Campaigners urge halt to BP “environmental timebomb” -Whistleblowers expose Turkey pipeline

Saturday 26th June 2004

Environment and human rights groups have called for suspension of construction on major BP oil pipeline, following new evidence published in today’s Independent of major technical failures on the project.

Four senior pipeline experts who worked on the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline in Turkey have revealed a catalogue of incompetence, cost-cutting and shoddy workmanship, which raises major questions about the safety of the pipeline. Continue reading Campaigners urge halt to BP “environmental timebomb” -Whistleblowers expose Turkey pipeline

Young Leaders Forum

The School for Leaders Association kindly invites you to participate in the Young Leaders Forum where young people from Central and Eastern Europe will be able to exchange ideas about the current situation in the region and exchange their views and opinions. The Young Leaders Forum is an event accompanying the Economic Forum in Krynica. Young representatives both from the EU as well as from neighbouring East European countries will participate in the Forum. Continue reading Young Leaders Forum

Swiss Agency Gives Small Grants For NGOs Programme for Moldova NGO

The grants will be awarded exclusively to rural NGOs, which serve the impoverished populations. The size of a grant varies between 3,000 and 15,000 dollars, and the maximum duration of implementation is one year, programme coordinator Sergiu Buruiana told reporters. The fourth phase is the most attractive for potential beneficiaries, as SDC has decided to finance NGOs which have received Swiss assistance in the previous programmes. Continue reading Swiss Agency Gives Small Grants For NGOs Programme for Moldova NGO

Scandalul Bastroe a ajuns la Geneva

Trebuie spus ca Guvernul actual al Ucrainei a organizat in aceasta saptamana o dezbatere publica in localitatea Izmail si cu acest prilej a acreditat ideea ca nu vor exista nici un fel de efecte ecologice in urma realizarii Canalului Bastroe. La respectiva dezbatere masluita cativa localnici din Izmail au fost obligati sa vorbeasca, intr-o limba de lemn binecunoscuta regimurilor totalitare, despre beneficiile majore ale realizarii unor astfel de cai navigabile. Continue reading Scandalul Bastroe a ajuns la Geneva

Gold mining company seeks to ban Romanian community website protesting potential environmental devastation

The Rosia Montana Gold Corporation is taking Alburnus Maior, a local non-profit organisation, to court to stop them from publishing the [url=][/url] website, informs APC member in Romania, StrawberryNet. Continue reading Gold mining company seeks to ban Romanian community website protesting potential environmental devastation