall objective of public hearings appeared unattainable – participants free familiarity with the design documentation (about it in the letter it is not told at all) has not taken place.

Such actions not only infringe the current legislation concerning realization of public hearings, but in general discredit the idea of a free public approach to the information. In this connection the administration of the Danube biospheric reserve can not participate in such formal, illegitimate action.

Yours faithfully,
director of the Danube biospheric reserve A. N. Voloshkevich

I have seen a videoplot about this public hearings, and Mr. I.V. Timoshenko has another time strongly surprised me. In the attitude to Mr. V. Bezdolnij it is possible to admit, that living in far Nikolaev city he simply is not guided in local realities and the nature protection legislation. Our reserve never gave out and does not give out the license for a reed extraction. This kind of activity is not licensed at all! Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources gives limits, and on their basis the Regional management (of this Ministry) writes out the sanction. As to burning a reed – we have already won court for slander in our address on this question.

But how to understand Mr. I.V.Timoshenko’s statement, what we " have violently taken away and have not returned to local residents of 1000 heads of large horned livestock? ". Where in general in a reserved zone, on seaside, even theoretically, such quantity of cattle could live? Or the person does not own order of figures? Perhaps, sitting on the press conference next at real "owner" V.Bezdolnnij our mayor is obliged to slander, moreover in such scales?

You see, 10 years ago, when on three reserved seaside places illegally lived on the average only till 50 heads of a cattle, they created there the something like a big feeding base with the thick manure layer. With?local people we could the majority of these run wild animals to expel, however the some animals should be shot. We still had answered to Mr. Timoshenko for his questions, and still in July 2004 (after the European experts leaving) he tell to our collective, that "it is necessary to start to live from a pure sheet". When mayor of our city was sincere?

I accurately collect all documentary certificates of slander and hypocrisy in a "Intrigues of the mayoralty" folder, and I believe that we will come back to this question later…

De la extractia de aur la culesul fructelor de padure

Tot ce spera este o pensie de boala. Oamenii locului nu percep nici acum de ce a trebuit sa li se intample tragedia de a ramane fara singura lor sursa de venit: un combinat sau o mina. Comunismul a oferit o singura solutie, iar cei care au impartasit-o au crezut ca nu se mai afla alta. Ne aducem aminte acele povesti in care se spunea ca nu exista nimic mai frumos si mai patriotic decat sa fii inginer la otelarie. Asa incat, dupa Revolutie, inginerul fara otelarie s-a trezit inutil si a aflat ca nu exista nimic mai necesar decat sa-si gaseasca o alta meserie. Dar era deja destul de tarziu sa inteleaga ca statutul sau de ieri nu reprezenta absolutul si ca a fost mintit. El s-a simtit ca si cum ar fi decazut. Daca otelarie nu e, nimic nu e.

Intr-un proiect de dezvoltare a zonei Rosia Montana citesc: "Mineritul reprezinta principala ocupatie a locuitorilor, traditia care si-a pus amprenta asupra conceptiei si comportamentului acestora. Orice initiativa legata de revigorarea acestei indeletniciri gaseste aderenta si putere de sustinere din partea autoritatilor locale si a majoritatii populatiei. In consecinta, orice proiect de strategie de dezvoltare economica durabila ar trebui sa porneasca de la obiectivul de continuare a activitatii de extractie a minereurilor, cel putin pe termen scurt si mediu (pana la 10 ani)." Cateva randuri mai jos dau, insa, peste acest fragment: "De asemenea, in Rosia Montana pot fi dezvoltate activitati de achizitionare si valorificare a fructelor de padure si a plantelor medicinale".

Indiferent cat de mult aur importam, stiu ca aducem in tara destul de mult ceai. Exista tari cu o lunga traditie in acest domeniu (China, India, Anglia etc.). Ceea ce vreau sa spun este ca acele fructe de padure, acele plante medicinale abia asteapta sa fie culese. Inginerul sau, de ce nu, muncitorul ramas fara mina nici nu stie poate ca lipsa de sens in care se complace este doar aparenta si ca exista ceva care ii face cu ochiul chiar in apropierea sa. Trebuie doar sa vrea, sa se informeze, sa se angajeze in altceva.

