REC coordinator for Azerbaijan Ilkin Kengerli noted that the main documents to be submitted to consideration of ministers are Ministerial Declaration and European action plan? Environment and Children’s Health?. Ministry of Health representative Fuad Mardanli spoke of such important things as access to quality of drinking water, elementary toilet conditions, safety of children?s food etc. Continue reading CHILDREN’S HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT IN LIMELIGHT OF CONFERENCE OF MINISTERS
RESOLUTION of the Forum of the NGOs from the Danube River Basin
We, the representatives of NGOs from 7 European countries, have concluded
RECOGNISING the efforts of the Ukrainian Government to promote the socio-economic development of the Danub? region and to increase the well-being of its people by revitalizing the shipping on the Danube;
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the high internatioinal status of the Danube Delta as one of the most important European wetlands, part of the UNESCO “Danube Delta” Biosphere Reserve, the biggest reedbed complex in the world, Ramsar Wetland Site of International Importance, and one of the 200 Global ecoregions selected by WWF; Continue reading RESOLUTION of the Forum of the NGOs from the Danube River Basin
Fuel and Energy Development Minister Majid Karimov of Azerbaijan, CERA Chairman Joseph Stanislav, DEIK Executive Board member Nihat Gokyigit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Deputy Undersecretary Alev Kilic, U.S. President George W. Bush’s Senior Advisor for Caspian Basin Energy Diplomacy Steven Mann and Iranian Special Representative Mahdi Safari are attending the 2-day conference. Continue reading ENERGY CONFERENCE STARTS IN TURKEY
Pan-European art laboratory
The project will build on the recommendations elaborated during the Moving Borders seminar which was part of ECF Enlargement of Minds programme, held in Villa Decius in Krakow in October 2003. Continue reading Pan-European art laboratory
Climate change puts pressure on London defences
"The biggest indicator of change that is already happening is usage of the Thames Barrier," King told the conference late on Monday.
"The Thames Barrier was designed to be used once every two or three years and in that period after it was built in 1980 it was indeed used once every two or three times a year. We’re now using it six times a year."
The direct cost of a breach in the flood defences would exceed 30 billion pounds ($52.70 billion) directly, King added, not including the "indirect" damage to people’s lives.
Scientists predict that heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2), produced by burning fossil fuels, can raise the temperature of the Earth, melt ice caps and cause flooding.
The most recent time that CO2 levels were higher than now was 55 million years ago, when CO2 was more than double current levels and the sea about 100 meters higher, King said.
King saw climate change posing the biggest threat to Britain from changes to rainfall patterns and storm damage to coastlines.
Infestatia parazitara a caprelor negre din Muntii Rodnei
Am primit azi un text despre infestarea parazitara a caprelor negre din Rodnei, text realizat de catre unul dintre participantii la valuarea din Rodnei, Chis Timur (medic veterinar si muzeograf la sectia de Stiintele Naturii al Muzeului Maramuresului de la
Sighetu Marmatiei), impreuna cu un alt medic veterinar, tot de la Sighet.
Fara ca autorii materialului sa mentioneze explicit aceasta concluzie, putem constata ca oile si caprele care sunt urcate la pasunat pe perioada de vara pot transmite diverse boli acestor capre negre, asa cum se poate constata si in bibliografia de specialitate. Daca se doreste pastrarea populatiilor de capra neagra, este nevoie de un control mult mai strict al starii de sanatate a animalelor domestice care urca in munti…
Aveti mai jos cateva date din bibliografia consultata de mine:
Paraziti comuni cu oile domestice: Prin analiza organelor provenite de la 44 de exemplare de capre negre, originare din patru masive montane ale Carpatilor din Romania, in lucrarea lui Vadim Nesterov publicata in 1997 sub titlul The helminthic fauna of the chamois Rupicapra rupicapra Couturir (!Sic, greseala mentionata de Peter Lengyel) 1938 in the Carpati Mountains from Romania¶, a fost intocmita o lista de specii ale faunei de helminti: Moniezabenedeni, Coenurus cerebralis, Echinococcus granulosus (un chist), Cysticercus tenuicollis, Dictyocaulus filaria, Protostrongylus rupicaprae, Haemoncus contortus, Trichostrongylus vitrinus, Ostertagia
circumcineta, Osterstargia trifurcata, Marsallagia marshalli, Nematodirus spathiger, Nematodirus fillicollis, Chabertina ovina, esophagostomusvenulosum, Trichocephalus ovis, Trichocephalus globulosa. Dupa ce insira aceste 17 specii, autorul zice ca 17 dintre cele 18 specii (!sic, greseala mentionata de Peter Lengyel) de viermi sunt comuni si in oile domestice care pasc in jurul ariei ocupate de populatii de capre negre. Autorul mai adauga ca doar 8 dintre cele 44 de exemplare de capre negre analizate au prezentat o acumulare crescuta de helminti (5,5%), explicand acumularea helmintica redusa prin existenta unei perioade limitate cand infestarea se poate produce: Exista doar trei luni pe an in careconditiile sunt favorabile pentru infestare, deoarece in restul anului, stratul de zapada si precipitatiile limiteaza posibilitatile pentru parazitare.
