ACEEE Advises Senate on Energy Efficiency and Natural Gas Policy

In his testimony, Nadel emphasized two major points:

* Energy efficiency policy action is the best way to bring down natural gas prices over the next five years. Recent ACEEE analysis, using the same computer models employed by the National Petroleum Council, showed that reducing natural gas and electricity by 4-5% over the next five years could reduce gas prices by about 25% before 2010, saving over $100 billion for American consumers and businesses.

* The Senate energy bill from 2004 (S. 2095) contained sound building blocks for such an effort, but new measures should also be added in the areas of appliance efficiency standards, an efficienc? resource standard that would set energy savings targets for utilities, and tax incentives for consumers? largest gas-saving opportunities.

ACEEE’s full list of recommended policy solutions includes: setting end-use efficiency resource targets for electric and gas utilities; creating tax incentives for high-efficiency technologies; accelerating federal appliance efficiency standards; supporting advanced building energy codes; expanding support for combined heat and power (CHP); increasing funding for energy efficiency research, development, and deployment; and conducting a national efficiency and conservation campaign.

ACEEE research results have shown that energy efficiency is the most viable near-term strategy for moderating natural gas prices, and is vital for stabilizing longer-term gas markets. Our proposal is based on a recent ACEEE analysis, which illustrated that if we reduce gas and electricity demand by 4-5% over the next five years, we would reduce wholesale natural gas prices by more than 25%. These savings would put over $100 billion back into the U.S. economy at a cost of $30 billion in new investment, of which less than one-quarter would be federal and state public funds.

Moreover, this investment would help bring back U.S. manufacturing jobs that have been lost to high gas prices, and would help relieve the crushing burden of natural gas costs experienced by many lower-income households. Importantly, much of the gas savings in our analysis comes from electricity efficiency measures, because so much electricity is generated by natural gas, often inefficiently.

Along with this filing, other key natural gas research results and references are available on ACEEE?s Web site at [url=][/url]

About ACEEE: The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing energy efficiency as a means of promoting both economic prosperity and environmental protection. For information about ACEEE and its programs and publications, contact ACEEE, 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 801, Washington, D.C. 20036-5525 or visit [url=][/url]

COMUNICAT DE PRESA: Zvonurile nefondate despre centrala de la Cernobyl, Ukraina

Avand in vedere stirile aparute in ultimele zile in media si pe Internet, cu privire la producerea unui accident radiologic la Cernobyl, in Ucraina, Comisia Nationala pentru Controlul Activitatilor Nucleare (CNCAN), autoritatea nationala competenta in domeniul nuclear, declara ca nu exista nici un temei pentru aceste zvonuri.

La Cernobyl nu s-a produs nici un accident recent, situatie confirmata de autoritatea competenta din Ucraina (State Nuclear Regulatory Committee, Ucraina).
Intre Romania si Ucraina exista tratat bilateral privind notificarea rapida a oricarei situatii de urgenta nucleara sau radiologica. Potrivit acestui tratat, Ucraina informeaza rapid Romania, prin Centrul de Urgenta CNCAN, in legatura cu orice situatie potentiala sau actuala de urgenta nucleara sau radiologica pe teritoriul sau.

La nivel international functioneaza Conventia cu privire la notificarea rapida a unui accident nuclear si Conventia cu privire la assistenta in caz de accident nuclear sau urgenta radiologica, semnate de tarile membre ale Agentiei Internationale pentru Energie Atomica (AIEA) de la Viena.
Potrivit Conventiilor exista obligatvitatea raportarii catre comunitatea internationala, prin Centrul de Raspuns la Urgente al AIEA, situatiile de urgenta radiologica sau accident nuclear care ar putea apare pe teritoriul national. La randul sau, comunitatea internationala (AIEA si tarile partenere cu care Romania are incheiate tratate bilaterale de notificare rapida a oricarei situatii de urgenta nucleara sau radiologica) notifica Romania, prin intermediul Centrului de Urgenta al CNCAN, asupra aparitiei oricarei situatii cu posibile efecte radiologice care ar putea afecta teritoriul Romaniei.
La nivel european, o retea de notificare similara (ECURIE) functioneaza cu caracter de obligativitate pentru toate statele membre UE, responsabilul pentru Romania al acestei retele fiind Inspectoratul General Pentru Situatii de Urgenta din cadrul Ministerului Administratiei si Internelor.