Aici insa ne confruntam cu o mare prejudecata, cu un sentiment al decadentei de care cu greu vom putea scapa. Fiecare oras in care a existat, de pilda, un combinat priveste la perioada in care acesta functiona ca la epoca de aur. E ca si cum nimic nu ar putea reinvia in oras decat daca acel combinat reincepe sa functioneze. Cu minele de la Rosia Montana e la fel: "Orice
initiativa legata de revigorarea acestei indeletniciri gaseste aderenta si putere de sustinere din partea autoritatilor locale si a majoritatii populatiei". Daca cineva vine si spune: "Faceti ceai, vindeti plante medicinale", raspunsul este: "Cum, noi sa facem asta, noi, care scoatem aurul tarii din munti?".

Poate ca discrepanta simbolica dintre aur si ceai e prea mare si poate parea ca arunc inspre derizoriu perspectivele de viitor ale unor asemenea zone. Bine, atunci sa inlocuim ceaiul cu componente electronice care pot fi asamblate in fabrici cu 2-300 de angajati. Sau cu producerea micului mobilier de gradina. Solutia la monoindustrialism este multidezvoltarea. Cand apare, un combinat rezolva pe loc toate problemele. Cand dispare, le renaste pe toate, pe loc. Zeci de intreprinderi mici inseamna deja o formula de dezvoltare sanatoasa, care nu depinde fatal de nici una din componentele sale. Falimentul uneia din aceste intreprinderi nu afecteaza decat viata catorva zeci sau sute de locuitori, care se pot reorienta spre societatile
care continua sa existe.

Departe de mine gandul de a-i invinui cu ceva pe oamenii care traiesc in orasele monoindustriale. Ministerul pe care il conduc aplica deja proiecte privind infiintarea de parcuri industriale in asemenea zone. Se deruleaza, de asemenea, programe de recalificare. Stiu ca statul va avea un rol esential in refacerea acestor zone. Vreau insa sa subliniez ca mult mai
importanta decat actiunea statului este schimbarea atitudinii generale a locuitorilor din aceste zone.

Mitraliere furate de la vanatorii de munte

Plutonierul Daniel Maxim si sergentul-major Stefan Petre au recunoscut, in fata judecatorilor militari, ca i-au vandut lui Gheorghe Mihali cele cinci arme si ca au primit 2.900 de euro. Potrivit presedintelui Tribunalului Militar Cluj, colonel Dorel Andries, alaturi de cei doi subofiteri a mai fost arestat si Gheorghe Mihali, adica persoana care a cumparat pistoalele-mitraliera. ?Gheorghe Mihali a negat in permanenta ca ar fi cumparat armele, dar impotriva lui
sunt suficiente probe care sa justifice luarea masurii arestarii?, a spus colonelul magistrat Dorel Andries.

Arme la standarde NATO
Scandalul a izbucnit in urma cu doua saptamani cand, in urma unui inventar de rutina la UM 1038 Borsa, s-a descoperit ca din depozitele de arme disparusera cinci pistoale-mitraliera. Potrivit presedintelui Tribunalului Militar Cluj, cele cinci arme sunt de calibrul 5,45 mm si sunt adaptate la standardele NATO. ?Puterea glontului este atat de puternica incat poate strabate o vesta antiglont. De aceea, fapta care a fost comisa de cei doi militari este deosebit de
grava?, ne-a declarat magistratul.

UM 1038 va fi desfiintata
Din primele investigatii s-a stabilit ca armele fusesera cumparate pentru a fi folosite la braconaj, dar anchetatorii nu exclud si alte piste. Mai ales ca zona Borsa-Maramures este recunoscuta pentru criminalitatea si violenta membrilor gruparilor interlope. Sigur e ca, pana in momentul de fata, nu au reusit sa dea de urma celor cinci pistoale-mitraliera.

Potrivit unor surse din Corpul lV Armata, unitatea militara UM 1038 Borsa va fi desfiintata in curand, iar furtul celor cinci pistoale-mitraliera va avea rolul de a urgenta procesul de inchidere.

EPA joins with several organizations to improve wastewater treatment for 25 million homes

"This agreement will help solidify our national partnership to protect drinking water supplies and local water quality through promoting change in the way these waste water systems are managed," said EPA Assistant Administrator for Water Ben Grumbles. "I am pleased to formally recognize the contributions these partners make to achieve results in protecting public health and improving water quality."