Paraziti contactati de la caini ciobanesti: Intr-o lucrare a lui Vadim Nesterov (din 1997), intitulata Coenurus cerebralis parasitation source for the chamois se mentioneaza: In perioada anilor 1980-1990in aria caprelor negre s-au putut observa cu exceptia rezervatiilor Pietrosul si Retezat 16 cazuri de imbolnavire a exemplarelor de capra neagra infestate cu Coenurus cerebralis. Sursa de parazitare cu Coenurus cerebralis sunt cainii ciobanesti infectati si parazitati cu Taenia multiceps. Acesti caini escorteaza turmele care pasc pe pasunile alpine.Carnivorele salbatice urs, lup si vulpe sunt putin prezenti in perioada de vara in jurul pasunilor animalelor domestice. Pe aceste terenuri nu au fost gasite excremente provenind de la carnivore salbatice. In perioada de iarna, cand este posibila existenta unei interfate intre capre negre si carnivore salbatice (lupi), stratul de zapada acopera excrementele ultimelor si topirea zapezii spala-indeparteaza formele parazite invazive de pe vegetatie. Din 1990, cand au fost stabilite masuri coercitive pentru a dezinfesta cainii ciobanesti, nu au mai fost semnalate cazuri de infestare a caprelor negre cu Coenurus cerebralis.
Date generale cu privire la infestatia parazitara a caprelor negre din Muntii Rodnei
In urma examenului ovolarvohelmitoscopic s-au stabilit urmatoarele:
Proba nr. 1:
Crotine capra neagra, recoltate din Pietrosul Rodnei, fata Pietrosului.
In urma examenului microscopic s-a stabilit o infestatie medie cu oua de Trichostrongylidae. Boala se numeste Trichostrongyloza si este o nematodoza produsa de nematozi din familia Trichostrongylidae, care se dezvolta in tubul gastrointestinal la mamifere si pasari, afectand cu precadere rumegatoarele mici si mari. Viermii din aceasta familie sunt egal calibrati, de dimensiuni relativ mici cu capsula bucala redusa. Masculii au bursa caudala bine dezvoltata, prevazuta cu coaste si 2 spiculi. Femelele sunt ovipare, iar ouale in omentul pontei, sunt segmentate prevazute cu o coaja neteda si subtire. Acesti paraziti nu necesita gazda intermediara. S-au identificat Trichostrongylus capricola si Strongylus vicarius.
Proba nr. 2:
Crotine de capra neagra recoltate in zona creasta Piciorul Plescutei din Masivul Ineu.
In urma examenului microscopic s-a stabilit o infestatie medie cu larve de Dyctiocalus filaria si cu larve de Protostrongylidae, viermi cu localizare pulmonara, ambii paraziti facand parte din Metastrongylidoze-Prelmintoze.