Pina in prezent, din informatiile pe care le detinem, nu exista notificari ale unor situatii de urgenta radiologica in sistemul ENAC – Conventia de Notificare Rapida a Accidentelor Nucleare – AIEA sau ECURIE – Comunitatea Europeana.

Orice informatii cu privire la contaminarea radioactiva accidentala a teritoriului romanesc, ca urmare a unui accident nuclear sau radiologic pe teritoriul tarii sau pe teritoriul altui stat, sunt furnizate de ICIM Bucuresti, care, in calitate de coordonator al Retelei Nationale de Supraveghere a Radioactivitatii Mediului, centralizeaza, valideaza si stocheaza zilnic datele de radioactivitate obtinute la Statiile Retelei.
Pina in acest moment nu exista depasiri ale nivelelor de radioactivitate normale pe teritoriul tarii.

Nu s-a primit nici o avertizare, iar buletinele informative primite zilnic de CNCAN de la ICIM Bucuresti prezinta valori uzuale, normale, ale nivelelor de radiaoctivitate pe teritoriul tarii.

Detalii asupra acestui subiect tinut in permanenta noastra supraveghere vor fi transmise in cadrul unei CONFERINTE DE PRESA sustinute de Presedintele CNCAN, domnul Vilmos Zsombori, luni 6 iunie 2005 ora 11,30 sala Nicolae Balcescu, Palatul Parlamentului.

Vanatoare legala dar imorala. Fondul de vanatoare Balc, incredintat fara licitatie

"Atribuirea temporara", o gaselnita a RNP
Istoria acestui fond de vanatoare are ca moment important toamna anului 2001, atunci cand Regia Nationala a Padurilor (RNP) a renuntat la fondul de vanatoare Balc motivand ca intampina greutati in gestionarea lui. Ministrul Gheorghe Flutur considera suspecta aceasta renuntare.

Dupa renuntare urmeaza "atribuirea temporara" de catre RNP si conducerea ministerului a fondului de vanatoare catre Asociatia de Vanatoare Zimbrul. Ministrul Gheorghe Flutur considera aceasta "atribuire temporara" o gaselnita a fostei conduceri a ministerului, care pune mari semne de intrebare in privinta corectitudinii.

El a declarat ca pentru acest act sunt raspunzatori fostul director al RNP Filip Georgescu, fostul secretar de stat Ghelase si fostul ministru al Agriculturii Ilie Sarbu. Ministrul Gheorghe Flutur a precizat ca mai exista 69 de fonduri de vanatoare incredintate fara licitatie la care urmeaza
sa fie facute verificari. El a afirmat ca Ministerul Agriculturii, Padurilor si Dezvoltarii Rurale va consulta o serie de juristi pentru a vedea modalitatile de intrare in legalitate in aceste chestiuni.

Greenpeace, Jose Bove protest against genetically engineered soy on high seas

"This GMO shipment should never have been sent to Europe, and we call on the French public to go to the port in Lorient on Friday to take part in a peaceful protest against GE soy entering the French food chain," says Arnaud Apoteker. "Millions of tons of GE soy are imported each year to feed cattle, hogs and poultry in Europe. This is a slap in face for all European citizens who have rejected GMOs in their food."

The Golden Lion is expected to arrive in Lorient, France, Friday this week. The Monsanto ‘Roundup Ready’ soy onboard the ship is destined for use in animal feed. The GMO soy expansion in Argentina has caused the destruction of millions of hectares of rainforest and driven small farmers and indigenous people off their land.