The memorandum of understanding (MOU) is a first step in implementing EPA?s program that works cooperatively with national organizations that represent septic system practitioners and the public. These systems are used in nearly 25 percent of homes across the country and used in about one-third of all new housing and commercial development. When properly sited, designed and maintained, these systems are capable of producing high quality wastewater. However, decentralized systems are the second greatest threat to groundwater quality, second only to leakage from underground storage tanks. It is estimated that nation-wide, 10 to 20 percent of decentralized systems are not adequately treating wastewater due to inadequate site location, design and maintenance.

The program strategy that accompanies the MOU identifies EPA?s vision, mission and actions to improve the performance of decentralized wastewater treatment systems. The MOU and the strategy are intended to upgrade the management of these systems and facilitate collaboration between EPA headquarters, EPA regions, state and local governments and national organizations representing practitioners and assistance providers. Improved performance of decentralized systems will provide better protection of public health and water resources.

Banca Mondiala nu isi indeplineste rolul asumat de lider in domeniul schimbarilor climatice si al surselor regenerabile de energie

1 noiembrie 2005
Comunicat de presa

Raportul este lansat astazi (1 noiembrie 2005) in contextul in care statele G8 se intalnesc la Londra pentru discutii la nivel inalt privind schimbarile climatice si sursele curate de energie.

Raportul intitulat ‘Power Failure: How the World Bank is Failing to Adequately Finance Renewable Energy for Development’ contesta rolul central pe care Banca Mondiala sustine ca doreste sa il joace in finantarea proiectelor de valorificare a surselor regenerabile de energie la nivel mondial.

Raportul constata ca Banca Mondiala este departe de a-si fi atins obiectivul pe care si l-a stabilit, de crestere a sprijinului financiar pentru energii regenerabile si eficienta energetica, desi este supusa unor presiuni din partea statelor G8 pentru a dezvolta un cadru de finantare a surselor regenerabile de energie. Banca a sporit finantarea in anul fiscal 2005 cu doar 7%, respectiv 14 milioane de dolari ? mai putin de jumatate din obiectivul de crestere anuala de 20% anuntat pentru urmatorii cinci ani.

?Proiectele de valorificare a surselor regenerabile de energie ofera o oportunitate extraordinara de limitare a fenomenului schimbarilor climatice, promovand in acelasi timp cresterea economica si reducand nivelul saraciei. Insa modul in care Banca Mondiala se descrie drept lider mondial in domeniul surselor regenerabile de energie este cel putin derutant?, a declarat directorul de programe al Friends of the Earth US, Washington, David Waskow. ?Intalnirea din Londra nu ar trebui sa fie doar o alta oportunitate pentru guverne si Banca Mondiala sa discute pur si simplu. Sunt necesare rezultate reale ale unor negocieri reale, nu vorbe in vant?, a mai adugat acesta.

Finantarea Bancii Mondiale pentru surse regenerabile de energie si eficienta energetica in anul fiscal 2005 reprezinta doar 9% din finantarea bancii pentru sectorul energetic. Intre timp, Banca finanteaza in continuare conducte de combustibili fosili si se orienteaza catre proiecte mari de hidrocentrale, cu impact negativ asupra mediului, din state in curs de dezvoltare.

?Banca va trebui sa faca schimbari majore imediat pentru a creste considerabil finantarea pentru surse regenerabile si eficienta energetica, daca doreste sa aiba vreun impact asupra fenomenului schimbarilor climatice inainte sa fie prea tarziu?, a declarat unul din autorii raportului, Elizabeth Bast, Friends of the Earth US.

Sursele regenerabile de energie precum cea eoliana, hidrocentralele de capacitate mica, energia solara, combinate cu strategii agresive de eficienta energetica, pot reduce dramatic emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera, ce duc la schimbarile climatice. Sursele regenerabile de energie contribuie, de asemenea, la reducerea saraciei si furnizeaza energie electrica in zonele fara acces la retele de transmisie.

