Rosia Montana este un risc de mediu la adresa Ungariei

[img]"%%dir[1]%%rosia_montana.jpg" border="0" alt="image" name="image" align="left" width="203" height="152" /[/img] "Principala garantie pentru a impiedica proiectul minier de la Rosia Montana, ce reprezinta un risc de mediu la adresa Ungariei, este viitoarea apartenenta a Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana", a declarat Miklos Persanyi, ministrul mediului, intr-o interventie in Comisia parlamentara de mediu.

"Responsabilitatea Ungariei este sa atraga atentia asupra acestui proiect si sa-si expuna temerile referitoare la el in cadrul forumurilor internationale, insa autoritatile din Romania sunt cele care vor lua decizia finala", a adaugat ministrul Persanyi.

Domnul Persanyi a vizitat locul unde Rosia Montana Gold Corporation, societate romano-americano-canadiana, va construi o unitate in valoare de 400 de milioane de dolari care va extrage anual 13 milioane de tone de minereu aurifer.

Mina de la Rosia Montana va folosi tehnologii de suprafata pe baza de cianide, substante care au determinat o adevarata catastrofa la Baia Mare in februarie 2000.

La momentul respectiv, cianidele au ajuns pana in sectorul ungar al raului Tisa si au distrus flora si fauna pe o lungime de mai multi kilometri.

Miklos Persanyi a sustinut ca localitatea Rosia Montana este la o mai mare distanta de Ungaria decat Baia Mare, insa un accident ar prezenta acelasi risc de mediu pentru teritoriul ungar.

[b]De mentionat ca:[/b]
Rosia Montana este cea mai veche localitate din Romania, find atestata documentar de numai putin de 1870 de ani.

[img]"%%dir[1]%%sat_rosia_montana203x152.jpg" border="0" alt="image" name="image" align="right" width="203" height="152" /[/img] Tablitele cerate, gasite in minele de la Rosia, sunt raspandite in muzee din toata Europa. Acestea "sunt actul de nastere a poporului roman", cum afirma Ion Baltariu, in "Tripticele din Transilvania", p.124. Din tablita cerata nr.XVlll, datata 6 februarie 131, se cunoaste pentru prima oara numele localitatii de ALBURNUS MAIOR. Aici sunt locurile in care dacii isi extrageau aurul.

Bogatiile Muntilor Apuseni (Metaliferi) au constituit un motiv in plus pentru cucerirea Daciei (106 e.n.) de catre imparatul Romei, Traian. Vechimea daco-romana a lucrarilor miniere din Orlea, Carpen si Gauri a fost confirmata si de analizele efectuate cu C14 de catre muzeul minier de la Bochum din Germania. Primele mine din Europa s-au aflat aici insa din vremurile cand inca Roma, cetatea eterna, nu exista.

Este locul unde Cotilus Bruda, guvernatorul roman a fost aruncat in prapastie de catre fiul lui Decebal, aici sunt ingropate sicriele armatei lui Coshuth, care n-a reusit sa treaca de Rosia Montana, sunt muntii lui Avram Iancu si ai legendarei sale legiuni, sunt muntii lui Popa Balint si ai lui Horea, Closca si Crisan.

Pe teritoriul Rosiei Montane se afla sute de gospodarii realizate in timp cu mare truda, un centru istoric prin arhitectura si vechimea constructiilor, diferite constructii administrative, economice, social-culturale, un muzeu al mineritului unicat prin piesele detinute, case memoriale, o rezervatie arheologica si multe alte minunatii geologice, radacini neimaginat de adanci si de viguroase ale istoriei noastre.


U.S. Against Sustainability Requirements for Rainforest Timber

U.S. opposition to the proposal came to light via a leaked State Department memo stating concerns that without participation by fast-growing developing nations, the plan was doomed to failure in the face of building booms across China, India and elsewhere.

British officials came up with the controversial plan at the prompting of Indonesia, where corruption is so rampant that authorities are unable to stop gangs of poachers from logging in protected rainforest lands. The UK’s delegates to the G8 meeting say that the U.S. is merely interested in keeping the price of timber down for the benefit of American companies.

"This is outrageous," says Faith Doherty of the UK’s Environmental Investigation Agency. "U.S. business simply doesn’t want any restrictions on its own practices." Whereas the U.S. claims that restricting timber purchases would be ineffective without the participation of developing countries, Doherty and other proponents say the success or failure of the proposal, much like the Kyoto Protocol on global warming, hinges more on American participation.

