ONG-urile de mediu continua dezbaterile cu un seminar despre transporturi

Aceasta manifestare este a treia dintr-o serie de zece dezbateri care se vor organiza pe parcursul anului universitar 2004-2005, in cadrul proiectului de instruire si constientizare publica Ecostud.

Se vor aborda probleme legate de infrastructura si tehnologii, tendinte si previziuni, impactul pe termen scurt si mediu, riscuri si accidente.

Programul prevede discutarea unor aspecte concrete legate de investitiile din sectorul de transport din Romania.

Proiectul Ecostud isi propune ca, printr-un parteneriat ce ofera forta si reprezentativitate la nivel national cu ONG-uri, universitati, institute de cercetare, asociatii profesionale si patronale, publicatii, sa contribuie la constientizarea si instruirea tinerei generatii referitor la necesitatea unei dezvoltari durabile a societatii romanesti cu respectarea conditiilor de protectie a mediului. Dezbaterile au ca scop concretizarea unor recomandari despre subiectele protectiei mediului care vor sta la baza unor initiative viitoare in domeniu/ROMPRES/

Putin Urges End to Instability in Energy Markets

Putin’s powerful call put energy security firmly at the centre of the agenda for Russia’s presidency this year of the Group of Eight industrialised nations.

It also served to deflect Western criticism of Russia’s democratic record and offset damaging publicity linked to January’s dispute with Ukraine over the price of Russian gas, which disrupted supplies to Europe.

"Instability in hydrocarbon markets poses today a real threat to global energy supply. The gap between supply and demand is widening," Putin said in a 1,700-word text issued by the Kremlin.

"We will strive to form a system of energy security which will take into account the interests of the whole world."

Striking a statesmanlike note, Putin warned that world leaders had a duty to work out a strategy to end instability over energy supplies or else generations to come would suffer.

A stable energy policy should reflect broad international interests, not just those of wealthy nations, he argued.

"Energy egotism is the road to nowhere," Putin said. "We are duty bound to leave for those who follow us a world energy ‘architecture’ which will protect them from conflicts, from unconstructive forms of struggle over energy supply."

Putin will host US President George W Bush and other G8 leaders at a summit in his home town of St. Petersburg in July to crown Russia’s first stint chairing the rich nations’ group.

Russia took over the rotating presidency of the club, which includes the United States, Japan,?Canada, Germany, France, Britain and Italy, at the start of the year.

It was formally invited to join the grouping in 1998 to cement its transition from communism to democracy.

Some other G8 members still do not consider Russia an equal, however, pointing to what they see as flaws in its record on democracy. Despite its oil and gas riches, Russia also went to the brink of financial ruin and debt default in the late 1990s.


Putin’s strong message, widely aired in Russian media and carried by several newspapers in the West, underscored Russia’s role as an energy superpower.

Russia is the second largest oil exporter and has the biggest reserves of gas in the world, supplying about 25 percent of Europe’s gas needs.

But it was criticised by other G8 countries early this year when a row with Ukraine led it to shut off gas supplies to its neighbour.

Since the bulk of Russian gas supplies to Europe are carried across Ukraine, the dispute prompted questions within the European Union over Moscow’s reliability as a supplier, although few real alternatives exist.

Kremlin officials see the G8 presidency as an affirmation of Russia’s renewed geopolitical clout after the chaos of the 1990s and the fall of the Soviet Union.

The president himself has said critics must accept that Russia, flush with oil cash and undergoing an economic boom, is a dynamic player in the world economy.

Putin, who must step down in 2008 at the end of his second four-year term in office, is keen to play the global statesman and underline that Russia is still at the top table of world politics on questions of energy.

With oil prices at more than $60 a barrel, oil traders are riding the biggest bull market since prices soared to records, in real terms, after the 1979 Iranian revolution.

That is a concern for major oil consumers, such the United States, China, the European Union and Japan, though it boosts revenues for top exporters Russia and Saudi Arabia.

Other items on the G8 2006 agenda fixed by Russia are fighting infectious diseases and education.

Putin said Russia would press for an operational plan to fight avian flu and "avert a new pandemic of human influenza."