In Europe, strong and consistent public opposition to GMOs has forced food producers and retailers not to use GMO ingredients directly in food, but a big loophole in EU labelling legislation means that eggs, meat and dairy products from animals fed with GMOs do not have to be labelled. As a consequence food producers are able to hide the use of GMO soy and maize in animal feed from consumers.

Together the three organisations demand a ban on the import of GMOs to France, and specifically call on the ports of Brittany to reject GMO imports in line with the wishes of the regional government, which recently declared its intention to become a GMO-free zone (1).

"GMO crops represent the ugly head of destructive industrial agriculture, threatening both the environment and the livelihoods of small farmers," says Jose Bov?. "We denounce the increasing dominance of a few transnational GMO seed and pesticide companies over the worlds farmers. We want to end this sick trade cycle where European farmers have become dependent on dirty protein crops shipped across the Atlantic. GMOs simply have no place in sustainable agriculture or in quality food production."

According to a study by U.S. agronomist Charles Benbrook published last week, the planting of 14 million hectares of herbicide-resistant soy in Argentina has created a highly vulnerable agricultural system that has also had severe social impacts (2). An estimated 2.3 million hectares of forest and savannah have been destroyed since 1996 to make room for new GMO soy plantations, and areas that used to grow potatoes, beans and rice and were pasture for be?f and dairy cows have been replaced with soybean production destined for export markets.

"Cutting down rainforests and threatening the home of jaguars and pumas only to produce animal feed for European factory farming is down-right crazy," says Arnaud Apoteker. "I don’t think any food producer or retailer in Europe can defend forests being destroyed to produce animal feed used to make their food products, and we expect the food industry to move swiftly to protect their reputation among consumers."

Greenpeace, Conf?d?ration Paysanne and Les Faucheurs Volontaires are calling on their supporters and the public to join a peaceful and non- violent protest against the import of GMO soy in the port of Lorient on Friday morning when the Golden Lion is due to arrive.

For more information, footage and stills, please contact
Dan Hindsgaul, GE campaigner Greenpeace International, +33 144 640 207 or +45 2810 9021
Anne Castelein, Greenpeace France press desk, + 33 1 4464 0215 or 33 6 8425 0825
Maartje van Boekel, Greenpeace International press desk, +31 6 4616 2021

For reports, updated weblogs and cyber action: [url=][/url]

Notes to the editor

1. With EU governments on the verge of caving in to US and WTO pressure to allow (more) GMOs, European regions, cities and rural communities have responded by taking their own steps to keep GMOs away from European fields and dinner plates. Brittany is the 17th out of France’s 22 regions that has adopted a form of anti-GMO resolution, thereby joining a rapidly growing movement in Europe where now 100 regions and 3500 sub-regions have declared themselves as GMO-free zones. For more information on French and European GMO-free zones, see [url=,],[/url]
[url=][/url] and [url=][/url] GMOs/gmofree/index.htm

2. Benbrook, C.M. (2005), "Rust, Resistance, Run Down Soils, and rising Costs: Problems Facing Soybean Producers in Argentina", Ag Bio Tech InfoNet, Technical Paper Number 8, see [url=][/url] international_en/reports

Greenpeace is an independent, campaigning organisation that uses non- violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and to force the solutions which are essential to a green and peaceful future.

Proces pierdut de Rosia Montana Gold Corporation: 39 de sonde au fost suspendate

Curtea de Apel Alba-Iulia a suspendat ieri efectele juridice ale acordului de mediu pentru 39 de puncte de foraj la Rosia Montana.

Sentinta este irevocabila. Rosia Montana Gold Corporation a incercat inca din 2003 sa obtina toate acordurile necesare pentru acest proiect de foraje, insa compania este acum blocata de sentinta data in actiunea deschisa de Alburnus Maior.