?Discutiile ce incep in Londra pe 1 noiembrie ar putea juca un rol crucial in cresterea increderii fata de intalnirea pe schimbari climatice a Natiunilor Unite ce va avea loc la Montreal, la care sunt necesare rezultate concrete. Intalnirea G8 nu este insa o cale alternativa de negociere si nu poate inlocui intalnirile oficiale, angajamentele reale si actiunile privind schimbarile climatice?, a declarat coordonatorul de campanii pe schimbari climatice Friends of the Earth International, Londra, Catherine Pearce

Anuntata la Summit-ul G8 din iulie, intalnirea din 1 noiemnrie 2005 este prima sesiune a Dialogului pe Schimbari Climatice, Energii Curate si Dezvoltare Curata. 20 de state, inclusiv statele G8, se intalnesc la Londra pentru a discuta probleme legate de promovarea surselor curate de energie. Intalnirea este prezidata de Marea Britanie

Anunt de lansarea a proiectului de deyvoltare comunitara durabila si acces la informatie

Cerinte fata de candidat:
– activism;
– experienta in domeniu (activitate in ONG, etc.);
– posedarea limbii romane, ruse, engleze (ar fi un avantaj);
– motivatie.

Persoanele selectate vor deveni membri ai unei echipe cu experienta in domeniul educatiei si lucrului cu tinerii. Vor avea posibilite de avansare profesionala si individuala, participare la training-uri, seminare, conferinte nationale si internationale.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate sa expedieze CV-ul si Scrisoarea de motivare pe adresa [email]isdm@mail.md[/email] pana la 25 octombrie. Doar persoanele selectate vor fi contactate.


The Sakhalin Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North have chosen January 20, 2005 as a day to protest the two oil and gas pipelines that are being developed by Exxon, Shell, British Petroleum, Sakhalin Energy and their subsidiaries. The indigenous peoples of Sakhalin, who practice a traditional self-subsistence economy based on fishing, hunting, reindeer herding and wild plant gathering, disproportionately suffer the negative ecological impacts of the pipeline project.

Structural engineering has destroyed reindeer pastures and forests and works on the shelf have led to an abrupt decline in fish stocks, making traditional handicrafts the only source of livelihood. The absence of complete and reliable project information and the companies’ unwillingness to seriously dialogue with indigenous peoples’ organizations have forced them to commence a process of civil disobedience.

Agreement, signed by oil companies’ representatives and two representatives of Sakhalin indigenous peoples’ groups, has not changed the plans for action "Green wave". It will start on January 20 in Nogliki region of Sakhalin. Several indigenous peoples’ groups, like native nivkh’s communities, Sakhalin Evenks, Sakhalin Nanaytsy community, Association of Indigenous People of Nogliki Region, Association of Indigenous People of Sakhalin Region, Association of Indigenous People of Russia.

Expert group, including Chairman of Russian Independent Environmental Assessment Vladimir Anikeev, State Duma expert on Indigenous people issues Olga Murashko and lawyer of NGO Legal Center Rodnik Ekaterina Khmeleva, analyzed the Agreement and came to a conclusion?that it was "merely a declaration of intentions". It lacks specific agreement features like subject of agreement, obligations of oil companies (like environmental and ethnological assessment, minimization of harm), no mechanisms and directions for cooperation, no responsible agreement parties.

This agreement may not be considered as a base for further relation between indigenous people of Sakhalin and oil companies. Indigenous people representative insist on signing of Memorandum that was elaborated by the communities and put on the table on negotiations between indigenous groups and oil companies. Oil industry failed to sign it yet.

On the contrary, representatives of Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd and Exxon Oil and Gas Ltd are putting pressure upon participants of Green Wave protest action. For past several days their representatives visited indigenous people settlements and tried to persuade them not to participate in the action. They also threatened to fire those employees who would participate in the action – about 30 indigenous people representative are involved in different oil companies’ projects. These people receive threats to be fired even if their relative would participate in the protest. For today there was a meeting with indigenous groups scheduled by Exxon Oil and Gas Ltd – also aimed to persuade people to withdraw form the action.

Green Wave organizers became aware that oil companies’ security squads arrived in Nogliki settlement on January 19, also to put pressure on protesters. Action organizers called on oil companies to keep within legal and ethical norms, however no one knows how things will end up today and tomorrow.