Reporting by Roddy Scheer

Cumpara acum Ghidul Orheiul Turistic!

de la sediul revistei: Chisinau, str. S. Lazo, 13.
[img]"%%dir[1]%%85.jpg" border="0" alt="image" name="image" align="left" width="209" height="300" /[/img] Gidul ?Orheiul Turistic? prezinta un adevarat tinut al legendelor – zona Orhei, adica centrul R. Moldova. Este pentru prima data când o parte a republicii este cuprinsa în filele unui ghid turistic, informatia fiind prezentata în limbile româna, engleza si rusa. Însirate ca perlele pe salba, monumentele arhitecturale, culturale, naturale, apele pitoresti, satele si gospodarii – toate sunt descrise pe parcursul a 145 de pagini. Texul este însotit de numeroase imagini, care învesnicesc frumusetea meleagului. Calatorul parcurge imaginar satele din Orhei, Telenesti, Rezina, Şoldanesti, se opreste la un margaritar – Nistru, apoi ajunge la celalalt – Prutul, îsi scalda privirea în râuletele Jeloboc, Saharna, Cogâlnic, Ciorna, Blanarita, Ciuluc, Cula. Perlele turistice ale Orheiului – Orheiul Vechi, Saharna, Ţâpova, rezervatiile peisagistice Poiana Curatura, Climautii de Jos, manastirile Curchi, Tabara, batrânul stejar de la Cobâlnea etc. – sunt redate cu mult farmec. Turismul rural în zona Orhei este privit în acest ghid asemeni unei ferestre deschise spre viitor, fiind prezentate pensiunile turistice înfiintate pâna la ora actuala, gama de servicii pe care acestea le ofera. Desigur, din ghidul "Orheiul Turistic" nu lipsesc traditiile si ritualurile nationale, toate îmbinate cu îndemnul de a vizita acest fermecator tarâm.
Ghidul ?Orheiul Turistic? poate fi cumparat acum la pretul de doar 50 de lei (4,5 USD).
Nu ezita, intra în posesia celor mai frumoase imagini din zona de centru a R. Moldova!

Relatii la tel.: 23-71-49; Lilia Curchi

Organizatiile internationale vor face o vizita in Delta, in octombrie

Potrivit unui comunicat al MAE remis, miercuri, agentiei MEDIAFAX, pe baza rezultatelor vizitei si a informatiilor care vor fi transmise de partea ucraineana, misiunea va intocmi un raport independent, care va analiza consecintele realizarii primei etape a proiectului Bistroe asupra mediului inconjurator si va formula recomandari cu privire la realizarea etapei a doua, inclusiv propuneri de masuri de compensare a posibilelor efecte negative. Pentru analizarea concluziilor acestui raport, s-a decis organizarea unei reuniuni internationale in acelasi format, delegatia romana propunand ca aceasta reuniune sa fie gazduita de Romania. Potrivit sursei citate, la Casa Internationala a Mediului din Geneva a avut loc, marti, o reuniune internationala de urgenta consacrata situatiei create prin realizarea de catre autoritatile ucrainene a canalului de navigatie Dunare – Marea Neagra, pe braaele Bastroe si Chilia din Delta Dunarii. Interventiile delegatiei romane, condusa de secretarul de stat in MAE Bogdan Aurescu, au reiterat preocuparea autoritatilor si a opiniei publice romane si internationale fata de consecintele ecologice ale realizarii proiectului ucrainean.

Au fost evidentiate actiunile autoritatilor de la Kiev care au ignorat prevederile conventiilor internationale in legatura cu administrarea biosferei Delta Dunarii si pe cele ale acordurilor bilaterale in vigoare privind regimul frontierei, nerespectand obligatiile de a furniza partii romane informatii cuprinzatoare privind ca-racteristicile proiectului, consecintele pe care le va genera asupra mediului si masurile de prevenire a eventualelor efecte negative ale lucrarilor respective. Delegatia ucraineana a facut o prezentare a proiectului precizand ca este in curs de finalizare prima etapa a acestuia si ca trecerea la realizarea celei de-a doua etape va avea loc dupa finalizarea studiilor de fezabilitate si aprobarea lor de autoritatile de la Kiev.