Rosia Montana Gold Corporation (RMGC) este detinuta in proportie de 80% de catre Gabriel Resources (TSX: GBU), o companie miniera canadiana de mica dimensiune, limitata financiar si neexperimentata care intentioneaza sa stramute localnicii din Rosia Montana pentru a realiza cea mai mare mina de aur de suprafata din Europa.

Restul de 20% din actiuni sunt detinute de Minvest, o companie miniera de stat. Inca de la inceputul sau, acest aranjament a fost asaltat de scandaluri, probleme operationale si opozitie vehementa pe plan local, national si international.

Compania miniera Newmont (NTSE: NEM) detine 10.8% din actiunile Gabriel Resources.

Agentia de Protectie a Mediului Alba a emis acordul de mediu pentru cele 39 de puncte de foraj fara o evaluare corecta a impactului proiectului asupra mediului, populatiei si patrimoniului cultural.

In plus, Agentia de Protectie a Mediului nu a luat in considerare comentariile bine-motivate ale publicului interesat, printre care s-au aflat numeroase contestatii formulate de localnici din Rosia Montana.

In cursul dezbaterilor, Alburnus Maior a dovedit faptul ca acordul de mediu pentru proiectul de foraje va provoca prejudicii ireversibile si semnificative. Acestea includ defrisari masive, secatuirea unor importante surse de apa, precum si riscuri semnificative la adresa populatiei locale si unor zone de importanta arheologica.

Asa cum se intampla in majoritatea actiunilor in instanta introduse de Alburnus Maior, avocatii RMGC au intervenit si in aceasta cauza, interventie facuta in interesul Agentiei de Protectie a Mediului Alba.

“Mediul inconjurator din Rosia Montana a avut o perioada foarte prospera de cand nu mai este perturbat de poluarea pe care proiectele de foraj ale RMGC o provoaca de obicei. Verdictul este o expresie a faptului ca vrem sa ramana asa”.

Primarul baga drujba in rezervatie

Localnicii sustin ca taierile de arbori, care au inceput saptamana trecuta si continua si in prezent, incalca toate normele in domeniu. Pana miercuri, au fost doborati numerosi copaci tineri, fara cea mai mica urma de daunatori. In total, in urma defrisarilor de pana acum au rezultat 150 de metri cubi de lemn, adica mai bine de o treime din totalul aprobat.

Parcul din Buzias se intinde pe o suprafata de 25,16 hectare si reprezinta o arie naturala de interes judetean. "Este o padure de protectie a apei minerale in intravilanul statiunii", explica Valer Bercia, purtator de cuvant al Inspectoratului Teritorial de Regim Silvic si de Vanatoare. Potrivit specialistilor, copacii nu trebuie taiati, pentru ca disparitia lor duce la demineralizarea apei.

Defrisare in loc de igienizare
Defrisarile sunt efectuate de firma Galeancu Forest 2004 SRL, cu sediul in Bozovici, in baza unui aviz care prevede "igienizarea parcului". Hotararea a fost luata dupa ce Primaria a primit in septembrie o adresa semnata de inspectorul sef Aristotel Visoiu de la Inspectoratul Teritorial de Regim Silvic si de Vanatoare. Totodata, Agentia pentru Protectia Mediului a trimis Consiliului Local un document in care ii da acordul pentru "taierea arborilor uscati, atacati de daunatori sau scorburosi din parcul Buzias".