Rolul agriculturii ecologice in dezvoltarea durabila si reducerea poluarii cu nutrienti a surselor acvatice

Rolul agriculturii ecologice in dezvoltarea durabila a comunitatilor, agentilor economici ?i reducerii poluarii cu nutrienti a bazinelor acvatice, Calitatea produselor alimentare- cheia spre pie?ele straine sunt rapoartele de baza, ce vor fi prezentate de catre expertii Boris Boincean, directorul Institutului CCC Slectia ?i Sergiu Croitoru, Director General SGS Moldova.

La seminar vor participa 30 de specialisti ai directiilor agricole, agentilor economici din agricultura fermieri, lideri de ONG-uri, mass-media din regiunea de nord a republicii Moldova.

Informatii suplimentare si inscrierea doritorilor la seminar la tel: (259) 23327, 22851 sau Email: [email][/email], Vitalie Cimpoies, director executiv al ONG-ului CUTEZ?TORUL.

Reteaua de situri trebuie sa includa 24 de arii protejate

Protocolul de colaborare se va termina in ziua de 7 decembrie, iar proiectul va fi inaintat pentru aprobare la Comisia Europeana. Valoarea estimata a proiectului este de 500.000 euro. Reteaua de situri trebuie sa includa 24 de arii protejate din 3 judete (Brasov, Covasna, Harghita). Specialistii romani din institutiile implicate in demararea proiectului vor inventaria (daca proiectul va primi finantare externa) speciile de fauna si flora inscrise in Directia CE – "Habitat si Pasari", in acelasi timp se va realiza o lista-anexa a speciilor endemice neinscrise in directiva, dar pentru care Romania solicita inscrierea acestora in patrimoniul natural universal. Daca proiectul va fi aprobat, actiunea in teren va demara in septembrie 2005 si se va finaliza in 2008.

FEATURE – Energy Project in Sakhalin Warms up to Icy Challenge

Yet the company can count itself lucky.

Even with further project delays and cost increases possible, it is making steady progress on Sakhalin 2, one of only two developments underway in a region officials say holds more crude oil and natural gas than Europe’s North Sea.

A jetty stretching into the icy waters off Russia’s far east coast looks forlorn but is a footstep of progress made by Shell, as it tries to challenge nature to ship liquefied natural gas (LNG) to countries enamoured with the clean fuel.

By summer 2008, LNG will start flowing from the jetty on tankers heading around the Pacific, relieving energy markets stretched by surging gas demand for residential and industrial use from Asian and US consumers.

The Anglo-Dutch oil major and its partners, Japan’s Mitsui & Co and Mitsubishi Corp, missed an initial November 2007 target for the first LNG shipment from Sakhalin 2 by six months because of ecological obstacles and repeated postponements by Russian authorities over expenditure.

Project costs have doubled to $20 billion.

And there may still be a risk of further delays, though the world’s largest LNG project is progressing at the quickest pace out of nine energy projects in Sakhalin.

"The project is just over 60 percent complete at the moment," Sakhalin Energy’s chief executive Ian Craig said.

Shell plans to start year-round crude oil production in 2007, Craig said. Its oil production is now suspended for about six months in the year because of drift ice shutting ports.

Sakhalin 2 consists of gigantic offshore platforms, oil and gas pipelines with a total length of 800 kilometres (497 miles), as well as terminals with two LNG trains that chill natural gas to a liquid form for transport.


Sakhalin, an island about the size of Scotland, has a population of around 53,000 and holds an estimated 45 billion barrels equivalent of recoverable oil and gas reserves.

But the biggest challenge is the island’s harsh if beautiful natural environment.

In addition to frigid weather that sees temperatures plunge to minus 30 degrees Celsius on winter nights, the land has numerous seismic faults as part of the Pacific’s rim of fire.

Pipeline crossing points at active faults at the southern part were still under design, engineer Samar Slim told Reuters.

He has to use the costly technique of horizontal drilling to avoid damaging rivers where salmon come to lay eggs in summer.

"It is a lot more expensive than normal methods (to build pipelines). In my understanding, 10 times more," Slim said.