Larvele de Dictyocaulus sunt granulate mai ales in portiunea mijlocie a corpului si au corpul egal calibrat si filiform. Larvele de Dictyocaulus filaria masoara circa 500/20 microni, prezentand la extremitatea anterioara un buton cefalic, iar la cea posterioara este usor conica. Au culoarea inchisa. Contaminarea se face pe cale bucala cu larve infestante odata cu hrana. Parazitul adult se localizeaza la nivelul bronhiilor si traheii provocand afectiuni inflamatorii grave, dar se afla si pe tractul tubului digestiv si sunt eliminate prin fecale. Larvele de Protostrongylus rufescens sunt transparente, elarvarea lor producandu-se in bronhii sau intestin. Larvele masoara circa 400/17 microni, prezentand un apendice caudal ondulat. Contaminarea caprelor se face prin consumul de melci cu larve infestante. Melcii din genurile Succinea, Agriolimax, Monacha constituie gazde intermediare pentru acest parazit.
Proba nr. 3:
Crotine de capra neagra recoltate din zona Creasta Piciorul Plescutei din Masivul Ineu.Prin examene parazitologice, folosind tehnicile:
flotatiei, sedimentarii, migrarii larvelor nu au fost identificate forme parazitare.
Proba nr. 4:
Crotine de capra neagra recoltate din zona Creasta Piciorul Plescutei din Masivul Ineu. In urma examenului microscopic s-a stabilit o
infestatie medie cu larve de Dyctyocalus filaria si cu oua de Trichostrongylidae ambele parazitoze fiind descrise anterior. In urma prelucrarii celor 4 probe de crotine recoltatede la capre negre s-au identificat 4 specii de paraziti si s-a stabilit o infestatie medie cu oua de nematozi din familia Trichostronylidae si cu larve din familia Metastrongylidae.
In cazul infestatiei cu larve de Dictyocalus si Protostrongylus semnele preliminare ca tusea seaca, apoi grasa pot aparea la un numar mic de animale, dimineata si dupa eforturi. Marile functiuni organice nu sunt modificate. Iarna animalele slabesc, avand repercursiuni asupra parului si asupra capacitatii de aparare de pradatori. In mod obisnuit evolutia este subclinica, dar in cazul suprapunerii cu alte boli se produce moartea indeosebi la tineretul caprin. In cazul infestatiei cu Trichostrongylidae (in cazul de fata fiind vorba de Strongylus vicarious ceparaziteaza in stomac (cheag) si Trichostrongylus capricola) leziunile la nivelul tubului digestiv nu sunt prea accentuate ele constand din congestii si inflamatii difuze ale mucoasei gastrice. Semnele de boala in general sunt sterse, ele manifestandu-se mai pregnant iarna. La tineret helmintoza este grava si produce moartea la
varsta de 2-3 luni. Tulburarile digestive sunt: diareea urat mirositoare, crotine acoperite cu mucus,lipseste pofta de mancare si animalele slabesc.
Masuri de prevenire
Pasunatul pastoral al turmelor de oi si capre domestice trebuie facut cu discernamant facandu-se in zonele aprobate pentru pasunat.
Deparazitarea medicamentoasa a oilor si caprelor cu 14 zile inainte de plecarea la pasunat pe platourile montane (produse edicamentoase pe baza de albentazol).
Climate Change – Featured Projects
WWF’s work with companies to reduce CO2 emissions demonstrates that voluntary corporate commitments can be valuable in demonstrating innovative technologies and the business case for climate solutions. No matter how valuable they may be, a set of voluntary measures can not replace the environmental protection and business certainty provided by government-led mandatory caps on CO2 emissions.
WWF and the Center work with companies to customize progressive business plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, specifically focusing on carbon dioxide emissions. There are many ways that companies can reduce CO2 emissions, including:
increasing the efficiency of buildings and factories,
taking advantage of recent advances in combined heat and power to increase energy efficiency and lower energy costs,
purchasing power generated from renewable energy sources,
integrating next-generation efficiency measures into the design of new buildings, factories, and products,
integrating energy and environmental efficiency into building, product, and process design, optimizing existing manufacturing processes, and educating employees, customer base, and supply chain to help take advantage of best practices for greenhouse gas mitigation.
The first six businesses to join the Climate Savers Program are International Business Machines (IBM), Johnson & Johnson, Polaroid Corporation, Nike, Lafarge, The Collins Companies, and Sagawa Express.
[b]How it works[/b]
World Wildlife Fund and the Center for Energy and Climate Solutions seek companies willing to lead the way in implementing solutions to climate change. WWF and the Center support these companies in ?eveloping strategic climate and energy management plans and help to communicate and promote these efforts to the public, to policymakers and to the wider business community.