Pana si muncitorii care lucreaza la defrisari recunosc insa ca numai o treime dintre copacii doborati aveau probleme. Localnicii spun ca arborii au fost taiati cu utilaje grele, dupa care au fost lasati sa cada la pamant, astfel ca au distrus si alti pomi mai tineri. Mai mult, ei povestesc ca la fel s-a intamplat si in 1994, cand s-au mai facut defrisari in acelasi parc, iar apa s-a demineralizat. "In locurile unde exista apa minerala, taierile sunt interzise sau se realizeaza numai de catre specialisti. Vegetatia nu trebuie distrusa, pentru ca se creaza un dezechilibru in sol. Distrugerea stratului vegetal duce in timp la distrugerea calitatii apei minerale. La Buzias, efectele vor fi evidente in maxim trei – patru luni, pentru ca de acum incolo apa pluviala va intra mai usor in sol, diluand apa minerala", explica Mircea Golosie, specialist in protectia mediului,
recunoscut de forurile mai multor tari europene si nominalizator de situri contaminate.

Trei la suta din pretul pietei
Primarul Buziasului, Alger Ilas, sustine ca a fost reclamat in afacerea defrisarilor de consilierii locali ai celorlalte partide. De altfel, se simte persecutat de actuala putere. "Daca l-au dat jos pe Oncu (fostul edil PSD din Sannicolau Mare, suspendat recent din functie de prefect – n.n. ), vor sa imi faca si mie ceva", spune Ilas. El adauga ca a aprobat taierea copacilor pentru igienizarea parcului, dar si ca sa aduca bani la bugetul Primariei. "Noi platim firmei care exploateaza 80 de milioane de lei vechi. Si ii vindem si lemnul taiat, pe care vom incasa 150 de milioane de lei vechi", precizeaza primarul din Buzias.

Tariful practicat in acest caz este de 160.000 de lei vechi pe metru cub, adica de 30 de ori mai putin decat pe piata. Astfel, conform reprezentantilor Inspectoratului Teritorial de Regim Silvic si de Vanatoare, lemnul se vinde in medie cu 5,5 milioane de lei vechi pe metru cub, dar pretul poate ajunge pana la 22 de milioane lei vechi.

Ape cunoscute de pe vremea romanilor
Parcul dendrologic din Buzias a fost amenajat de catre unul dintre cei mai bogati oameni din zona, pe nume Muschong, in perioada 1810 – 1820. Localitatea, cunoscuta inca din perioada romanilor care au numit-o Ahibis, a fost declarata statiune in 1819. Apele minerale care izvorasc de aici sunt utilizate in tratarea afectiunilor cardiovasculare, ale sistemului nervos central, ale tubului digestiv sau ale aparatului respirator, bolilor de nutritie sau metabolism, nevrozelor, tulburarilor endocrine.

Taierile demineralizeaza apa
"Parcul de la Buzias are ca principala functie protectia zacamantului hidromineral, adica apa minerala din subsolul statiunii. Aceeasi functie o au si celelalte paduri din jur: Dumbrava, Bacova, Silagiu, Cheveres sau Salcia. Aceste paduri impiedica scurgerile torentiale in timpul ploilor si, totodata, mijlocesc infiltrarea apei. Ca specialist in flora localitatii pot spune ca distrugerea vegetatiei determina o pierdere de dioxid de carbon in straturile mai profunde ale
solului, iar apa pierde din mineralizare", ne-a declarat Lovasz Horst, profesor de biologie, autorul unei teze de doctorat despre "Flora si vegetatia dealurilor Silagiului si ale zonei Buzias".

At Tetra Pak, Trash Gets a New Lease on Life

Tetra Pak is picking up after itself, as it were, by recycling waste from its own packaging materials.

The revolutionary cartons produced by packaging giant Tetra Pak were used as containers fo? a broad range of products such as milk, juice, tomato sauce, and wine, and have now been converted into tables, chairs, trays, and even key holders. A few low-cost houses built by Habitat for Humanity in the Philippines are also sporting Tetra Pak "carton" doors.

The Philippines is the latest in a growing list of countries where the packaging giant Tetra Pak is using recycling technology developed in Germany to clean up the "mess" it is making. Quietly, it has started a recycling program that links up students, consumers, the physically handicapped and street children.