Argumentele prezentate in favoarea realizarii canalului au fost exclusiv economice si s-a afirmat ca posibilul impact asupra mediului inconjurator, inclusiv asupra partii romanesti a Deltei Dunarii, ar fi nesemnificativ. Reprezentantii conventiilor si organizatiilor internationale au remarcat ?caracterul confuz si contradictoriu? al unor date furnizate de partea ucraineana si au aratat ca informatiile transmise pana acum de Ucraina nu sunt adecvate si suficiente. Mai multi participanti au insistat asupra dimensiunii internationale pe care o are situatia creata de autoritatile ucrainene, accentuand caracterul unic al Deltei Dunarii.

Participantii la reuniune au solicitat autoritatilor ucrainene stoparea lucrarilor si amanarea trecerii la faza a doua a proiectului pana in momentul in care va fi realizat un studiu corespunzator al consecintelor acestuia asupra ecosistemului Deltei Dunarii, inclusiv in context transfrontalier, iar concluziile sale vor fi acceptate. Totodata, a fost solicitata monito-rizarea permanenta a impactului primei faze a proiectului asupra mediului.

La reuniunea organizata la iniaiativa Guvernului Romaniei si Secretariatului Conventiei Ramsar pentru zonele umede de importanta deosebita au participat reprezentanti ai unor organizatii internationale precum: Programul ONU pentru Mediu, Comisia Internationala pentru Protectia Dunarii, Secretariatele Conventiilor Ramsar, Espoo, Aarhus, UNESCO, Comisia Europeana, precum si reprezentanti ai unor ONG-uri din domeniul protectiei mediului. La reuniune a participat si o delegatie ucraineana, condusa de Natalia Zarudna, ambasador cu ansarcinari speciale in MAE ucrainean.

Din delegatia romana, condusa de secretarul de stat in MAE Bogdan Aurescu, au facut parte directorul Administratiei Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii, Virgil Munteanu si reprezentantul Institutului de Cercetare-Dezvoltare a Dunarii, Mircea Staras, care a fost desemnat expertul partii romane in Comisia internationala de ancheta pentru stabilirea impactului transfrontalier al proiectului Bastroe.


Sursa: Cotidianul Ceahlaul
Contribuit de: Genovev Cirligeanu

Bucurestenii suporta 273 de tone de praf pe kilometru patrat

Potrivit Eco reprezentantilor Civica, parametrii care dau nivelul de sanatate a locuitorilor unei comunitati au cunoscut cresteri agravante in Bucuresti. Astfel, mortalitatea copiilor sau a adultilor precum si procentul de nou-nascuti cu malformatii sau intoxicatii cu plumb a inceput sa creasca direct proportional cu gradul de poluare.

Poluarea cauzata de traficul auto face ca populatia sa inspire zilnic resturi gazoase-cancerigene emise de cele aproximativ doua milioane de automobile din localitate. Traficul rutier genereaza aproximativ 70 la suta din poluarea Capitalei. Poluarea industriala a crescut si ea la cote dramatice, fiind provocata de cantitatile mari de plumb si metale grele, in special in zonele periferice, la care se adauga emisiile centralelor termice, bogate in funingine si bioxid de sulf. Conform ultimelor statistici, bucurestenii sunt expusi lunar la 273 de tone de praf pe kilometru patrat.

In Bucuresti, in special in zona centrala, sunt depasite frecvent normele maxime admise de zgomot si vibratii, mai ales din cauza reconstructiei drumurilor. Calitatea vietii si a mediului este afectata si de una dintre cele mai toxice substante, – dioxina, – provenita din arderea si ingroparea unor cantitati mari de deseuri urbane (umede) in aer liber.

Diminuarea cu mult sub nivelul critic a zonelor verzi din Bucuresti ameninta sa transforme orasul in urmatorii 20 de ani intr-un imens desert. Aceasta, deoarece in ultimii 12 ani au disparut peste 17 milioane de metri patrati de spatii verzi. Unui bucurestean sufocat de praf, de poluarea autovehiculelor si a cosurilor industriale ii revine, in medie, mai putin de un sfert din spatiul verde acceptat de normele internationale ale lumii civilizate (aproximativ 2,5 mp/locuitor in Bucuresti, fata de 12 mp/locuitor, cat este limita acceptata la nivel international).

Constatarile acestei organizatii au pus pe ganduri autoritatile. Ministrul Mediului, Petru Lificiu, declara ca, desi aerul din Bucuresti nu are calitatea celui de pe munte, totusi, parametrii care dau starea mediului din Capitala se inscriu in limitele normale. „Spatiile verzi existente sunt suficiente in raport cu tarile din UE dar vor deveni insuficiente daca ritmul de dezvoltare urbanistica continua in acest mod. Am fi putut face mai mult pentru protectia mediului in Bucuresti dar haosul din Consiliul General afecteaza proiectele noastre. Acest lucru duce la batjocura fata de oras“, a declarat Petru Lificiu.