The dark waters of the Sea of Okhotsk provide a rich marine environment, harbouring feeding grounds for the endangered Western Grey Whale environmentalists fear has been disrupted by the project.

Shell says it is working to safeguard the species, with Sakhalin Energy spending about $7 million on whale research from 1997 to 2005 and agreeing last year to reroute offshore pipelines.

Humans are also an endangered species on Sakhalin.

Construction workers at Sakhalin 2’s Prigorodnoye terminal in the south, where the two giant LNG trains reside, are bundled up in padded clothes like skiers to protect their bodies from heavy snow, only their frost-crusted eyes visible from outside.

The workers have to warm up machinery parts?in tents – not to mention themselves – before putting them into action, a practice hardly necessary in warmer energy producers such as Saudi Arabia, and one adding to the project’s time and cost.

"Usually, it takes about 36 months to complete construction works of this kind of facility. But here in Sakhalin, the first train takes 51 months," said Frank Fletcher, project manager at the plant.

The jetty, chilled by wind from Aniva Bay and still not connected to land like England’s fire-wrecked old Brighton pier, is still waiting for spring and the return of more workers, whose numbers rise from 6,000 in winter to 8,000 in summer.

Up to 5,000 construction workers live in a camp just next to the plant. The main office’s walls are full of cautious advice: "Drugs don’t relax you. It kills you… Alcohol doesn’t build friendship, it destroys it… Safe sex, or no sex."


Shell has sold about 75 percent of its planned 9.6 million tonnes a year of LNG from Sakhalin 2 on long-term supply contracts to Japan, South Korea and the US West Coast.

But Sakhalin 2 is only developing about 10 percent of the area’s resources and Shell is not the only one eyeing the riches.

Russia’s gas monopoly Gazprom is negotiating with Shell to take 25 percent of Sakhalin 2.

There are eight other new energy projects, including Sakhalin 1 led by US oil giant Exxon Mobil Corp.

Sakhalin 1 started commercial crude oil production in October, but Exxon has not begun to build gas facilities since it first needs a buyer; unlike Shell it plans to transfer gas from Sakhalin 1 to a single customer, possibly China, via a pipeline.

Exxon had hoped to develop Sakhalin 3, under a previous deal scrapped by the government. The field is expected to be auctioned later this year.

"The rest of the projects just have numbers," an industry official said.

Capitolul Mediu inchis, dar cu perioade de tranzitie

Ministrul a precizat insa ca, in urma negocierilor, Romania a solicitat si obtinut, pe ansamblu, perioade de gratie in vederea conformarii la cerintele UE cuprinse in 11 directive. Perioadele de tranzitie solicitate de Romania difera, cea mai lunga (pana in 2018) vizand directiva in privinta managementului apelor uzate.

Potrivit lui Ianculescu, Romania a primit cel mai mare numar de perioade de tranzitie dintre toate statele candidate, pe locul doi clasandu-se Polonia, cu 10 directive, in vreme ce Bulgaria a primit doar opt astfel de termene de gratie.

In cazul termocentralelor, spre exemplu, in urma discutiilor cu administratorii lor, oficialii Ministerului Mediului au cerut perioade de gratie pana la 31 decembrie 2013 pentru 120 din cele 174 de astfel de unitati, alte sase termocentrale urmand a se conforma normelor de mediu in perioada 2016-2017.

Restul institutiilor nu au solicitat perioade de tranzitie, ceea ce inseamna – potrivit oficialilor ministerului – ca se obliga sa indeplineasca, pana la data aderarii, normele de mediu impuse de UE, in caz contrar urmand a fi inchise, iar proprietarii sanctionati.

De asemenea, au fost obtinute derogari pentru 34 de termocentrale, care vor putea functiona maximum 20.000 de ore in perioada 2008-2015.

Un proces similar a avut loc si in ceea ce priveste depozitele de deseuri. "Pentru asigurarea respectarii cerintelor europene specifice depozitarii deseurilor, din cele 265 de depozite municipale inventariate s-au obtinut perioade de tranzitie etapizate pentru 101 depozite din zona urbana, ultimul termen fiind 16 iulie 2017", a declarat Ianculescu.