"Care and Share," the recycling program, has two components. A collection/retrieval campaign represents the "Care" part. Launched in 2002 with only eight schools initially participating, the campaign now involves 50 private schools. Special bins have been installed in the schools where faculty and students can put the empty Tetra Pak cartons, including those from their homes. The campaign hopes to teach students to care for the environment by recycling starting with the Tetra Pak packages.

The program’s other component, "Share with the Less Fortunate," has provided jobs to former street children cared for and trained by the non-governmental organization Tuloy sa Don Bosco ("Welcome to Don Bosco," a Catholic vocational school). The Tetra Pak program has also given new money-earning opportunities for the disabled workers at the Tahanang Walang Hagdanan, Inc. (Home without Stairs), another NGO that trains and employs the physically handicapped. The workers have substituted the Tetra Pak carton boards for plywood, using them for items like picture frames, desk organizers and small furniture, the sale of which helps sustain the institution’s operations.

Tetra Pak’s partner in breathing new life into discarded packages – and in providing gainful employment to street children – is the Trans-National Paper Corporation, formerly a publishing house, which is now in the paper recycling business. Trans-National uses a machine made by the Tetra Pak office in India in its manufacturing plant in Tanza, Cavite, some two hours southwest of the capital city of Manila.

Trans-National easily accommodated the recycling of used Tetra Pak cartons without a lengthy training or retraining for its workers. The process begins with the shredding of the packages. Shredded pieces are soaked in water then placed in a mold the size of a full-length board before passing through the machine that dries the board.

Lorenzo P. Ligot of the Tanza plant said boards from the packages contained exactly the same elements that the original cartons had. No chemicals were added during the process. The shreds were bound together by the plastic that was already a component of the original package. When heated, the plastic melted and spread, binding the other components.

Ligot said the board had already been used in a few houses built by Habitat volunteers. He added that the material was "cheaper than plywood, would not warp and was resistant to termites." It may not even be necessary to paint the board as it retains the colors of the packages used; giving the finished product built-in designs and colors. Ligot said the board might also be a suitable substitute for wallpaper because, aside from already having its own patterns and color, it was very flat when installed, eliminating the problem of bumps.

Tahanan workers substituted the boards for many of their products that would otherwise have used wood. At the moment, they are making picture frames, trays, key chains, desk organizers and clocks, pen holders, magazine racks, tables and chairs, among others, out of the Tetra Pak carton boards. Joy Cevallos-Garcia, Tahanan’s chief executive officer, said she was drawn to the Tetra Pak initiative because "it helped clean the environment."

Aside from actual recycling of used cartons, Tetra Pak is also involved in advocating for environmental protection. Marily C. Gutierrez, communications and environment manager, said the company was organ?zing puppet shows in schools that brought the message of recycling to kids in an entertaining manner. "We also have videos on environment/recycling Tetra Pak packages (and will be distributing) a teacher’s guide (teaching material for teachers about recycling, environment etc.)," she said.

The company, a consistent supporter of the Museo Pambata (Children’s Museum), has set up a Tetra Pak Craft Room at the museum. For several years now, it has co-sponsored with the children’s museum art contests for kids using Tetra Pak packages.

Aside from the Philippines, Tetra Pak has recycling programs in Germany (paper and boards that are made into furniture), Chile (boards), Thailand (paper and boards), India (boards), Pakistan (boards), China (boards), and Italy (paper).


Pe parcursul desfasurarii Festivalului vor fi mentionate si premiate ONG-urile care participa si sprijina cel mai activ initiativele de voluntariat in Republica Moldova, deasemenea vor evolua formatii si ansambluri muzicale. (Intrarea este libera!).

Cu aceasta ocazie dorim sa va anuntam despre posibilitatea de a participa la ?Concursul celor mai active ONG-uri si voluntari ai anului 2005?, si de a concura in cadrul concursului eseurilor la tema: ?Rolul voluntariatului in stabilirea Culturii Pacii?.