Primarul general al Capitalei, Traian Basescu, a fost si mai transant, dezvaluind ca prin razboiul declarat de el impotriva chioscarilor incearca sa recupereze cat mai multe spatii verzi, sufocate in prezent de astfel de constructii. Eu am gasit mai multe solutii pentru scaderea nivelului de poluare a orasului dar ele sunt blocate de consilierii municipali PSD. Astfel, pasajul suprateran peste Gara Basarab, refuzat de reprezentantii PSD, isi propunea descongestionarea centrului Capitalei de actualul trafic rutier, micsorand astfel poluarea in cele mai afectate puncte. Tot in acest scop era gandita si propunerea de modernizare a tramvaielor Tatra (cele mai vechi din dotarea RATB), care ar oferi o alternativa la transportul cu autobuzul, scazand astfel poluarea adusa de traficul auto“, a declarat Traian Basescu.

Clearing the Smokescreen – Protecting Communities with Buckets of Air

The street Ford calls home looks like any other suburban stretch, except that its backdrop is a blazing refinery outlined by a gray blanket of smoke. ?The man who lived here just died of cancer,? Ford says, gesturing at a one-story house as the bus rolls past. ?If you look on this side of the street?the lady who lived there died of cancer. The man who lives next to my house had cancer, and the man next door to him has cancer. Over there you can see the elementary school.?

The refinery is lit up all night. Plumes of flame known as flares ignite from the smokestacks periodically. While the flares are only supposed to go off in emergencies, residents say they?re more like business as usual, sparking up an average of once every six days. According to the Tulane Environmental Law Clinic, company accident reports show that chemicals considered ?extremely hazardous substances? by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are routinely discharged, with about one million pounds of pollutants emitted in excess of permitted limits per year. Rotten-egg odors and black coke dust migrate from the refinery to settle around the homes in a dark miasma.

?We need industry,? Ford explains. ?We need the jobs, and we?re not looking to blame anybody. But we also have a right to clean air. I?ve spoken to government officials, politicians, written to Congress. Everybody agrees that we have a problem, but nobody does anything about it.?

When he first complained to company officials about the foul-smelling chemicals permeating the interior of his house, his claims were dismissed. ?Eventually, I realized I?d have to get something to back me up,? he says. ?So I bought a weather monitoring station and started to log the time I smelled the odors, and I built up a case over time.?

Ford?s data collection got easier when the Louisiana Bucket Brigade introduced an EPA-approved, low-cost device that allows anyone to take independent air samples. The tool is simply a five-gallon bucket with a sturdy plastic bag inside and a hand-pumped vacuum on the lid. It?s easy to use: Suspect air is drawn into the bag, sealed in, and sent to a lab for testing. Louisiana Bucket Brigade director Anne Rolfes says that the bucket-gathered data tells a story that contrasts sharply with that of the oil companies.

?When the company gets up and says ?no problem,? what it?s really saying is ?nobody is going to die today,?? Rolfes says. ?We?re concerned with the long-term effects that these pollutants are having on communities.? While the Chalmette refin?ry uses its own fixed monitors, activists say the devices test for too few chemicals, too far from the homes nearby. The company also monitors in parts per million, while more protective provisions set for ambient air standards in Louisiana are in parts per billion.

ExxonMobil?s use of hydrochloric acid in on-site processing demonstrates policy that completely opposes the precautionary principle (see ?The European Dream,? features, this issue). Should a worst-case accident scenario occur, New Orleans could be heavily impacted. A safer alternative for hydrochloric acid not only exists but was patented by ExxonMobil, yet it has not been implemented in Chalmette. In early 2004, the Louisiana Bucket Brigade and Ford?s nonprofit, the St. Bernard Citizens for Environmental Quality, filed a lawsuit under the Clean Air Act against ExxonMobil?s Chalmette Refining. Based upon information from accident records out of the refinery?s own files, the suit cites such problems as the continual leakage of benzene?a known carcinogen and respiratory irritant?from storage tanks on site. Adam Babich, the attorney representing the Bucket Brigade in the lawsuit, argues that many of the incidents reported in the accident records were preventable: ?We?re suing about a slew of violations of permit, and the point we?re making is that a well-run facility should not have this number of incidents.?