WWF’s goal is to reverse the rising trend in carbon dioxide emissions from industrialized countries in the beginning of the 21st century. Staff at WWF and the Center accomplish this goal by helping companies adopt a comprehensive portfolio of climate and energy management strategies that include a mix of immediate and long-term actions. In a customized Climate Savers agreement, your company commits to greenhouse gas reduction goal and works with WWF and the Center to outline the key action areas for achieving measurable reductions in carbon dioxide emissions.
Companies that join WWF’s Climate Savers Program measure their progress against other companies internationally. With other business leaders, your company can take part in an annual event addressing the latest climate and energy management systems, technologies, and policy trends on climate and other related environmental issues.
We believe that companies that join the Climate Savers Program will become competitive leaders in their sector. They will also gain public recognition for environmental achievements through WWF’s communication outlets, including its Web site and newsletters, and through recognition events. Join us and lead the way to creating a healthy climate for business and the environment.
[b]What WWF Brings to the Program[/b]
WWF has staff working around the world on results-oriented climate programs, policy initiatives, and research projects. Your company can join a select group of business leaders and develop practical strategies to cut carbon dioxide emissions, shape long-term greenhouse gas mitigation plans, and learn about trends in greenhouse gas policy and the impacts of climate change.
World Wildlife Fund is a leading authority on the causes and impacts of climate change as well as climate change solutions. WWF was established 40 years ago with a mission to protect the health and well-being of all life on the planet. Today, WWF is the largest independent member-based conservation organization in the world, with 4.7 million supporters, and projects in nearly 100 countries. WWF’s Web sites attract thousands of visitors each day. In addition to its strong conservation history and communication network, WWF has the most recognizable conservation logo in the world — the panda!
[b]About CECS[/b]
The Center for Energy and Climate Solutions is a one-stop shop devoted to helping businesses design and customize climate mitigation plans. Dr. Joseph Romm, President of the Center, led the largest program in the country for helping businesses reduce greenhouse gas emissions and is the author of the first book to benchmark the best corporate climate practices, Cool Companies: How the Best Businesses Boost Profits and Productivity by Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions. He has assembled a team of recognized experts in key areas: energy-efficiency building upgrades, cogeneration, motor efficiency and industrial process improvement, renewable energy, and environmental regulations.
CONCURS de compuneri, desene, creatii poetice si teatrale cu tematica ?Salvati bradutii!?
Rezultatele vor fi anuntate pe data de 25 decembrie 2004 la ora 11.00 in cadrul sarbatorii cultural-educationale ?Ocrotiti bradutii!? in incinta Centrului cultural ?FLACARA? unde vor participa elevi ai scolilor si liceelor din mun. Chisinau.
Detaliile pot fi aflate la adresa [email][/email]
Invingatorii concursurilor vor obtine cadouri memorabile.
Romania va participa la sesiunea Comisiei Internationale pentru Protectia Fluviului Dunarea
Cu acest prilej, luni va avea loc Reuniunea Ministeriala dedicata celei de a X-a aniversari a semnarii Conventiei privind cooperarea pentru protectia si utilizarea durabila a fluviului Dunarea.
Programul cuprinde prezentarea si adoptarea de catre ICPDR a Programului de Actiune pentru Inundatii, adoptarea Proiectului Declaratiei si adoptarea formala a Declaratiei Dunarii, semnarea Memorandumului de Intelegere pentru Tisa si decernarea premiului ‘Danube Art Masters’.
Conventia privind cooperarea pentru protectia si utilizarea durabila a fluviului Dunarea a fost semnata in iunie 1994 la Sofia (Bulgaria), de 11 state situate in Bazinul Dunarii (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republica Ceha, Germania, Ungaria, Republica Moldova, Romania, Republica Slovaca, Slovenia si Ucraina), precum si de Comisia Europeana. Serbia si Muntenegru au semnat Conventia in anul 2002.
Sub coordonarea ICPDR, statele din bazinul hidrografic al Dunarii coopereaza pentru implementarea Directivei Cadru pentru Apa 60/2000/EEC si pentru realizarea unui Plan de management unitar la nivelul bazinului hidrografic al Dunarii/ROMPRES/.