Festivalul este organizat de Serviciu Pentru Pace, in colaborare cu Comisia Nationala pentru UNESCO si Directia Generala Educatie, Stiinta, Tineret si Sport.

Invitam toate organizatiile obstesti si voluntarii din intreaga republica (inclusiv din Transnistria si UTA Gagauzia) sa participe la concurs.

P.S. Toate ONG-urile cointeresate de a-si prezenta activitatile si proiectele sunt invitate sa participe cu diverse materiale informative, postere sau standuri la targul ONG, desfasurat in holul Filarmonicii Nationale.

O Detalii despre concurs si Festival le gasiti in anexa.

O Recunoasterea publica a muncii si meritelor voluntarilor diferitor ONG din republica.
O Sensibilizarea populatiei fata de rolul si importanta activitatilor de voluntariat.
O Promovarea voluntariatului in Republica Moldova.


1. Organizatia cea mai activa in promovarea voluntariatului (Premiul ? 1000 lei);
2. Cel mai activ voluntar (Premiul ? 750 lei);
3. Cel mai bun eseu la tema voluntariatului (Premiul ? 500 lei);
4. Alte premii si mentiuni speciale.

O Selectarea celui mai activ ONG se va efectua in baza unui raport al activitatii pentru anul 2005, insotit de fotografii, alte materiale de interes.
O Selectarea celui mai activ voluntar se va efectua in baza CV ? ului (se vor lua in consideratie activitatile la care a participat pe parcursul anului 2005, scrisorile de recomandare, diplome si mentiuni speciale, etc.).
O Tema pentru concursul de eseu: ?Rolul voluntariatului in stabilirea Culturii Pacii.?

Toate materialele vor fi trimise la sediul ONG Serviciu Pentru Pace, str. Tighina 65, of. 620, sau la emailul [email][/email], pana la data de 30 noiembrie 2005.
Juriul de selectare a ONG-urilor si voluntarilor castigatori va fi alcatuit dintr-o comisie mixta cu reprezentanti de la Directia Generala Educatie, Stiinta, Tineret si Sport, Comisia Nationala pentru UNESCO si Serviciu Pentru Pace.


11:30 – Targ de ONG in hol;
12:00 – Inceputul Festivalului;
12:05 – 12:20 ? Cuvantul de salut al invitatilor speciali;
12:20 -13:00 ? Formatii si ansambluri muzicale;
13: 00 – 13:20 ? Inmanarea premiilor si diplomelor ONG-urilor si voluntarilor anului 2005.
13:20 – 14:30 ? Concert, concursuri.
14:30 – 15:00 ? Targ de ONG in hol.

P.S. Toate ONG-urile cointeresate de a-si prezenta activitatile si proiectele sunt invitate sa participe cu diverse materiale informative, postere sau standuri la targul ONG, desfasurat in holul Filarmonicii Nationale.

Pentru informatii suplimentare nu ezitati sa ne contactati.

NRC withdraws proposed rule on dual-purpose casks for spent nuclear fuel

The proposed Subpart I was contained in a larger rulemaking first published in April 2002 that was intended to make NRC regulations on the transportation of radioactive materials compatible with international standards set by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). That rule was issued as a final rule in January 2004 (and became effective Oct. 1, 2004), without Subpart I.

Subpart I would have created a new type of package certification, Type B(DP), for casks used for storage
and transportation of spent nuclear fuel. It would have authorized holders of Type B(DP) certificates to make some non-safety-related changes to the package design and procedures without NRC approval under certain conditions. There is a similar authority in NRC regulations for non-safety-related changes to storage casks.

The NRC received several public comments on the proposed Subpart I and in a public workshop on the proposal held in April 2004. Several cask vendors and certificate holders said the proposal would impose significant regulatory costs and burdens. In addition, some non-safety-related changes to transport cask designs are already authorized under current NRC regulations.