Bogdan Olteanu luptă pentru salvarea Pământului

Şi politicienii se implică în campania Realitatea TV – Salvaţi Pământul. Mai ales că ei sunt oamenii care au puterea de a face ceva la nivel legislativ, pentru ca România de mâine să fie ceva mai protejată în faţa agresiunilor de mediu. Unul ditre politicenii care ne-a explicat de ce şi cum se implică în protejarea naturii este preşedintele Camerei Deputaţilor, Bogdan Olteanu. Continue reading Bogdan Olteanu luptă pentru salvarea Pământului

Protecţia mediului, aruncată la groapa de gunoi

Mirosuri insuportabile, aer irespirabil, fum înecăcios, mormane de mizerie. Este peisajul sumbru şi dezolant pe care îl oferă gropile de gunoi din România, adevărate bombe ecologice. Multe dintre ele se află la periferia oraşelor, aproape de casele oamenilor. Le pun în pericol sănătatea şi chiar viaţa. De nenumărate ori, autorităţile sunt depăşite de situaţie – este nevoie de foarte mulţi bani pentru închiderea gropilor de gunoi, dar şi mai mulţi bani pentru deschiderea altora, moderne şi ecologice. Continue reading Protecţia mediului, aruncată la groapa de gunoi

Podcast: Marko Peljhan

Article PhotoIn this episode, the fifth of six from Luminous Green, I speak with Slovenian-born multimedia performance artist Marko Peljhan, coordinator of Project Atol, Makrolab, and Insular Technologies, a high-frequency global radio network initiative. For the past few years Marko has been overseeing the design for the Arctic and Antarctic Makrolab projects, within the larger framework of the I-TASC (Interpolar Transnational Art and Science Consortium). Prior, he co-founded one of the first open access digital media labs in Eastern Europe (in Ljubljana), worked at Ljudmila (Ljubljana Digital Media Lab) as program director, and served as the flight director of seven art- and science-related parabolic flights with the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Moscow. In 2000 he received the special Medienkunst prize at the ZKM; in 2001 the Golden Nica Prix at Ars Electronica (with Carsten Nicolai); and in 2004 the second prize of the UNESCO Digital Media Art Award.

Download as MP3 (19MB)MP4 (23MB).

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(Posted by Jennifer Leonard in Media at 11:16 AM)

News & Views Round-Up, June 2007

Article PhotoWe come across a lot of interesting ideas and innovative solutions, but we choose only a few to discuss in detail. The best of the stories we don’t cover get selected and collated as headlines in News and Views. It’s like a little Worldchanging news service, and if you haven’t noticed, the daily News and Views stories are now being delivered via RSS feed either with the other posts, or as a feed by themselves. 2-June Buy One Give One Solar Flashlights Tiny Filters Fix Big Water Problems Small-Scale Agricultural Changes May Help Eradicate Widespread Disease Carbon Labels To Hit Shelves Solar Power at Half the Cost 3-June Long-Range Lithium Battery Turning Cars Into Wireless Network Nodes DIY Diesel and Biodiesel Powered Cycles Biofuel Gangs Kill for Green Profits African Children Do Better With Digital 4-June Silicon Valley’s Plan to Become Solar Valley Kenya Creates ‘Poverty Map’ Soil Offers New Hope as Carbon Sink Solar-Hydrogen Homes Try to Overcome Doubts Bicycle Programs Catching On In Major Cities 5-June Our Green Bubble SoundLlands on Google Earth Chinese Smartmobbers use Mobile Phones to Protest Chemical Factory It’s Not Just About Food Miles Lab-Grown Meat for Ethical Carnivores 6-June Uber-Eco-Towers: The Top Ten… (more)

(Posted by David Zaks in Media at 2:41 AM)