?Cases like this are the reason Congress put citizen supervision in the Clean Air Act,? says student attorney Clay Garside. ?When neither the EPA nor state agencies are enforcing the act in courts, the citizens have a right to sue. Sometimes, they?re the best watchdogs.? A class-action lawsuit has been filed against the same refinery.

St. Bernard Parish (which includes Chalmette) has the highest cancer rate in the state, but cancer incidence and routine accidental releases are not confined to that area. About a quarter of the nation?s petrochemicals are produced in Louisiana, and the state ranks second in the nation for benzene pollution and cancer mortality. Louisiana is not alone: activists on the Chalmette tour represented communities in Texas, New York, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Bucket Brigade founder Denny Larson has spent nearly a decade bringing the air-monitoring buckets to communities across the globe. In 1995, attorney Edward Masry and his research assistant, the now-famous Erin Brockovich, became ill from fumes emitted from a Unocal-owned petroleum refinery in the Bay Area of California. Masry, who was representing the surrounding community in a lawsuit against the refinery, hired an environmental engineer to design the ?bucket? to enable his clients to monitor toxic exposure for themselves. Soon, bucket brigade chapters sprung up throughout Texas, Florida, Alabama, Ohio, and of course New Orleans.

?The problem I saw consistently was a lack of information in the face of a credible eye-witness testimony,? Larson says. ?It?s through generating misleading data that companies can get away with what they?re doing. Once you have proof, you can collapse the pyramid of deception, turn the tables, and bring on some dramatic changes.? The Bucket Brigades also use high-tech CEREX monitors that can instantly register what compounds are present in the air, and maintain log books of accident reports. When Bucket Brigades have taken polluters to court, the companies have been forced to relocate communities or invest in more effective monitoring equipment, and they usually settle before going to trial.

Thanks to the efforts of a Bucket Brigade spin-off, Global Community Monitor, communities are now being trained and equipped with buckets in all corners of the world. Larson notes that the most heavily impacted communities consist of people of color in the lowest-income bracket. ?It is a corporate strategy to move pollution away from the eyes of the Western world in order to avoid media oversight and regulatory structure,? Larson says. ?That is exactly why we made the Bucket Brigade into a global movement.??r


Conferinta va fi dedicata dezbaterii subiectelor cu privire la politicile si masurile de limitare a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera, emisii responsabile de manifestarea schimbarilor climatice, ale caror consecinte sunt resimtite la nivel global, inclusiv ?n Romania. Astfel, ?n conditiile incertitudinii ratificarii Protocolului de la Kyoto sau a absentei unui angajament politic ferm la nivel mondial in aceasta privinta, se ivesc o serie de probleme la nivel decizional:

* C?t de viabile sunt optiunile de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera in Romania – ?n conditiile existentei unui deficit de emisii de gaze cu efect de sera datorat caderii economiei dupa 1989? C?t de necesare sunt adoptarea unor politici de reducere al acestor emisii?

* Ce obligatii noi pentru sectorul energetic rom?nesc aduce integrarea ?n Uniunea Europeana, prin adoptarea si implementarea acquis-ului comunitar din domeniu? Cum pot influenta companiile energetice procesul decizional ?n domeniul schimbarilor climatice? Care sunt oportunitatile de finantare a investitiilor ?n domeniul energetic?

* Cum va utiliza Rom?nia perioada p?na la integrarea ?n Uniunea Europeana pentru realizarea de proiecte implementate ?n comun? C?nd si cum se poate implica Rom?nia ?n comertul cu emisii pe plan european si international?

* Care vor fi responsabilitatile autoritatilor publice centrale si locale ?n adoptarea si implementarea politicilor si masurilor de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera din sectorul energetic? Sau ce oportunitati de finantare a investitiilor ?n domeniul energetic le sunt
acestora adresate?

Aceasta manifestare face parte din seria de activitati derulate ?n parteneriat de catre organizatiile neguvernamentale TERRA Mileniul III si Polish Ecological Club-Mazovian Branch ?n cadrul proiectului: "Cresterea implicarii sectorului neguvernamental ?n adoptarea si implementarea acquis-ului comunitar de mediu ?n domeniul "Calitatea aerului si schimbari
climatice", finantat de UNIUNEA EUROPEANA ?n cadrul programului Phare Societate Civila 2001 – componenta ACCESS 4.2: Acquis comunitar ?n domeniul protectiei mediului si al dezvoltarii socio-economice.