Costurile totale pentru implementarea intregului acquis comunitar privind mediul au fost estimate la aproximativ 29,3 miliarde de euro, pentru perioada 2004-2018.

Finantari europene pentru ecologizarea Deltei Dunarii

Este vorba de un proiect european in valoare de 1,5 milioane de euro care are drept scop gestionarea durabila a deseurilor menajere din cea mai mare zona umeda din Europa si din tara noastra, care este Delta Dunarii. Initiatorii acestui proiect incearca pentru inceput gasirea unor formule viabile de colectare si de prelucrare pe plan local a deseurilor din zona centrala a Deltei Dunarii. Este vorba de zona Crisan-Mila 23, zona cu cel mai mare potential turistic din intreaga Delta a Dunarii, dar si cea mai poluata parte a Deltei din cauza presiunii turistice de aici. Trebuie spus ca initiatorul acestui proiect este Asociatia Salvati Delta si Dunarea, care a reusit sa atraga rapid la implementarea acestui program ambitios atat Ministerul Mediului, cat si ARBDD si administratia judeteana din Tulcea. Fondurile pentru realizarea acestui proiect urmeaza sa fie asigurate in mod egal de Uniunea Europeana, 750.000 de euro, si de autoritatile din Romania asociate la respectivul proiect, aceeasi suma. Astfel, Ministerul Mediului si ARBDD ar urma sa contribuie cu cate 250.000 de euro, Asociatia Salvati Delta si Dunarea cu 175.000 de euro, iar Consiliul Judetean Tulcea cu 75.000 de euro. Proiectul ar urma sa fie aplicat din anul urmator si apoi sa fie multiplicat, in functie de rezultatele obtinute, la nivelul intregii Delte.

EU Plans to Ban New Thermometers with Toxic Mercury

The Commission, which administers and instigates laws for the 25-country EU, wants to ban the marketing of mercury in new fever and room thermometers, barometers and blood pressure gauges due to its serious threat to health.

"This measure will reduce the amount of toxic mercury entering the waste stream. This is good for our citizen’s health and the environment," said Guenter Verheugen, EU Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry.

Thermometers account for up to 30 of the 33 tonnes of the mercury used in measuring and control devices across the EU every year. Direct exposure from a broken thermometer is dangerous, causing damage to the lungs, kidneys and brain when inhaled.

The proposed ban will now be debated by EU ministers and the European Parliament. Specialist applications, in particular medical measuring devices, are not covered in the ban since adequate substitutes were not always available, the Commission said.

Environment and health groups broadly ?elcomed the Commission’s move, saying it was time thermometer manufacturers made better use of alternatives like digital thermometers that are cheap, accurate and easy to use.

"Many of these devices have already been extensively analysed. Non-mercury alternatives are commercially available and costs are comparable", said Genon Jensen, executive director of the European Public Health Alliance Environment Network.

Romania a obtinut tot ceea ce a solicitat in negocierile cu UE la Capitolul de Mediu

Ministrul mediului, care a prezentat rezultatele obtinute la inchiderea celei de a doua parti a negocierilor Capitolului de Mediu, mult mai complicata decat prima parte, a precizat ca perioadele de tranzitie acceptate pentru Romania sunt in deplina concordanta cu solicitarile si evaluarile financiare realizate impreuna cu toate institutiile implicate si agentii economici care se afla sub incidenta acestor prevederi.

Speranta Ianculescu a explicat ca documentele Romaniei au fost bine intocmite si a fost justificat tot ceea ce s-a cerut. Documentul de pozitie al Romaniei la Capitolul de Mediu a cantarit 16 kg si a fost facuta cate o "teza de doctorat" pentru fiecare directiva in parte.

"Trebuie sa fim insa extrem de atenti si fermi – a subliniat ministrul – pentru a ne respecta angajamentele. Am obtinut increderea oficialilor UE si daca nu ne vom respecta angajamentele, pe langa amenzile cu care statul roman va fi sanctionat, vom pierde credibilitatea obtinuta prin eforturi deosebite’.