Pentru informatii suplimentare ne puteti contacta la: tel. 0722155110, e-mail: [email][/email]; persoana de contact: Lavinia Andrei

10 Simple Ways to Save Energy

? Switch to compact fluorescents for your five most-used lights. Yes, compact fluorescents are initially more expensive ($2 to $20) than conventional incandescent bulbs, but some utilities subsidize them and the remaining extra cost is worth it. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a single compact fluorescent will shave $60 off your energy bill in its lifetime and keep a half ton of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. The federal Energy Star program notes that if every household in the nation switched five bulbs, we could shut down 24 power plants. Compact fluorescent bulbs use at least two-thirds less energy and last six to 10 times longer than conventional bulbs?not a bad return on your small investment!
? Insulate your windows. If you don?t have double-pane windows and can?t afford to install them, consider putting up plastic. Window plastic comes in kits ($4 to $6 per window) that are available at most hardware stores, and can be installed easily. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the pocket of air created between the plastic and the window serves as insulation, reducing heat loss by 25 to 50 percent.
? Don sweaters and fuzzy slippers. Before turning up the thermostat, ask yourself if you might be just as comfortable putting on some layers. The DOE calculates that your energy bill will go up three percent for each degree you raise the thermostat. Remember that tightly knit clothing is warmer than loose-knit, and wool is warmer than cotton.
? Use hot water efficiently. Install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators?you?ll use less water, so you?ll have to heat less water. The DOE notes that a low-flow showerhead reduces the amount of water you must heat by 20 gallons, without reducing the quality of your shower. A $10 to $20 showerhead will pay for itself within three or four months. Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible and use the washer only with a full load. Keep your water heater set between 120 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
? Watch your appliance use. Everyday appliances siphon huge amounts of energy off the grid, but those with Energy Star ratings use 10 to 50 percent less energy than standard models. When cooking, the NRDC advises consumers to ?resist the urge to open the oven door to peek?each opening can reduce the oven temperature 25 degrees.? Efficiency Vermont suggests keeping refrigerators at 36 to 38 degrees, and freezers at zero to five degrees. Unplug televisions when not in use, as they will continue to draw power even when switched off. Computers should be set to ?hibernate? when abandoned temporarily.
? Use blinds and curtains wisely. In the winter, open window coverings during the day to let in solar radiation and shut them at night to keep the heat in. Emulate the pioneers by only exposing south and west-facing windows. In the summer, apply this principle in reverse. Keep windows shaded during the day to keep the heat out.
? Pay attention to your thermostat. The NRDC recommends setting the thermostat to 68 degrees in the winter, and dropping it down to 55 degrees when you are asleep or are away from the house for more than a couple hours.
? Stop drafts in windows and under doors. The Utah Department of Natural Resources suggests you can reduce your energy bill by 10 percent by ferreting out and sealing up air leaks. The DOE advises consumers to ?pay special attention around windows and where siding or bricks and wood trim meet.? Caulking, sealant, and weather stripping will do the trick and are available at most hardware stores. Cute little draft blockers can be had at most craft fairs.
? Close doors and vents to unused rooms. Many of us live in houses with more space than we need, yet we still spend the money to heat empty rooms. The DOE calculates that, ?by closing the vents to just one spare bedroom in a fi?e-room house, you can instantly cut your heating bills by as much as 20 percent.?
? Use a humidifier. According to the DOE, ?It?s not the heat; it?s the humidity.? Moisture from a humidifier will increase the ?heat index,? making 68 degrees feel like 76. Maintain a relative humidity between 30 to 50 percent to keep condensation off the windows.


La concurs pot participa grupuri de initiativa formate din elevi, avind un coordonator adult, ONG locale de tineri.

Criterii de eligibilitate:
o Expunerea exacta a problemei si identificarea cailor de solutionare a ei.
o Calitatea subiectelor emise la postul de radio/publicate in ziar.
o Caracterul novator al ideilor prezentate in proiect.

Tematica si continutul emisiunilor si articolelor vor fi elaborate de tineri pentru tineri, avind o implicare a adultilor doar la nivel de coordonare.

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etc. Se va da preferinta proiectelor sustinute de administratia scolii.

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3. Scrisori de garantie pentru cofinantare
4. CV coordonatorului adult
5. Scrisoare de suport din partea directiei scolii
Termenul limita de prezentare a dosarelor – 30 iunie 2004 (data postei).

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