Romania a obtinut, in total, la Capitolul de Mediu, 11 perioade de tranzitie, in timp ce Bulgaria a obtinut numai opt. La Directiva privind deseurile, Romania a obtinut perioada de tranzitie pana in anul 2016, iar Bulgaria pana in 2014, la transportul deseurilor Romania – 2015, Bulgaria – 2009, in domeniul apelor uzate Romania – 2018, Bulgaria 2014, la instalatiile mari de ardere Romania – 2017, Bulgaria – 2014.

Directivele pentru care Romania a solicitat si a obtinut perioade de tranzitie in a doua etapa a negocierilor la Capitolul de Mediu vizeaza epurarea apelor uzate municipale, calitatea apei destinate consumului uman, prevenirea si controlul poluarii, limitarea emisiilor in atmosfera de la termocentrale, depozitarea deseurilor si supravegherea transportului deseurilor.

Costurile totale pentru implementarea intregului acquis de mediu sunt estimate la 29,3 miliarde euro pentru perioada 2004-2018, din care 5,4 miliarde euro de la Bugetul de stat, 9,9 miliarde euro din fonduri comunitare, 7,8 miliarde euro de la agentii economici si 6,2 miliarde euro din alte surse./ROMPRES/

Pesterile Romaniei sunt amenintate de deteriorare – sustine Societatea Nationala de Speologie

A opta parte din rezervatiile si monumentele naturii din Romania sunt reprezentate de pesteri. Procentul capata proportii si mai semnificative daca luam in considerare faptul ca ele reprezinta unele dintre obiectivele turistice cele mai atractive si vizitate, dar si cele mai fragile. Odata distruse, nu se mai pot reface nici macar in sute de ani, asa cum, de pilda, se poate reface o padure. Pesterile s-au format in sute de mii sau milioane de ani, in conditii climatice care nu mai exista azi pe Terra. Astfel, orice agresare asupra lor duce la modificari ireversibile", a apreciat Ovidiu Guja.

Tocmai de aceea, in Legea Ariilor Protejate (Legea 462/2001), pesterile sunt tratate distinct, intr-un capitol separat, cu prevederi si sarcini specifice, menite sa duca la protejarea si conservarea lor. In opinia lui Guja, organizatiile non-guvernamentale speologice, care ar trebui sa aiba numai scopul explorarii sau protectiei pesterilor, s-au transformat in societati comerciale neautorizate, care ofera turistului vizite chiar si in pesterile protejate. Unele dintre pesteri sunt deja intrate in circuitul turistic, dar nu sub forma organizata, ceea ce duce la un impact negativ mult mai mare si la o degradare rapida.

Articolele de lege privind protectia pesterilor interzic folosirea neautorizata a acestora. In Romania, activitatile comerciale, agroturistice sau nu, care vizeaza pesterile nu se pot desfasura fara autorizatie. In ultimii ani se constata o intensificare a impactului uman asupra pesterilor.

"Diverse organizatii si grupari fac, sub diverse forme, o reclama insistenta pentru turism organizat in pesteri. Se vorbeste cand de 70, cand de 40 de pesteri amenajate pentru turism si care abia asteapta sa-si primeasca vizitatorii. Cautarea senzationalului si a faptului divers nu face insa decat reclama incalcarii flagrante a legii", a declarat Ovidiu Guja.

Alinierea la politica europeana impune si masuri legate de protectia ariilor naturale. Din pacate, au existat si exista finantari din surse europene, pentru arii carstice si pesteri, care au facut mai mult rau decat bine, atentioneaza membrii societatii.

Institutul de Speologie, ca unic institut care studiaza pesterile la noi in tara, poate stabili aceste �reguli ale jocului�, el fiind si unicul administrator al pesterilor, potrivit legii de infiintare, inca neabrogata, din 1920. Specialisti in toate domeniile care privesc pestera, din cadrul acestui Institut, sprijina activitatile de protectie si realizeaza studii de impact daca se doreste dezvoltarea unei activitati turistice de masa. Acest lucru se face insa numai pentru pesterile care se preteaza la aceasta, "care nu sunt prea fragile", dupa cum apreciaza Guja.